My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3848: Catching Turtle in the Urn

Now, it should be done!

Thirty kings and gods, unsuccessful, there is no reason!

Yuwen Yutian, morale boosted!

"Come on! I want to see how strong the ban you set!" Yuwen Yutian's face was black and red, and he shouted at Su Jin opposite the air wall.

Was mad.

Yuwen Yutian feels that he has not received as much anger since he was born as he is today! No, it's exactly that I don't have as much qi experience as Banzhuxiang!

Thirty kings of gods, the power of the same time, 30 kings of gods rules quickly unite together!

This time, it seems to be easier! The power of the thirty kings and gods instantly united can smash the air wall in front of you! Can't hold this ban?

"Broken!" Yuwen Yutian was full of excitement, roaring into the sky, shouting with all his strength!


Thirty kings and gods shook the sky almost at the same time, and that kind of momentum is rarely seen even in the Eternal God Realm! Too domineering, no matter it is the gods of the Yuwen clan or the Nalan clan, they all feel the spurting blood is boiling——

Yes, it's dangerous!

Nalan Moran is most nervous now, she knows that Su Jin can do this step is not easy, this prohibition has stopped 20 king gods, even if 30 king gods break, it is not too shameful.

It can be said that Nalan Moran is now ready to fight. She is now the king god. When the ban is broken later, Su Jin must not let Su Jin bear it alone. Even if she dies, she must kill more. Some kings!


The air wall was in the void, like a curtain of sky, shaken by thirty kings and gods, the scene was absolutely stunning!

It turns out that the air wall is so big! This is the idea of ​​all the gods of the Nalan and Yuwen clan! The wall of air, which connects to the sky, has no abyss and is endlessly far away, as if separating this space and time into two!


The air wall is cracking, cracking quickly!

The gods on both sides are very nervous now, the gods of the Nalan clan are all thinking of fleeing, and the gods of the Yuwen clan want to grab the goddess later and kill the other Nalan gods!

Of course, all of this must be established when the air wall is broken!

At this one noticed that Su Jin's left hand in the sleeve of the golden robe, his left hand was gently rounded, and the clouds of Fuxi Taoxia were immersed in the void, without being noticed!

What the hell! Yuwen Yutian is so angry now! They saw this wall of air almost torn apart, but now! The crack in the air wall, like a living thing, is closing quickly!

"Can't retreat!" Yuwen Yutian looked anxious, and hurriedly yelled, their 30 kings and gods are already in a crack in the air wall. If they retreat, they will have no effort!


No refund?

Yuwen Yutian Yangtian took a long breath of blood! When he was dizzy to see the scene clearly, he found that they had been sealed in the air wall, and the cracks behind him had closed, leaving the thirty kings and gods of them within that limited area!


The turtle was caught in the urn!

what's the situation!

Yuwenbo, Yuwenhai, and Yuwenlong are shocked and angry!

Thirty kings and gods were in the air wall! No matter how hard you try, you can't break through the prohibition!

"Wangshen all come out!" Yu Wenbo almost burst his lungs with anger, gritted his teeth and roared!

There are nearly 100 kings and gods of the Yuwen clan——

In addition to the thirty people sealed in the air wall, there are sixty-two people! He Yuwenbo really doesn't believe in this evil!

Boom boom boom!

There is a huge Wangshen aura that broke out in the Yuwen clan! Sixty-two kings and gods, stand together, all stand out!

This kind of luxurious line-up utterly shocked the gods of the Yuwen clan! After all, the coercion of the king is indispensable, you have to know that adding the thirty people sealed in the air wall, together, it is already ninety-two!

"The new city lord of the Nalan clan, even if it is dead, it is worth it! Nearly a hundred kings and gods of us have taken action and broke the ban together..." The gods of the Yuwen clan said with a blank face.

"Yuwen Yutian, I'm really confused. If he just retreats, then the 92 kings and gods will break the ban together at the beginning. That will definitely be a lot easier, but now... they are sealed in it, can you? I still don’t know whether the inside and outside are combined—"

"It's a shame to catch a turtle in the urn! A big shame!"

"The Yuwen clan suffers this shame, even if it is to win, what is the point? Even if the entire Nalan clan is destroyed, can paper wrap the fire? There will always be a **** of the Yuwen clan who will reveal the news. Our Yuwen clan is about to become eternal God's Domain is a big joke--"

"The New City Lord deserves ten thousand deaths! The humiliation suffered by the Yuwen clan now is hard to redeem even if he disappears!"

"I'm going to be blown up by him. What kind of monsters is this? It's a ban. The 92 kings and gods of our Yuwen clan need to break through? If these gods know this, they won't be laughed to death! Knowing that there is only one person, we have been talking for so long, and we haven't broken it!"

"I feel, I'm afraid that only our patriarch and the two deputy patriarchs can break through...The method of the King of Terror can only be broken by the King of Terror!"


Ninety-two kings and gods, "the inside should be combined with the outside"?

Where is it so easy!

The current Yuwen Yutian feels that the place where their 30 kings and gods are staying is getting more and more weird, as if they are in another time and space. This forbidden formation is too mysterious, and it can open up time and space silently. , To annihilate their joint means of "internal and external cooperation" in the bud ——

However, Yuwen Yutian feels about it.

There are at least sixty-two kings and gods out there. It should be easy to break open——

Yuwen Yutian now becomes more depressed the more he thinks about it, has he ever had such a difficult experience?


Outside the air wall, 62 new kings and gods from the Yuwen clan, unite! Finally, the crack spread rapidly in the boom!


It's near again!

"Let's rush out!" Seeing this self-contained space and time, Yuwen Yutian naturally knew that it was a perfect opportunity. He and the other 29 kings and gods directly and easily blasted the restricted space and time, directly with the other 62. Meet the kings and gods!

The vast air wall finally broke through to the point where only a few meters were left——


Su Jin appeared on the air wall on his side in one step, stretched out his right palm, and pressed it against the air wall!

"You are looking for death!" Yuwen Yutian now full of hostility, roared wildly, and shouted at Su Jin.


Ninety-two Dao Wangshen rules are simply invincible! At this moment, the air wall is restricted, as if a thin layer of paper thickness——

But with such a thickness, under Su Jin's right palm, he competed with the other 92 kings and gods!

The scene is not terrible!

Su Jin's hair was flying, his left hand was behind him, his eyes were slightly sharp!

If it were changed to the usual, the combined power of the 92 kings and gods, he would definitely not be able to take over it like this, but this air wall, coupled with the blessing of the Fuxi Taoist formation, can cleverly borrow the formation mechanism in it, Most of the power was removed through the formation, so it created the shocking scene like this!


The Yuwen clan, even the three horror kings, are all moved, their faces black as ink!

And the Nalan clan is already silent! Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran, Elder Chengfeng, all gods and king gods, all stared at the invincible posture of light clouds and breeze! !

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