My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3784: Thunder Swamp

Only then did Liu Lier relax.

Grandpa is the King of Longevity. His longevity line has been despised by other protoss. If he goes out, Liu Li'er will become the king of God again. See which protoss will dare to look down upon her in the future!

"There is a very bad news... the ability is mainly sleeping, but unfortunately, there are ten and eight king gods rules for me to swallow, and I can complete the transformation in a very short time -" evil The lord looked forward to it.

"Come in...All the kings and gods encountered here have a chance." Su Jin raised his hand, and there was a fateful gourd in his palm.

The evil lord's eyes lit up and said, "Can this gourd block my breath? I'm afraid those kings and gods will not appear after smelling the smell of this lord."

"Yes, this treasure is called "Fate Gourd", so it is natural to cover up the fateful breath."

Su Jin said again: "How long do you need to sleep."

"I don't know, if there is a king **** within a hundred miles, the king **** rule will automatically wake me up." said the evil lord.

The range of perception...just a hundred miles--

No wonder the child is hungry like this. With a perception range of hundreds of miles, and the speed is very fast, this evil lord did not starve to death, which is already a miracle.

"You have been in the cemetery of the gods for hundreds of thousands of years. Have you found any peculiar places? For example, the most likely place to leave." Su Jin asked.

The evil lord turned into a stone gall, thinking about it carefully, and then said: "If the boss has the ability, then there is really a place in the cemetery of the gods that is most likely to go out. You walk from my territory to the northwest, and you will pass through at the end. Thunder Swamp, where it’s hard for me to pass, King God dare not pass through, there are unknown secrets in it—"

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and Wang Shen didn't dare to cross, maybe he really had a chance.


"Evil Lord." Su Jin yelled softly.


The evil lord responded instinctively, and immediately after it felt a strange wind blowing around it, and it was getting smaller and smaller. Of course, it would not resist, and was directly taken in by Fate Gourd.

Su Jin hung the fateful gourd around his waist, held Liu Li'er tightly, and instantly disappeared in place, rushing to the Thunder Swamp at the northwest end——


Darkness, invisible darkness, began to appear in front of Su Jin and Liu Lier——

The two ran for two sticks of incense for a time before reaching the edge of the area mentioned by the evil lord.

Apart from the darkness, it was also very humid, and Su Jin and Liu Li'er watched for a while on the edge of Thunder Swamp, and saw many incredible scenes.

For example, silent thunder and lightning, the kind of purple-red lightning, when shining, can fill the northwestern sky.

"If the evil lord can't get through the storm, the evil lord must be extremely dangerous." Liu Lier said slowly, her waist still being held by Su Jin.

he likes……

Then let him.

Since Liu Li'er had already admitted her fate, of course she knew that there would be very big competition waiting for her in the future, such as Gao Yue from the Taiyang line, and it was said that the crystal stone idol changed because of this girl.

There is also Luo Zhi in the line of joy, Qingqiu Mengmeng in the line of Qingqiu——

Su Jin frowned slightly, he was very strange, he couldn't penetrate this thunder swamp with the "Maha Town Prison Eye", and as Liu Lier said, he could feel the terrible thunder swamp——

"Dangerous places can be a way of life." Su Jin said lightly: "Go--"

"Those purple-red lightnings, I am afraid that they can reach the point of killing King God, can you hold it?" Liu Li'er was a little worried. She was not only worried about Su Jin, she did not have much doubt about Su Jin's ability, just afraid of him. I will leave her in a critical moment, after all... after all...

"I have no fear of thunder and lightning." Su Jin said with certainty.

Hearing what Su Jin said, Liu Li'er felt a loss of confidence in her heart. You must know that this is a thunder marsh that even the king and **** can't get through. The evil lord will never lie. If he can't get out, he will be very much. May fall in it.

Su Jin took Liu Li'er directly onto the endless thunder swamp!

In the darkness, there is no rule to find the timing of those purple-red lightnings, so Liu Lier's nerves have been tense now.

As if feeling Liu Li'er's fear, Su Jin smiled and said, "Don't worry, since I am not afraid of thunder and lightning in the world, you will naturally not be afraid. Those lightning will only bypass me when you see them!"

"Really?" Liu Lier didn't believe it.

"Of course it is true, I never lie..."

Before Su Jin's words were finished, the dark world seemed to have turned into purple-red, a few bolts of lightning, each as thick as a mountain, crashed down——

"Humph." Su Jin shook his feet.

A dragon chant caught the attention of Liu Li'er, who curled up a little.

Liu Li'er stayed, how did he feel that the emperor of the night was like the nemesis of everything! After that dragon chant appeared, there was an endless atmosphere of great calamity in the surroundings!




The endless purple-red electric light seemed to have overlooked Su Jin's area in an instant. Only then did Liu Li'er really feel relieved. She even couldn't help but look at Su Jin more—

This man really deserves to be the one who defeated the King God, and he can always surprise her.

"What if we pass through this thunder swamp and haven't found a way out?" Liu Lier asked quietly.

"Then forcefully break open the cemetery of the gods and open up a spatial path--" Su Jin said.

"Uh, are you confident?" Liu Li'er was surprised and asked quickly.

"There is probably a less than one percent chance, and I will take half of the soul of the soul, and I will never try until I have nowhere to go." Su Jin said.

Less than 10% of hope--

It is better than hopeless.

Liu Li'er's confidence increased greatly. She felt that as long as she could go out, it didn't matter whatsoever, even if she delayed some time.

Thunder Swamp.

Among the purple thunder and lightning that appeared from time to time, there were two figures, surrounded by a robbery dragon, crossing the surface of the swamp.

Soon it was time for Banzhuxiang to pass--

This piece of Thunder Swamp, it seems that there is an endless range! Su Jin looked with the eyes of Maha Town Prison, but he couldn't always see the end. In addition to discovering denser and dense purple-red lightning, he was constantly avoiding the white bright spots under Liu Lier's strange gaze.

"Why do you want to bypass those crystal lights..." Liu Li'er couldn't help asking when seeing Su Jin constantly moving around.

"There are big culprits in the swamp, although I am not afraid, but there is no need to waste time on them." Su Jin thought for a while, and shared the vision of'Maha's Prison Eye' with Liu Li'er with the power of the soul.

Liu Li'er stiffened--

She finally saw the problem!

In the field of vision, those crystal white bright spots turned out to be the center of a huge cobweb, and the swamp under each cobweb would have a huge water surface opening.

"They don't belong to the Protoss. Those spiders belong to the monsters." Liu Li'er saw a spider the size of a wooden building, crawling out of the marsh cave. The spider was black with a purple-red mark on the back, the same color as the lightning.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

A cobweb, as if activated, was all shining with purple electric light!

"I have been found! Many—" Liu Lier's scalp was numb.

Those large spiders all crawled out from the surface of the swamp as if they were summoned by an inexplicable existence. There are no counts in the surrounding area!

Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, "Don't be distracted, they are not threatening to us."

Is there really no threat...

Liu Li'er came back to her senses, only feeling that the surrounding scene was changing rapidly. She fixed her eyes on the large area of ​​Thunder Swamp, as if it had become a crystal ball, and she and Su Jin quickly got rid of the spiders!



Liu Li'er truly realized the mystery of this technique--

"The **** of all evils and sins, I am the Thunder Marsh Spider King. Here, let alone gods, even if you are the king gods, you can only be my prey. You can't escape!"

A rather jerky voice appeared in Liu Lier and Su Jin's ears.

A cobweb like the sky, from top to bottom, directly enveloped it!

Liu Li'er had a momentary feeling of heaven and earth, she knew that it was because the shrinking effect disappeared!

Su Jin's expression was indifferent. He saw the swelling of the marsh in the distance. A spider crawled out of the swamp like a great monster of hundreds of miles. The other was actually a human head spider, with several pairs of eyes scattered on the head, and the eyes were exuding shocking Gloomy--

"Tell me how to leave the cemetery of the gods from Thunder Marsh, this king spares you not to die." Su Jin calmly said to Thunder Marsh Spider King.

"Rare... forgive me for not dying... You are really young protoss, you are on the edge of Thunder Swamp, and you are still far away if you want to go out. This is an impossible road, and you will soon become the prey of this king. Don't dream..." Thunder Marsh Spider King said in a dark voice like a rushing thunder.

Su Jin smiled. Since he can walk out of Thunder Swamp, what he has to worry about!

"Those who block me die!" Su Jin yelled softly.

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