
Liu Li'er finally faced reality and gave up her hatred, and she didn't want to be locked up here for a lifetime, and she didn't want to be imprisoned forever like Haowangshen that day.

Su Jin's eyes lit up--

"Come here." Su Jin said calmly.

There was a little struggle in Liu Lier's heart, but that struggle was fleeting, she did not hesitate too much, stepped on it, and soon fell in front of Su Jin.

Su Jinzai looked at Liu Li'er carefully. The scent on her body was very weak. If she couldn't calm down, it would be hard to taste it. When she came today, she changed into a brand-new emerald dress and her hair was still wet. Soon after bathing in the lake--

"How to do it." Liu Lier said indifferently.

The voice just fell.

Su Jin shook a wonderful primordial spirit halo, which enveloped Liu Li'er, and under the darkness, the Qingbai Mountain of Tablets seemed to be pleated and glowing.

Since Liu Li'er was born, there has never been such a tense moment. Su Jin’s appreciative eyes made her feel scared——

She has been to the human world.

Knowing the cultivation method of the Taoist priest of the human race, and Su Jin's current body of the soul aura, that is, he, I am afraid that it can only be done with the body of the deity.

Face to face, Su Jin put his hand on her shoulder, the skin on that shoulder was as delicate as soft water, and then he said lightly: "Look at my eyes—"

Liu Li'er instinctively looked at--

I was shocked immediately!

Su Jin's eyes are actually nothing special, the only special thing is that his eyebrows are vertical, and the vertical eyes are overflowing with color, which makes her feel familiar!

God... Protoss?

No, not a protoss——

After Liu Li'er thought about it subconsciously, he directly denied the inner thoughts. After all, Yedi's brows were raised and eyes were too similar to the eyes of the gods.

"Release the rules of your god... into the halo of my soul." Su Jin said lightly.

Liu Lier obediently forced out the rules of the black gods, and then said indifferently: "My Tianshui rules are broken, and my strength is greatly reduced. It may not meet your expectations."

"What you want is the rules of Tianshui. Even if it is broken, this king can restore you to the original. Don't be afraid of injury. I can do it even if there is a broken rules of Tianshui." Su Jin motioned to her with his eyes.


Liu Li'er was shocked. If Ye Di could really do it, I'm afraid she could really make her reach the realm of King God when she returned to the Land of Glazed Glaze. She did not hesitate, and while her face was pale, strands of broken sea blue regular lines floated out.


In the Yuanshen Guanghua, from where Su Jin and Liu Li'er were facing each other, a series of Fuxi Dao formations bloomed directly.

Liu Li'er was attracted by those Fuxi Daoxia, looked at other places, and soon she reacted, flushed, and looked at Su Jin with annoyed eyes... this guy... this guy is still...


The lake is rippling like a strong wind on the surface of the lake, from the initial micro wave, to wave after wave, pushing far away——

And from here, an area 30 million miles away.

The Tianhao King God searched for no result, and his anger had nowhere to vent! He was pretty sure that Ye Di was within a hundred million miles around here, but he just couldn't find him!

This is very angry... King God Tianhao never thought that a human race could be so difficult to catch! The key is that he was miserably deceived by the other party and took away the prey he had obtained, which made him unbearable anyway!

"If you don't find you out, I won't be Tianhao!" The God of Tianhao looked around indifferently, except for darkness or darkness, he calmed down, and then went a million miles to the left, and landed in a white canyon with one step on.

If anyone sees this scene, they will definitely be surprised!

An entire canyon is actually piled up of white bones. The skeletons in it are those of different monsters and demons, and some bones, even a finger can be regarded as a mountain range. This canyon is too big—

Tianhao Wangshen seemed familiar with this place.

He fell in the canyon, walked through a skeleton tunnel, and directly saw a gray coffin climbed by a spider web.


The God of Tianhao gently raised his hand, and the ashes on the coffin were swept away, revealing his true expression.

"Brother Hoge, it's time to wake up." Tianhao Wangshen said coldly.

The coffin seemed to be able to understand the words of King Tianhao! Zhan Zhan began to give birth to light, but when I saw it, the coffin began to leave the ground, slowly spinning and floating.


The coffin lid was directly shaken by a black dry arm!

At the moment the coffin lid was shaken off, the black withered arms quickly filled up and turned into a normal skin color, and a middle-aged king **** walked directly out of it——

"The body of my King God is close to decay. If you can't give me a reason, no matter how good the friendship is, I will try everything and I will not let you go!" King Hogg looked at Tianhao King God coldly.

"I'm here this time, naturally there is something good to tell you--" Tianhao King God said coldly, "If you don't want to listen, I will look for other King Gods."

"What's a good thing?" King Hogg was a little confused, looking at the Tianhao King God and asked.

"The opportunity to go out has appeared." Tianhao Wangshen said calmly.

Get out!

King Hogg's face was slightly startled, then his face became solemn, then he sighed and shook his head, "Tianhao, in the cemetery of the gods, no one can escape. Have you been tortured and stupid during the long years?"

The God of Tianhao sneered: "Not long ago, a Protoss used a forbidden law and fell into the cemetery of the gods, and brought a powerful human race—"

"Then? You ate it?" King Hogg asked.

"Almost! That human race kid is always treacherous, I was tricked by him, and he rescued the **** race. He is currently nearby. I think about it, but I think of you. I ask you if you want to go out." King Tianhao God asked.

"Yes! But it is impossible to go out. It is not uncommon for the Protoss to fall here. A Human Race is even more trivial and cannot escape from here. Moreover, what confidence do you have to let the Protoss take us out?" King Hogg Shen Shen Asked.

"It's not by that **** race, but by that human race -" Tianhao King Divine Dao.


Hogg laughed and stared at the God of Tianhao. The Protoss did not rely on him, and he had to rely on a human race. Tianhao was really anxious this time, but it was a futile effort no matter what.

"You don't believe it?" Tianhao Wangshen asked with a frown, not feeling how funny.

"How to believe? You won't really believe that a human race is stronger than a **** race, right? And, no matter how strong the human race is, can it be stronger than you and me?"

"That human race is very extraordinary, possesses the secrets of the sky, and even possesses the unworldly magic! Not long ago, when he rescued the gods from my hand, he displayed the bridge of heaven and earth, disrupting time and space, and I smelled a trace of escape from it. Heaven’s opportunity. I’ll ask you again. If I don’t go, I’ll find other kings and gods." Tianhao king and **** didn’t want to stay here for a moment, and if this lunatic got into trouble, he wouldn’t have time to find Yedi.

King Hogg hesitated, staring at the King Tianhao from time to time, feeling that the other party was very serious and did not intend to lie. He immediately made a decision: "Go! Where is that human race? Just find it in the cemetery of the gods It will happen sooner or later, and it’s safer to walk with you and me—"

"It's a hundred million li nearby!"

"That's easier." King Hogg's body shook slightly, and the King's rules spread directly around the entire canyon, and all the bones in the canyon were trembling.

One after another white bones floated up and quickly evolved into a skull wolf——

"Go, little ones!" King Hogg can do anything here, because this is his place!

The uncountable bone wolf began to rush towards the four directions with the canyon as the center!

However, after a long time passed, neither the King Hogg nor the King Tianhao found any clues——


At this time, more than a day has passed since Su Jin's years of prohibition.

Liu Lier left Qingbai Beishan. She walked with her bare feet in the shallow water by the lake, and unconsciously began to hold her face with her hands. The hotness on her face has not disappeared.

What a shame--

Liu Li'er had no secrets anymore, and only hoped that Ye Di could find a way to leave as soon as possible.

She had never thought that she could be rescued from the brink of death when she was almost eliminated, and all her rules of God would be restored and healed! That's not a big deal, her **** level actually improved by one level in that state!

The mysterious man can use Fuxi Dao Formation, she has become the Ye Emperor now, it is impossible to look back. Liu Li'er now has no burden in her heart. After all, it is not as terrible as she imagined——

As he walked, Liu Lier heard a roar of wolf——

"Don't move those wolves, they can't see us either." Su Jin reminded aloud as if he knew Liu Lier's thoughts.

Liu Li'er's face changed slightly, and she looked back at Su Jin, as if...she doesn't seem to hate Humans much anymore.

As for Ye Di’s reminder, the bone wolves of Liu Lierjue were probably the methods of the Heavenly Hao King God, after all, there were a lot of them.

Su Jin closed his eyes again, leaving only his eyebrows open, his hands continued to fiddle with the void, and pieces of gossip trails appeared, seeming to want to test the spatial intensity of the cemetery of the gods——

What surprised him was that this cemetery of the gods did not seem to be space, nor was it forbidden, but more like an extremely powerful and mysterious rule. This kind of rule is above the rule of King God.

Looking at Su Jin’s state, Liu Li'er felt unclearly complicated. Obviously, the Yedi had become stronger...this is only the body of the soul, if he waits for him to leave the cemetery of the gods and wake the deity, he...only Will be stronger.

The Fuxi Dao formation of Su Jin's body was constantly rotating, and he kept testing, and even separated a strand of Yuanshen, which was too empty, and vaguely discovered the existence of King Tianhao and King Hogg...

With a sneer, a hand that covered the sky was outrageously condensed from that wisp of soul, and shot to the extreme west!

"In the west!" King Hogg clearly sensed the existence of the primordial spirit, and went directly to the west with King Tianhao——

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