My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3774: The heavens outside

Protoss, unworthy!

The faces of the three kings and gods were all very ugly. After all, this came from a senior of the same race, and they couldn't refute or disprove this senior who still hopes to stand on their side——

"Whether the predecessors are rebellious or sinful, the blood of the gods is flowing in your body, this cannot be denied! I wait for the three juniors, do not want to fight each other, as long as the seniors hand over the son of Yedi, the gods will rule in the future All the heavens, it's naturally a contribution to the predecessors!" Hetu King God summoned up the courage to raise his voice.

"Are you talking to me—" Protoss old turtle raised his neck, and his blind eyes seemed to be watching Hetu King God.

"I see it...Since persuasion is useless..." Taiyang King God said calmly.

The God of Hetu gritted his teeth, "Fuck! Since the seniors are ignorant, don't blame the juniors, Ye Di must fall today!"

"He will return soon, you have to seize the opportunity..." The old tortoise voice of the Protoss race seemed to be urging the other party to do it quickly.

So confident?

They are three kings!

The words of Senior Turtle are naturally not afraid of these three king gods, but this only made Taiyang King God and the others hesitate a little bit.

Murder in the eyes of Hetu King God, the terrifying King God rule broke out, "Senior, offended!"


The rules of the king **** on the king **** Hetu are like the vast ocean, crisscrossing each other. Under his feet, it seems that the scene of the endless river is manifested. With his raised arm, the river vision is free to condense!

Protoss old tortoise naturally wants to protect Yedi Dao body——

Seeing Hetu, Taiyang, and Changsheng, the three kings and gods were all breaking out the rules of the kings. For a time, the four powerhouses, including Senior Turtle, directly swept the surrounding time and space into pieces!

"Senior, if the junior's guess is right, you are imprisoned in the land of Liuli, and you can't get out of this prison of world rules, right?" Taiyang Wangshen slowly said.

"You guessed it—" the Protoss old turtle responded.

Taiyang King God has a fierce look on his face, "Then today, I am afraid it will be the last day of the existence of the predecessors! Under the eruption of the rules of our King God, thousands of time and space will be ruled by our King God. The king **** is invincible, and you can't attack us!"


The rules of the King God on the Taiyang King God spread directly, covering the bodies of the King God Hetu and the King God Longevity. The rules of the three King Gods can shuttle between each other without affecting each other, almost none of the three King Gods. The seams are general, describing a supreme power!

"What about the cage, it can't stop an explorer's footsteps--" Senior Turtle's voice spread all over the world!

At this moment! The three kings and gods of Taiyang, Changsheng, and Hetu have changed their faces! The rules of their three kings and gods are intertwined, and the three kings and gods can appear instantaneously in thousands of time and space! The current situation is like this. The three kings and gods seem to exist in a very far-reaching time and space in the heavens, and they are surrounded by thousands of time and space, like a large parallel network densely covered by the sky.

Boom Kaka~~~

Ten thousand time and space, every time and space, began to manifest the four legs of an old tortoise, each of which was tied to a chain, and that chain seemed to be connected to the entire heavens!

"The sky outside... turned out to be the heavens outside... before... senior..." Taiyang King screamed. In this space and time, they saw the four tortoise feet following in the land of colored glaze. Same as seen!

too frightening……

Among the Protoss, the ancestral gods who have long passed away in the distant ages, I am afraid they have this ability! This rebellious old tortoise has reached the stage of the heavens outside his body.

The three kings, Taiyang, Changsheng, and Hetu, were almost scared to cry, how can they fight! They thought that the battle with Senior Tortoise must be very difficult, but the opponent is imprisoned, not without a chance... But now... the heavens outside, the time and space of the sky, seem to surround the old turtle, their Planning, conspiracy, just like pediatrics!

Horror, missing person, I don’t know the horror of Senior Tortoise——

In the land of colored glaze, countless monks have witnessed this scene! Those tens of thousands of time and space are as mysterious as a large parallel web, and the three kings Shenfei seem to sink into one of the time and space planes, but they seem to be very scared now!

"This old tortoise is the eternal secret of the emperors of the past dynasties. Looking at his appearance, I don't know how many years I have been imprisoned under the blue cloud." Someone was almost frightened, and when he reacted, his tone was excited. Unbearable excitement.

"The green clouds are scattered, and the Yedi deity on the tortoise shell behind Senior Turtle is also revealed! With the seniors, the deity of Yedi is naturally worry-free! Now I am waiting to confirm what seniors said...Wait for the return of the Yedi Primordial God!"

"I am afraid that the three king gods will never think of it. A protoss who rebelled against the gods and lived forever in Liuli years has achieved such terrible power. The three king gods, Taiyang, Hetu, and Changsheng, are a little at a loss now."

"Will these three kings die--"


Too awesome!

Thousands of gods in Qingqiu God Realm are also panicking--

Before the temple, Qingqiu King God’s old face wore a touch of regret. Even if the city was like him, he had never thought about this situation. He was fortunate that he did not provoke Senior Turtle and did not go. Compared with Ye Di, if he returned, he would not. Blame him too much.

"The heavens outside, the realm that I can't even imagine for the King God... This senior, I want to protect a human race." Qingqiu King God silently thought, then went into the temple and started to comfort his daughter. Up.

now! The three kings and gods of Taiyang were all trembling, and hardly allowed the second thought to appear. The three kings and gods, taking their own humiliation, threw directly and knelt to the old turtle of the gods!

"Senior, please read it for the sake of the same clan, and spare the younger generation!" Taiyang Wangshen smiled three times and bowed nine times. In addition, Hetu and Changsheng Wangshen are the same, knowing that they can't defeat the old tortoise of the Protoss.

"I won't cut you off... Everything will wait until Ye Di returns. On the contrary, he will give you a fair chance to compete--" Qing Yun gathered again, the vision dissipated, and the old turtle also sank Qing Yun, and everything seemed to be nothing. The same happened.

"Thank you, senior, for not killing!" The King of Longevity, the God of Hetu, and the God of Taiyang all manifested from time and space, and emerged in the land of colored glaze.


Su Jin’s face was indifferent to the cemetery of the gods. He chased for a long time, only to find that the trajectory of the king **** was all around. This was the function of some king god’s rules, and the other party wanted to lead it to another way to cover it. The direction and location of the real hiding——

"Open!" Su Jin raised his hand, a sword shattered all the rules of the kings and gods around him, his pupils bloomed with different colors, and this sword also had a sword light that cut open a dark palace.

Just after cutting away the falsehood, a scene was reflected in Su Jin's eyes.

Hunting in the wind, in front of that divine mansion, there were two Shitongs with red eyes flashing demon and began to slowly raise their heads.

Two stone boys, guard the Yin Palace!

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