My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3754: Stone tools

"Little Thief of the Night Emperor! Where's this girl?" Solanum stretched out his hand, a little unhappy: "But this girl asked Meng Jie to invite you to this grand event—"

Su Jin was dumb, and then said: "I owe it first, Human Race's stuff smells of sweat, I think you don't look good either."

"" Solanum stomped angrily.

"Don't be angry with your husband, he is a large number of adults, and it is the best to spare your life." Qingqiu Mengmeng looked at Solanum in a reproachful tone.

"He is angry with me, Sister Meng, let's not get close to him. This guy is acting in a wicked way. We have not seen that king and god. Maybe it was a despicable method." Dragon Kwai took Qingqiu. Mengmeng held it in her arms and pushed it several steps away.

Qingqiu Mengmeng obviously has no choice but to take the nightshade--

With a sorry look, he invited: "Sir, please."

Su Jin nodded.

The 13th floor of Shenbao is here!

This sacred building is only thirteen stories high, but compared to other buildings around it, it is considered the tallest place, and there are constant ancestors of the Qingqiu line coming in and out.

"Human race, that strong human race..." Qingqiu protoss watched from a distance. They first discovered Qingqiu Mengmeng and Dragon Kwai, and when they saw Su Jin again, every protoss face looked a little weird.

"Why did the young lady invite him... This is the place of the Protoss, but he does have the power comparable to the gods, and has gained a lot of respect from the Qingqiu Protoss."

"As long as our Qingqiu King God doesn't object, who would dare to provoke this human race? He has destroyed the existence of a King God, but the young lady approached a human race. If this is made known to other **** races, I am afraid it will be of our Qingqiu family. Bad reputation—"

"What's the disadvantage? This human race is very strong. Whether it is a human or a god, it respects the strong. Isn't our low-level **** respecting the king? He can kill the king, think about his status? ."

"It's terrible, a strong human race who can kill the king and god, in this way, it is not unusual to be able to walk with our young lady."

"Yes, but it always feels weird, our protoss exchange meeting, he is here..."


Su Jin naturally wouldn't pay attention to the opinions of the Protoss on him——

He, Qingqiu Mengmeng and Solanum, had already reached the first floor of the 13th floor of Shenbao.

There is a huge space here, and every Protoss stall has at least tens of thousands of square meters. Among them, there are countless treasures, and there are even some special mysterious items——

Su Jin walked to the first booth and took a look at random. This Protoss is obviously a member of the Hetu family. Regardless of the dress style, it is very similar to Hetu Jianxingtian before then. .

"Human clan powerhouse... you haven't hurt the sword of my Hetu protoss. You have already won the respect of my Hetu protoss. You can use this treasure to see if there is anything you like." The stall owner is a differently dressed A young man from Hetu, when he saw Su Jin, hurriedly invited.

Su Jin shook his head, "No, it's all the things the Protoss needs, I can't control it."


Among the treasures in this stall, there are some very high-grade golden heraldic treasure chests. Judging from those heraldry, they should be treasures that are beneficial to the rules of the gods. Naturally, Su Jin would not need such treasures.

"Golden God's Rule Adjustment Box, hey...we Qingqiu Protoss is so poor, only Meng Sister can buy it--" Solanum was almost crying, staring eagerly.

Obviously, only the golden heraldic treasure chest is the most precious thing in this stall, but the dragon kombu does not have a magical treasure for equivalent exchange.

"Your god's rules are already extremely perfect, you don't need this **** treasure." Qingqiu Mengmeng said to Dragon Kwai.

After that, Su Jin slowly opened the'Maha Prison Eye', and saw directly through the dozens of stalls on the first floor. Soon, his eyelids twitched, as if the throbbing of the soul, slowly raised his head.

On the thirteenth floor of this Shenbao, on the fourth floor, there is something that makes Su Jin feel mysterious——

"Why..." Qingqiu Mengmeng asked Su Jin softly when he saw Su Jin's head up.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head, "There is nothing I like here, go up and have a look, the more precious should be the higher the better?"

"Not necessarily. The Hetu lineage first came, but it was just arranged here, and the fourth floor or above is the place for our Qingqiu Protoss to exchange." Qingqiu Mengmeng said.

Immediately, Su Jin directly began to go upstairs——

Second floor.

the third floor.

Until the fourth floor, the throbbing of the soul in Su Jin's heart became more obvious.

When Su Jin came to the fourth floor, many Qingqiu Protoss and Hetu Protoss all looked at him in unison—

"Ye Di was invited by me, you don't have to be nervous." Qingqiu Mengmeng explained.

Su Jin perceives carefully, he ignores other people's gazes, follows that special induction, and through the eyes of Maha Town, he quickly reflects the appearance of an object in his mind——


Su Jin turned around and walked to a stall in the middle of the west. The Hetu Protoss in this stall was a young man wearing a black cloak.

"Human race powerhouse." The young man's voice seemed cold, and when he finished speaking these four words, he stopped talking.

"Hello." Su Jin responded tepidly. He looked at the sacred stones, and finally at a few **** ancient clothes. After moving his steps, he looked at a stone tool that looked like a ball of earth.

Qingqiu Mengmeng also looked at Su Jin curiously... as if there was something Su Jin fancyed in this stall.

"How to exchange that divine stone?" Su Jin suddenly pointed to the colorful stone next to the earth ball and asked.

"Exchange at equal value. If you can take out what I want, the sacred stone can be taken away." The stall owner said in the youth.

"What counts as what you want? How to count..." Su Jin asked.

The young man of the stall was silent. He didn't like Human Race, no matter what kind of Human Race he was, he would not like it no matter how strong it was.

However, the young stall owner still said coldly: "At least one piece of clear water crystal."

"That's so expensive?" Solanum drew a sigh of relief, which was simply persuading to retreat. If there really is a clear water crystal, I am afraid I can buy all the treasures in this stall.

"If you want to change it, you can change it, if you don't have it, you can leave, don't force it," said the young stall owner.

Su Jin didn't know what the'Clear Water Celestial Crystal' was, and then he pointed to the earth ball-like stone tool and asked, "Where is that earth ball? Is it the same price as that piece of sacred stone? Change?"

The young stall owner pondered for a moment, and shook his head: "One magic weapon is enough, the magic weapon my protoss can use, and I can use it—"

Su Jin said indifferently: "I don't have a magic weapon. I can create a magic technique for you. Would you like to change it?"

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