My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3782: Take your life!

The one that King Hogg now fears--

He is also considered to have fallen blood mold! With a one-half chance of being hit by him, if it weren't for the **** Ye Emperor and throwing the evil lord at him, he would definitely have a chance to escape!


King Hogg couldn’t move. His rules of the King were like a circle of scriptures, swimming from around his body. The rules of his King were so powerful that even Su Jin, who paid a little attention, felt a little surprised.

"Let me... let me go!" King Hogg's body is dying. He was already in the early stage of decay. This time it took a lot of money to get out of the coffin. If it is normal, his King God He can heal quickly even if there are only 10% of the rules left-

But not anymore!

The rule of the king **** is like a whirlpool, being madly swallowed by the evil lord who looks like a stone gall. He feels that if the rule of the king **** loses more than half, he will instantly decay! It is impossible to stand up again, if all the rules of the king and **** are swallowed, he will completely disappear!

"Let you go? You see the king **** caught by this lord, but can you escape? Don't be silly, your king **** rule is the best match with this lord." Shidan's evil laugh made Hogg King God only shivered!

"You demon! The rules contained in the stone gall can kill the gods in the world, but you are the same clan and gods, why do you treat the gods like this!" King Hogg knows that he has no hope of fleeing, and is still struggling--

"Stop screaming. Actually, for the evil lord, I prefer you to call me the demon lord. After all, when I was not caught in the cemetery of the gods, I was contained in the devil ridge--" the evil lord laughed strangely.


The other party!

The King God of Tianhao heard the roar of King Hogg, he knew that he had to fight quickly, if he couldn't kill the night emperor, he would at least be able to ensure that he could escape--

Otherwise, once King Hogg is finished, he might end up just like King Hogg!

"Emperor Ye, you were defeated by this king god's escaped man not long ago! You are a small human race, you are not qualified to fight against this king god!"

When the Tianhao King God spoke, his body leaned back slightly, his hands raised in the sky!


Wind and cloud change! A handful of green serrated magic soldiers, directly condensed in his hands——

"If it were not for Li'er, how could I be afraid of you..." Su Jin said calmly, "If my deity is there, even if you are in a strong state, and the **** of King Hog, this king can easily crush and kill."

King Tianhao’s face was fierce, and he didn’t want to tell Su Jinduo anymore. From his point of view, the Ye Emperor was obviously delaying time. Now every minute and every second is extremely precious to him. If it were King Hogg God fell, and his hope of survival would become very slim!

"I want your life!" Tianhao Wangshen roared exhaustedly. He raised the magical soldiers, and the powerful Wangshen rules blessed his whole body. At that moment, the green light rose up into the sky, and the magical soldiers also revealed the breath Surprising-

Su Jin's expression hasn't changed at all...

"I have a magic fist called Epoch. Now I am blessed by my heavenly right arm, and the sky arm is blessing the magic fist. I wonder if you can take this blow from me." Su Jin said, with a fist blasted into the sky.


Tianhao Wangshen's face is extremely solemn!

The rich breath of the years of the era made him feel great pressure in his heart!

do not care!

The Tianhao King God had a grim expression, his body seemed to appear together with the green jagged magic soldier!

"What? Impossible!" When the Tianhao King God approached Su Jin for less than 50 meters, he originally thought he had great hopes, but in the next second, a suffocating pressure appeared!

He wants to escape!

The suffocation pressure really made him want to run away!

The Heavenly Hao King God suddenly raised his head, the fist above his head that looked like a mountain range, revealing a rich Tianwei, that kind of Tianwei is hard to imagine!

"The Protoss will only stand still. And I, the strength has been improving, this is the potential of the Human Race--" Su Jin's voice echoed in the ears of the Tianhao King God.


One punch era! Boom!

The weird green sawtooth magic soldier was directly shattered! And Tianhao King God is like a broken kite, planting far away!

Liu Li'er was astonished, thinking that Ye Di really didn't lie to her. With her'help', Ye Di's power was obviously improved.

"It's not how much I improved, but he... was too badly injured." Su Jin explained as if he had noticed Liu Li'er's gaze.


For Su Jin, the injuries suffered by the Heavenly Hao King God were a bit unexpected... as the situation fluctuates, the winner can naturally be determined immediately!

"He is the King of God..." Liu Lier responded softly.

"With his current state, you can beat you. This idiot is going to be planted here today." Su Jin sneered.

Liu Li'er shook his head without speaking.

Su Jin looked at her too highly. Although there is only one word difference between the gods and the kings, their strengths are very different. Even the kings at the end of decay can easily crush her, and Liu Lier thinks that it is not Tianhao Wang Shen is too weak, but Ye Di is too strong!

"Boss! Keep him alive!" The evil lord heard a voice. He is too excited now. There are endless rules of the king and god, rushing into its stone gall body. Now it is like the scorching sun in the night, shining Bright world!

"Then you have to hurry up..." Su Jin responded to the evil lord.

"Good!" The evil lord smiled again and again, and after Su Jin reminded him, under its stone gall body, King Hogg was already in a haggard shape, and the process of decay was accelerating!

"I will curse you for not being able to escape from the cemetery of the gods, not to escape! You will always be imprisoned" King Hogg's breath is getting weaker and weaker-

The God of Tianhao couldn't help coughing up blood...

This Yedi is really ruthless.

Moreover, the God of Tianhao was anxious now, he couldn't help but glance at the God of Hogg!

Just a glance!

"Hogg is over!" The **** of Tianhao roared wildly in his heart. The shock that the scene caused him was unparalleled, especially when he felt that he would follow in the foot of King Hogg, the fear in his heart became stronger and stronger. !

Alive! I have to live anyway--

The Tianhao King God was crazy, and when he looked at Yedi, his face was full of fear, he turned his head and fled!


The Tianhao King God seemed to hit an iron plate!

The surrounding space is like a mortal facing a copper wall and an iron wall, with his current power unable to break through the air!

hateful! If it weren't for serious injuries, how could he be so useless!

"You have taken control of this sky... you have the ability to hold the sky! No, this is impossible! This is the cemetery of the gods, how can a human race do the sky control here!" The Tianhao King was crazy, shaking his head and didn't believe it. He looked at Su Jin and Liu Li'er not far away, he was naturally unwilling to be planted here!

"In two days, the deity can break through the cemetery of the gods, walk through the void, and return to the deity. You can't breathe at all--" Su Jin said lightly.

Tianhao King God shouted: "Break open the cemetery of the gods, you are idiotic about dreams! You! How can He De?"

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