My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3816: Six Kings vs. Yedi

The God of Chili and the God of Zhutian had already looked at each other with amazement.

In all fairness, the king **** who killed the Ye Emperor, even if they didn't see the battle with their own eyes, agreed that Ye Emperor had this kind of strength, but the problem was that the king **** who was killed by the Ye Emperor was a strong man with ‘king **** skills’!

And it's still two king magic arts.

As a result, Chili King God and Zhutian King God had to take a prudent consideration. You know, the God of Casting Heaven only possessed his first ‘king’s magic’ one hundred years ago, and Chili’s King God has not yet broken through the ‘king’s magic’ ——

In addition, the four kings and gods of Treasure, Transforming Star, Eternal Age, and even Danhe are all just the beginning of a glimpse.

"Shanbo King God, who possesses two kinds of King Divine Art, has put everything together and was cut to death by Ye Di without injury. Are you joking—" The Eternal King God stared at the treasure queen's face, obviously not in a daze. Wake up.

"It was King Xuan Yu who informed him personally."

The treasure queen slowly said: "You don't question the authority of King Xuan Yu, are you? His third king divine art has already broken through."


The words of the Treasure Queen made Danhe and other king gods fall into thinking. Although Yedi alone may not be able to deal with the six king gods, the Shanbo king god, who has two king gods without injury, really made them difficult. accept.

It’s not easy to reach the point of King God——

The king god, more than anyone, any god, hes his life.

"No." Zhu Tianwang said with a solemn expression.

"But Yedi is obviously a bit aggressive. Our two lines have already lost three hundred gods. I'm afraid he won't stop." Eternal King God said.

To be reasonable, then it should be the turn of the eternal kings and gods. He would never dare to fight with Ye Di. If the patriarch’s words were used, everyone would kill Ye Di, but Ye Di’s previous deeds , Has scared their patriarch!

The words of the kings and gods of the ages woke up the **** of cast heaven——

Now the emperor is openly challenging the six king gods, Zhutian and Chili. In the previous level, he had to lose a hundred gods. If he doesn't accept it, how can he be willing?

"I think it can be a try." Chili Wang looked very cautious.

The treasure queen is very concerned about this, not to mention that she and the other five kings and gods are fighting Yedi, even if it is ten, she has no score, and since the Yedi dares to challenge like this, she must win. Grasp.

Seeing that the other party is discussing.

The monks in the entire glazed land were unwilling at first--

"These two veins and six kings and gods, come to deal with one of our night emperors. It's the same ink." A monk said.

"It's not ink marks, but there is really no confidence to win against the Ye Emperor. Previously, King Shanbo was strong enough, far surpassing ordinary king gods, such as Zuo Luotian, Changsheng King God, and Hetu King God. It couldn't be compared with King Shan Bo, and as a result, not only did Ye Di annihilate Shan Bo, the **** Wei Tian chased into the mysterious gourd and fell strangely."

"Is Wang Shen's courage so small? There is no tolerance at all. Is it possible to lose six on one?"

"A Ye Di scared the protoss in the audience. This scene is rare. In fact, Ye Di does have this ability. Who could have thought that he could kill King Shan Bo God before—"

"How do you feel that these six king gods are very unconfident? If I were to be the king **** and possess that level of power, I am afraid I would just rush forward."


Of course, Su Jin and all the kings didn't care about these words.

In the eyes of many Protoss, Su Jin seemed to see the other person's thoughts, and smiled lightly: "If you don't dare like this, then there is nothing more to say about this king. Anyway, it is impossible for you to retreat safely— "

"Ye Di! Don't be aggressive--" Zhu Tianwang snorted coldly.

"Speaking of speaking, aren’t you still afraid of being beheaded? Let’s do this. You six kings and gods will fight with me. If I die, I will die, but if you fall into a disadvantaged situation, I can spare every king and **** of you. , But for this, every one of your kings and gods will have a thousand gods in exchange for their lives."

Su Jin is already threatening to kidnap votes, and he can't get away if he can't beat the six king gods alone. If he can't beat the six king gods alone, the death monster will be weak. If he has a big advantage, one king **** exchanges a thousand gods. For fun--

"The God of Casting Heaven! If you don't agree to this, don't you want to be jokes by the Protoss who watched the battle?" King Chili gave Su Jin a cold look before turning to the God of Casting Heaven.

"One king god, for a thousand gods..." Zhutian King God really wanted to refuse, but it seemed that the other party didn't want to let them go. Now there is a feeling of catching a duck on the shelf.

It won't work if you don't fight.

However, even though they can afford to exchange one king **** for a thousand gods, if they really develop to that point, they will probably suffer a lot of energy after World War I today!

"Patriarch, it's time to make a decision." The Eternal King God could not bear Su Jin's arrogance!

Although this night emperor had won three games before, the differences were only the alchemy, the savvy, and the poison pill, the body's ability to withstand the real fight, and the real fighting of the two sides have not disappeared. The Emperor God does not think he is on his side. Children will be weaker than a human race, a night emperor.

"Birth!" Zhu Tianwang made a decision.

The treasure queen frowned, and then asked Chief Xiang Chili, and said: "Patriarch, I came from Dan Dao, and the fighting power is inferior to the five of you. The King of Dan River has the power to reach the sky with poison, but the body itself Not afraid of the poison, you...are you sure you want to compare?"

"You and Danhe, it's good to cope from the side. In addition, prepare the **** pill for me. Brother Qiangu, Brother Huaxing, and Brother Zhutian are the main attack positions -" said King Chili.

What else does the treasure queen want to persuade...

She always feels wrong, it feels like she has fallen into the trap set by Ye Di, but when she sees the patriarch said this, she has nothing to refute, after all, the decision is made by the patriarch.


It's just that if this battle is lost...

The treasure queen has not dared to think about it.

In the distance, there is a palace in the sky.

The four kings and gods, Shiji, Xuan Yu, Hetu, and Taiyang, were all shocked.

How dare you do such a stupid thing with the two lines of Zhutian and Chili?

"Originally, the two lines would not be able to come to Taiwan. Yedi would not let them leave, so they could only fight back." Queen Shiji's face was pretty good, she glanced at the three kings of Taiyang, Xuanyu, and Hetu, these three. All Wang Shen's expressions were full of iron.

"Not necessarily, there is no chance. The Emperor of Buddhism is too evil. If he doesn't use that gourd, it's good to say that Zhutian and Chili have a great chance of winning --" King Xuan Yu pointed out the problem sharply.

"What if he doesn't use that weird gourd and defeats the six king gods? Then our **** race will have 6,300 gods join the Yedi camp! With the Qingqiu line, how many gods can follow him? Contend?" Taiyang Wangshen was in a terrible mood, and no one could imagine the consequences.

"Those gods who joined the Yedi camp may not be willing to sacrifice their lives for him--" Hetu King God thought of this possibility.

"Do you think that with Yedi's method, I didn't think of this? If he uses his methods to control those protoss, what should he do?" Taiyang Wangshen looked at Hetu Wang Shendao.

"Everything must be thought of in a good direction." Hetu King God said lightly: "From ancient times to the present, no human race has ever been able to challenge the two king gods alone. If the night emperor almost meant it, we would do the same in the dark. Yes."

"You're almost there, I won't go." Queen Shi Ji said coldly.

The idea of ​​King Hetu is very dangerous--

If he intervenes secretly, it will be fine if Ye Di is dead. If he does not die, it will be the intervener who died. After these few days of observation, Queen Shiji is already scared, lest she go to Zuo Luotian, Shan Bo, and Wei Tiansan. In the footsteps of a king god.

This is it.


There was a slight smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and he didn't say more, he immediately saw the other six kings and gods walk out, the treasure queen and Danhe king gods were a little reluctant.

Both the treasure queen and Danhe King God were overshadowed by the night emperor.

"Ye Di, if you keep a low profile, you can reach the peak of the heavens sooner or later, but the blame is that you are so sharp, trying to challenge the limit of the six kings!" Chili King said looking at Su Jin.

"That's right! The gods such as Taiyang Xiaoer, Master Xuanyu, and Hetu dare not kill you. It doesn't mean that no one can rule you. Today, if I cast the sky, I will take off your head and hang it on your emperor. Above the city! In order to dispel the hatred in the heart of my Protoss!" Cast Heaven King God also shouted loudly.

"Come on, we don’t have a pre-war part of letting go, but you have to remember before that. If you don’t offer 6,000 protoss after the war, I can spare you once, and then be able to cut it again. Your second time—"

Su Jin lightly stepped on it, and a circle of Buddha light escaped directly under his feet. A rotating Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’ was also expanding, and in a flash, the sun was blocked!

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