My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3830: I will suppress it!

"For the sake of formation!"

The Princess of the Day looked at Su Jin gritted her teeth. She couldn't imagine that a human race could be so cheap that the other party was stirring up disputes between the gods!

"You will never end well!" Ah Yin also hates it, but it's too late to say anything now, and the emperor of the night has already pushed the Sun Chaser to the forefront!

Su Jin stood with his hand in his hand, and he did not hesitate to pass the voice to the'Youzhao Clan' in front of the two women.

"Xuan Yu clan, declare war on you You Zhao clan!"

Declare war!

Princess Zhuri and Ah Yin fell directly into autism——

In the distance, the entire Youzhao Protoss was so angry!

"Good guts! I want to see, Xuan Yu's line, how qualified is it to challenge us Youzhao Protoss!" Youzhao King God has never been so popular, he can see that'Xuanyu King God' There is indeed a'king of the gods', and it can still disappear out of thin air, blocking the perception of the gods!

This may be the confidence of the other party!

"A king god, there is no one who can be so rampant! You dare to come out and fight our king god!" In You Zhao, many of the clan gods are about to be smoked by the seven orifices of anger. Who would have thought that it was This situation?

"That King God is still in this time and space! Let's search..."

"No! The three king gods haven't given orders yet, and the king Xuan Yu has a lot of tricks. If we leave the king god's sight, we must be killed by the opponent one by one. This is not appropriate!"

"We have more than 16,000 clan gods, how can you be afraid of your Xuan Yu line, fight to death and life!"

"He shouldn't, he shouldn't, he shouldn't say that his clan **** has reached the land of Liuli! We might as well kill this clan and slaughter this clan! We have three king gods, he will flee like just now. , Dare not protect his clan **** at all!"

"There are not many protoss who dare to declare war on our Youzhao line... I really admire the courage of the other party! If he is really courageous, he will not run away! But he offends us today, and in the next few days, he will definitely destroy Xuan Yu. The whole family!"


When You Zhao’s line was in chaos, except for one King God to guard the whole clan, You Zhao King God and another King God searched the surrounding space for billions of miles, not even a single hair was found—

Provocation will not return.

Any sound is like falling to the sea!

In the end, the king of Youzhao returned in anger, and after unanimous discussion, he decided to go to the destination first, the land of colored glaze!

Fuxi Dao array.

A Yin and Princess Zhuri were stunned.

The two daughters watched You Zhao, the 16,000 clan gods, under the leadership of the three king gods, drove to the land of Liuli majestic, this kind of battle, they did not dare to imagine anymore! If the Youzhao clan is really in the game, then the "Xuanyu Line" in the land of colored glaze, I am afraid...

What made the two women speechless was just now... They just watched Youzhao Wangshen appear nearby, but soon left, no matter how they shouted, it was useless!

That kind of despair is definitely only known after personal experience!

Su Jin set the case in the formation, took out the wine, had a few drinks, and ignored the expressions of A Yin and Princess Zhuri——

"You are making your own cleverness." Princess Zhuri looked at Su Jin and said coldly: "First, we went to the Land of Glazed Glass by the God Race by the Sun. This plan can only be used once. After You Zhao Clan goes, your conspiracy should also be destroyed. See it through!"

Su Jin smiled and dropped into the wine cup, then smiled and said: "Before, I thought that besides being inherently powerful, your Protoss also possessed wisdom and wisdom far superior to that of Humans. As a result, after getting in touch with so much, I realized that I need to deal with you. You can lower your IQ, and don’t tell me that now, don’t think of how smart the Protoss is."

" scolded the entire Protoss round and round! Do you know the consequences of saying this?" Ah Yin also said angrily.

"Angry?" Su Jin looked at Ah Yin's beautiful figure and smiled: "Whether it's angry or discouraged, it's all incompetence, and being strong is the only criterion in the heavens——"

"Do you think that you can change your fate just by your own human race? Do you think you can overthrow all the gods of the heavens on your own?!" Princess Zhuri felt that this **** was so cheap, and that share Calmness really makes them feel deeply sick--

"I will suppress all protoss!"

Su Jin's eyes were sharp, staring at Princess Daily.

Princess Zhiri and A Yin were shocked, but they couldn't react for a while!

"You will pay the price for today's words." Ah Yin didn't want to say anything, but felt that this turned out Ye Di was a little overconfident.

"Hope, otherwise I won't be here waiting for you--" Su Jin found that it didn't make sense for him to be true to each other.

"Special trip, waiting for us to follow the sun?" Princess Zhuri asked, frowning.

"Don't look at yourself too much..." Su Jin said lightly: "I'm not waiting for you to follow the day, nor is it You Zhao's line——"

"Then you are..." A Yin had a bad premonition in his heart.

Su Jin smiled, picked up the hip flask, and walked towards one side by himself, without responding to Ah Yin's inquiry——

Princess Zhuri and Ah Yin looked at each other, and the two women's eyes were full of horror!

Is he waiting for the King of Terror in the Eternal God Realm?

This... If this guess comes true, what kind of confidence should it be?

In just half a day, passing away while waiting quietly——

In the dark world, Su Jin really enjoyed this time. There are stars far beyond the land of glazed glaze. The dense star bucket seems to be within reach, as if a few feet above the head are inlaid with shimmering gems.

It turns out that there is also night here.

After having the good luck of the first two times, Su Jin never encountered a Protoss again, which also caused A Yin and Princess Zhui Ri to slowly let go of their anxiety. If it were like Ye Di, it would be hard to imagine the Land of Glazed Glass. What kind of scenery, the Protoss internal fighting, there will be great casualties, and that will only fulfill the wish of the Ye Emperor!

Several hours later, Su Jin was still immersed in the sky full of stars——

A Yin said to Princess Zhuri: "He hasn't moved for a long time. The way of cultivation of the human race is really strange."

Princess Zhuri looked at Su Jin from a distance, and now they are only a few miles away from Su Jin——

But just this one...

Princess Zhuri was horrified.

"Look carefully at the heaven, earth and stars." Princess Daily reminded Ah Yin and said.


Ah Yin raised his head and looked at the sky in the sky, except for the dense star overseas, nothing special——

Princess Zhuri's heart began to be very nervous, and she whispered a few words to Ah Yin.

Then, at the reminder of the Princess of the Sun, A Yin took a step back in fright. Sure enough, she perceived it carefully with the rules of God, and saw a scene that was almost unbelievable to her!

The sea of ​​stars in the sky seemed to be shifting, forming a starlight vortex, traces of the sky, being sucked in by Su Jin's vertical eyes!

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