My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3764: One finger

With the heavy drink of the King of Longevity, the Longevity Road accompanies him, and the blurry scene seems to have begun to become clear. If you look closely, you will find that this longevity road is no small thing.

On the road to longevity, there are many **** colors, heaven and earth, and all things, as long as there is spirit, and everyone wants to walk on the road of longevity, and the obsession of all things in the common people seems to be able to turn into the power of the king of longevity, and his rules of the king are gradually growing!


The whole road of longevity seemed to sway, and the land of colored glaze also trembled fiercely. This longevity king **** showed his true skills, and it was not like a point-to-stop appearance!

The Qingqiu God Realm is not far away--

In front of the vast temple, Qingqiu Mengmeng's face was also extremely nervous, and soon, a hand shadow dangled in front of her eyes.

"Sister Mengmeng!" Dragon Kwai frightened Qingqiu Mengmeng.

"Something?" Qingqiu Mengmeng asked.

"Back then, the foster father taught us that it's okay to touch the heart, but never touch the mortal heart. He also said that the foster mother is a human race, which is a tragedy for him. Let us take it as a warning." Said in a matter of course.

"Did God Father say..." Qingqiu Mengmeng said calmly: "Why don't I remember."

"Hee hee, you are a natural fetus, of course he dare not tell you, and you are different now, you are the king of God." Dragon Kwai was talking, a little depressed: "Waiting for watching? I really want to see the performance of the future husband-in-law. They say that he can kill the king god, and the **** Zuo Luo Tian Wang died in his hands, but we have not seen the scene of the **** Zuo Luo Tian Wang's death. Look, but Ye Di must not be careless, what if he falls, there will be a sad sister in the world by then—"

"You talk a little too much--" Qingqiu Mengmeng had no choice but to take the nightshade, his eyes gathered on the battlefield again.

Solanum nigrum:……

"No, you don't think that there is really a human race that can defeat the king god, right? I was right in that battle. We haven't seen it before. Who knows if Ye Di used other despicable means to kill him. Zuo Luo Tianwang?" Solanum asked.

"He's not the kind of person you think--" Qingqiu Mengmeng knew Su Jin's bearing and shook his head.

"Hey! Saying that we all know Ye Di together, it's not long, how do you feel that you know him better than me?" Dragon Kwai said with a weird tone, sticking out his tongue.

Qingqiu Mengmeng was silent.

In the next second, Qingqiu Mengmeng and Dragon Kwai were all attracted by the battle! The King of Longevity is too powerful, and the longevity of the heavenly beings’ prayers, transformed into the rules of the King of God, continue to strengthen his power!

But Yedi's sword light soaring to the sky is also not small!

"I am the longevity, and this day is the longevity day! Ye Di, you are careless!" The King of Longevity was somewhat proud.

"The sky I hold, even if you live forever, it's hard to occupy--" Su Jin said lightly.

The face of the King of Longevity changed!


Just now the longevity road wanted to control the sky in the glazed land, but when he first took control of the sky, it only succeeded for a few seconds,——

"It's really rare for a human race to be able to do yours." The King of Longevity was really surprised. He couldn't think of how many methods the Ye Di had. It is easy to know that he is a King God and palms a piece of the sky. The human race silently excluded him from the eternal life, which is very unimaginable.

"As long as you want to live forever, you can't defeat me. I open the gate of longevity, and it will be in a strong and invincible state. Be careful!" The king of longevity shook his feet, and the added void suddenly opened an incomparably bright gate of longevity. White Haoguang.

The rules of the King God in circles, like the Taotao Manhe River, quickly entangled, and the power of the King of Longevity adds another three points!

"Kill!" The King of Longevity felt almost, this was his peak state, and the place where the Ye Emperor stood was also on the Longevity Road!



On the road to longevity, countless spiritual beings all echoed, and one piece of destruction turned into a whirlpool of reincarnation, swallowing everything they encountered!


The destructive vortex of reincarnation shattered everything, but when the vast and vast vortex gradually approached the Ye Emperor, a strange scene appeared!

The sour loud noise, directly resounded through the world! Su Jin's colorful sword screen soaring to the sky, when it encounters the destruction vortex, it does not damage the slightest, and he keeps the destruction vortex outside!

So strong!

Liu Li'er and the little girl next to him all exclaimed out loud--

The King of Longevity was also wide-eyed. He did not give up, his hands were in the shape of the sky, and he shouted again: "The starry sky swallows. Ye Di can live forever, and Zhan Ye Di is to gain Dao, kill and kill!"

Circles of stars, time and space, gradually began to form a starry sky vortex, where there is endless darkness, there is endless power of longevity, the center of the vortex, a longevity road runs through the sky and the earth, among them, the strength that could not live forever yesterday There are even more than a dozen ancient sages’ shadows, all condensed!

Murderous transpiration!

"I have given you a trick before--" Su Jin spoke lightly and said to the King of Longevity.

"Do you dare to let me do this trick again? If you dare, I will admit that you are the human master Yedi!" Changsheng King God shouted wildly.

The people of the world are all thundered by this phrase... all sluggish...

As the saying goes, I have seen a shameless commoner, I have never seen such a shameless King God! Is it true that the family does not enter the house? This longevity line really has the essence of shame——

Su Jin smiled. When he repeatedly endures a shameless person, he can only gain an inch. His eyebrows are raised, and circles of rich colors begin to appear. This divine eye is different from his years of golden pupils, Buddha pupils of great wisdom, and Maha. Eye of prison!


Taiyang King God and Hetu King God looked at each other in horror. The two King Gods did not expect that the Emperor of the Night could do this!

"When he cut Zuo Luo Tian Wang Shen, he used the power of the world-honored person, and he was almost alive before he was lucky enough to cut Zuo Luo Tian!" Tai Yang Wang Shen took a breath, "Does he want to use himself now? That weak sword, come to attack the King of Longevity?"

"I haven't seen the battle of the God of Zuoluo Heaven, but if it's really like what Taiyang brother said, then the emperor of this night is imminent, otherwise he will only get stronger and stronger!" Hetu Wangshen said in a cold voice. To the Taiyang King Shendao.

It's incredible--

At least in the situation that Taiyang King God currently sees, he has plans to see the Emperor of the Night!

Su Jin's mysterious colored eyes flickered slightly, and then, his Heavenly Dao right hand gently pointed to the longevity road in the starry sky...


The most deafening sound in the history of Glazed Glass! That longevity road was cut directly by the sword light that was enough to shock the world!

One finger to break the road, one finger to open the world!

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