My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3814: Stunning handwriting

A golden light floated directly to Tracer from the sky above the imperial city!


That is a full twenty-eight: rule gold core!

"You did that guy, these are all yours—" Su Jin's voice frightened Tracer directly, and then he said: "Install these'rule gold cores'. If you can't kill Dou Kui, then Your chance will make him."

Tracer put away all the ‘rule cores’! He has never been as determined as he is now! He desperately wants to protect these "rules of gold"!

"Give it all to me... This means that if I win after the competition, I can swallow all 28'rule gold pellets'. Brother Ye decided that these 28 rule gold pellets are enough for me to reach the King God! "Traceer was shaking with excitement!

Of course, if there are 28 more'rule golden pills' that can't let him break through, then he is too stupid!

"What a big handwriting--" The treasure queen who quietly watched this scene not far away was also stunned. To be honest, such a good quality ‘rule gold pill’ is unique! It was really surprising that Ye Di bestowed such a chance.

In the eyes of the treasure queen, not only Tracer was excited, but also Dou Kui!

Ye Di meant that Dou Kui understood that he and Tracer could only live one of them!

This also means that if the two of them have their own gods, there is bound to be an extremely **** fight! And in this battle, no one can afford to lose!

Sure enough... Yedi's arm made a sensation in the world!

"Ye Di trusted Tracer so much? Even let Tracer turn the Taiyang line and focus on cultivation. This happiness came too suddenly, but the outcome between the two is still unknown, but it is clear that Ye Di I'm more optimistic about Tracer—" The protoss with the Hetu lineage is almost draining, and I am extremely envious!

"Then every'rule gold pill' is worth the three effects refined by the treasure queen! Even if the effects of the stronger rules are counted, it is far more than that! The handwriting is too big, if I can get one. All right."

"Trace has already been promoted to a high-ranking **** with the help of the first ruled golden core, and the remaining twenty-eight are enough for him to break through to the king god! This method is too terrifying, absolutely unprecedented, no one to come! "

"We are in the Hetu line, why should we fight against the Ye Emperor...The several gods in the Taiyang line, including Qingqiu and Changsheng, have turned against the gods and gained supreme benefits from the Ye Emperor!"

"Qingqiu Mengmeng, break through the king **** with the help of the emperor, and so is Liu Li'er! The nearly dead longevity line already has two king gods..."

"Shhh, just keep your voice down, Taiyang King God is getting angry, and our Hetu King God is also very angry—"


Taiyang King God is indeed very angry.

Tracer turned Taiyang's line and turned his back on his beliefs. It was something he couldn't bear. Moreover, the Taiyang King God was not only very angry now, but his inner surprise was beyond description!

Na Qingqiu Mengmeng, the newly promoted King God, could easily resist his methods! This is the most surprising situation of Taiyang King God——

Hey everyone!

"Taiyang old man is about to vomit blood, Tracer clearly turned against his clan, and still in front of the other several veins of the gods, this is even more uncomfortable than stabbing him, losing his face." The monk said happily.

"Sooner or later, the luck of the Protoss will be exhausted, and now Ye Di also has the power of the Protoss that is not weak. If Tracer becomes a king **** today, we will have five king gods at once! Two longevity, Qing Two Qiu!"

"Emperor Ye is really a good method. Tracer has to grasp every opportunity. Twenty-eight rule gold cores. If he is killed in battle, he will have to hand over his own opportunities. Ye Emperor obviously has training. his meaning--"

"The heavens are originally a cruel battlefield. The strong is respected! If you are not strong, you can't protect your home, your loved ones, and your personality will be insulted. Tracer will fight to the death anyway."

"This gift of opportunity is too defying... a furnace of'Regular Gold Pill' is enough to make Tracer become the King God!"

"It's useless for Yedi to want the'rule golden pill'. According to his current power, what pill can't be refined under the'flaming fire'? And this may be an excellent method to attract the gods——"


The lotus goddess stood in front of the imperial palace, her face full of resentment.

Taiyang Wangshen was very angry. Only now he calmed his mind and spoke to the direction of the imperial city: "Emperor Ye, don't be proud of it too early. If Tracer can oppose me today, it will oppose you in the day. God, why do you need to stay and give chance? It's better to rectify the law on the spot."

"Need your pointers?" Su Jin asked back.

Taiyang King God immediately became bored, and you are in front of the world's creatures, digging out his Taiyang god, he can't even say a few words?

The lotus goddess and Gao Yue walked to Su Jin silently, and the eyes of the two women were a bit complaining——

"Emperor..." The lotus goddess hesitated for a moment, "Traceer hasn't even realized the Taoist tree, so he can become a king **** in one day, and we..."

"Do you also want to reverse the Taiyang line?" Su Jin's voice was heard by the whole world. The Taiyang King God now felt a little bit in his heart, and he took a step backwards directly, showing a tendency to become unstable.

The lotus goddess is silent--

"You're so embarrassed with this trick." Gao Yue stared at Su Jin carelessly. She didn't say anything against him, and she didn't say anything against him. In short, she envied Tracer. After all, there were twenty-nine'rule gold cores' ', not a child's play.

"When did the two of you turn against the Taiyang King God, when did this King protect your two gods under the tree of enlightenment and help you." Su Jin simply pointed out.


Gao Yue stomped her feet, and the lotus goddess took Gao Yue, glared at Su Jin, and walked aside——

The heartbeat is natural, but her pride tells her not to.

Su Jin didn't care, if he couldn't use it for him in the end, what would he talk about unilaterally?

Time, little by little--


The King of Huaxing was constantly evolving suitable magical techniques that belonged to him for Dou Kui, and Su Jin really took a nap for a long time until he was awakened by Qingqiu Mengmeng.

"The other party is alright?" When Su Jin walked out of the imperial palace, the sun was almost falling. He didn't wait for Qingqiu Mengmeng to respond, and he already knew the result--

In the void, the Star King God stared at Su Jin with a sneer. The current Doukui is no longer what he used to be!

Su Jin found that the God of the Star King was quite proud, so he could not help but glanced at Dou Kui casually. The Dou Kui who cast the line of heaven was shining with fiery red divine power, which seemed to be greatly improved.

"Ye Di, there is half a day left, you are afraid that you overslept!" The King of Stars sneered.

"Not so much." Su Jin replied: "It's not about customizing a king's divine art for the king god. The time I spent is not much longer than when I made alchemy with the treasure queen half a day ago."

"Arrogant! Creating a magical technique is not the same as refining a pot of pill. How can it be compared! But because of your arrogance, it is too late to repent now!" Huaxing Wang Shendao.

Facing such an ignorant God of the Star King, Su Jin found that he was pale and weak in explaining how he explained. He simply stopped defending and looked at Tracer who was full of excitement——

"Release your god's rules." Su Jin said.

Tracer nodded again and again, and the ‘rules of God’ that was close to nothingness turned into a chain-like shape, slowly swimming out.

"You have the best rules, but you don't know how to use them. You follow the escape school. Although you strive for speed, you are too lack of power."

Su Jin took a step forward.

The afterglow of the setting sun began to cover up the passive world, the sky will be night! Su Jin squinted his eyes and pointed at Tracer's "rules of the gods". Those rules were as clever as a snake in an instant, and he was held in the void.

Tracer didn't know if he had an illusion, he was in a daze, as if seeing Su Jin's temperament changed!

Daoxia circled in circles and escaped from Su Jin's body. His right foot shook slightly, and the gossip pattern began to bloom in the dim void!

"Time and space are not limited to time and space. Your space law is absolutely rare in the world, and I will help you understand the true meaning of space law now." Su Jin said slowly.


Su Jin slowly raised his hand, pointing to the sky!

A vortex black hole suddenly condensed on the firmament of his fingertips. Su Jin's gossip Daoxia became stronger and stronger, and the rules of the gods belonging to Tracer seemed to be surrounded by strands of Daoxia——

In the huge shaking sound, Tracer couldn't control it a little. His rules of God seemed to have fallen into the black hole of that space, and in a flash, more time and space flowed!

Even so, the connection is still there! Tracer didn't know what he knew, and there was excitement on his face, but now there are more doubts—

"I will guide you to practice this technique. Let's call it "Everywhere". Take advantage of the speed at which you begin to grow. When the space is shattered, the power of each piece of space will be manipulated by you, and you can collapse. Time and space, using a power similar to the might of heaven." Su Jin began to teach through sound transmission, Tracer knew a little about it, but at this moment he did not dare to miss even a word.

Then, Tracer simply admired the five-body cast to the ground. When Old Brother Ye spoke, he knew if there was any! The level that is almost theoretical, even a master in space understands something, something that he had never thought about before—

In the end, Su Jin simply commented on Tracer's space rules with only two words: utilization.

Maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and maximize your strength when you use your strengths!

In just half a time, Tracer has never finished listening!

Su Jin turned and walked towards the imperial city, and the cold voice made the gods shudder: "I understand this, it's enough, go and cut off his head, take him to the imperial city and return to me—"

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