My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3864: When I come out!

More than Yuwenlong felt something was wrong!

Even Yuwen Qingcheng also felt that there was a big problem inside and outside the law enforcement alliance! First of all, the aura of dozens of horror kings in the law enforcement league surprised her!

"Get out of the five Kings of Terror, and join forces to suppress!" The elder of the Law Enforcement League, Tuoba Xiu walked directly, and there were five other Kings of Terror that appeared with him!

The moment Tuobaxiu appeared, Yu Wenlong knew that something big had happened!

Six horror king gods appeared together outside that trial stele mountain——


The arrogance erupted from the six horror king gods. Including Tuoba Xiu, every horror king **** had good strength, far above Yuwenlong's strength.

"What happened..." The Chu family's gods just felt their heart palpitations and didn't know the real situation.

"A major event has occurred in the trial site, and there is something against the sky. We have to walk out of the space of the trial monument!!"

"I don’t understand, who can let the six law enforcement elders join forces to suppress? In the law enforcement alliance, is there a **** comparable to this? It’s too strange. Just now, our eldest lady just slapped the ink dye goddess of the Nalan family. Appeared..." With the Chu family's gods, their momentum gradually weakened, and they couldn't figure it out.

Yu Wenlong's face suddenly became full of hostility!

"Su Jin!" Yuwenlong roared, and said directly involuntarily, walking to Tuoba Xiu's body, and also stretched out a hand, the power of the King of Terror is fully demonstrated!


Seven horror king gods, jointly suppressed——

Nalan Moran was still clutching her left cheek. Just now Chu Yanran's strength was great, and now there were five-finger palm prints on her face, but at this juncture, she also looked up in shock and looked at the monument mountain!

In my heart, there was an inexplicable touch of emotion.

You know, Su Jin has obtained all of her——

Su Jin got what he wanted, but, even so, he was still willing to make Nalanmo a lottery at this time. If the human race loves the new and dislikes the old, then the Protoss... will get worse. She doesn't expect Su Jin to do more for her. what.

But now!

Su Jin wanted to break out of the trial ground!

"It's the city lord!" The clan gods of the Nalan clan all looked enthusiastic, and almost immediately guessed the reason.

"Damn the Chu family, that Chu Yanran slapped our eldest lady, and the city chief has taken the lead for her! But, would it be too much to dispatch the seven horror kings?"

"The former city lord does not have this treatment! This Yuwenlong really did not act well and refused to let the city lord go out, otherwise... the law enforcement league will be disturbed!"

"The Chu family will eventually bear the price of angering the city lord. This price may be annihilation of the clan!" Among the Nalan clan, the king **** screamed.


Yuwen Qingcheng's heart trembled--

She didn't expect to hear the two words ‘annihilation’, and it was the angry words shouted by an ordinary king and **** of the other party. How confident was this for the new city lord?

Yuwen Qingcheng, including his daughter Chu Yanran, were all staring at the stele mountain. The entire stele mountain was still trembling, and the current situation seemed to be within a controllable range!

"Seven Terror King Gods, I'm afraid that you won't be able to jump out--" Yuwen Qingcheng sneered coldly, not worried about Su Jin, who had never been masked, because this is the law enforcement alliance of the entire Eternal Gods Realm, not to mention the highest authority, but It's similar!

The other party.

Mrs. Xuanji is terrified!

This is the law enforcement alliance. If the city lord makes trouble here, it will be impossible to succeed, and may even be killed on the spot by the strong of the law enforcement alliance——

Mrs. Xuanji didn't want to see this situation happen.

And not only her, even Nalan Moran, could not understand Su Jin's approach.

"Can't hold it down?" Tuobaxiu felt the sky-like anger and it was infiltrating. He actually experienced this feeling firsthand. Previously, he invited the Nalan clan and Su Jin to join the law enforcement alliance. In his opinion, Su Jin actually Not so much, but now...

The current Tuoba Xiu's expression is really very solemn, he feels that if he is one-on-one, and he can compete with Su Jin in strength, he may not be able to beat the opponent!

"Tuo Ba Xiu, you invited the city lord to participate in the trial, threatening that the law enforcement alliance will bless Nalan! Now, the city lord’s Taoist companion has been bullied, have to give an account!" Su Jin’s voice passed the monument. The mountain came out--


Not to mention that there are already seven Terror Kings here, even if the other party really breaks the monument and walks from it, the entire law enforcement alliance is not afraid of it!

"I didn't explain, and I don't want to explain." Tuobaxiu weighed it slightly, he was in a dilemma, weighing between the Chu family and the Nalan clan.

But what are the Nalan clan now--

The former city lord was ugly to death, and the whole clan was demoted tragically, because there was no more terror king in the clan, he was automatically kicked out of the law enforcement league.

Upon hearing this, Yuwen Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the law enforcement league chose to stand on her side!

Chu Yanran and Yuwen Qingcheng now have their mouths slightly raised, vaguely proud of——

"Good one has not explained..." Su Jin's icy voice made the gods feel as if they were in an ice cellar, and they were completely cold in an instant!

"The Law Enforcement League is acting, why don't you need to blame it for no reason! This is originally the grievances of Nalan, Yuwen, and the Chu family! You are still trying to practice. If you have not been approved by the Eternal God Realm and the Law Enforcement League, you are not in the Eternal God Realm God!"

Tuobaxiu said again: "So, the grievances of the three clans have nothing to do with you!"

Su Jin was silent.

"Nalan Moran." Su Jin suddenly asked, asking.

"Husband." Nalan Moran looked up slightly, and responded.

"Can bear it for a while?" Su Jin asked again.

Nalan Moran's face was cold, without any grievances, because she was used to it, besides, what kind of face the Nalan clan had, if it weren't for Su Jin, I am afraid that the future of the Nalan clan would only have the end of wandering in the heavens.

"Yes." Immediately, Nalan Moran nodded.

"But this king can't bear it."

Su Jin was furious, "Tuobaxiu, Tuoba clan, this king remembers, and your Chu family!"

"Haha, what can you do with the Chu Family?" Yuwen Qingcheng said with disdain.

What can you do with the Chu family?

Has Su Jin ever suffered such a loss?

"When I came out, it was the day your Chu family perished! When I came out, you Yuwen clan would be driven to death by me! When I came out, you Tuoba clan, all of you had to kneel down and apologize to this king, you... Tuoba Repair, you need to judge on the spot!"

Su Jin's voice became more and more indignant and passionate, and every word of his made all the hearts of the gods frightened!

No one has ever been able to speak such bold words in the law enforcement alliance!

No one has ever dared to challenge the authority of the law enforcement alliance so much!

No one has ever dared to use his own power to challenge several powerful protoss!

Tuobaxiu was stunned for a moment, and so did Yu Wenlong, and the other horror king gods also took a sigh of relief--

Except Yu Wenlong, no one has seen Su Jin's power! But they were still shocked by Su Jin's words!

Yuwen Qingcheng sneered and said nothing.

"If you really have this ability, my lord, you will admit it, but if you take advantage of your tongue, then you won't blame the old man for being ruthless!" Tuoba Xiu replied with a heavy drink.


A cruel laughter appeared from all directions! Su Jin's voice was extremely mysterious. After a short while, he suddenly shouted: "You can speak your words! Kneel down! Palm!"


Chu Yanran didn't even know what was going on. Her body seemed to be out of her control for an instant, she watched ‘self’ kneel down!




Tuobaxiu's back looked cold!

Several other horror king gods also stood on the spot blankly!

What is this ability?

Su Jin is still in the trial grounds of Beishan, and is still being suppressed by their seven horror kings. How come Chu Yanran has been hit by a sorcery?

"Daughter!" Yuwen Qingcheng exclaimed--

"Mother, I...I..." Chu Yanran's face was pale, and she slammed her face again.

"Tie it up!" Yu Wenlong shouted.

The weird ability belonging to Su Jin appeared again! Last time, it was a rebel king **** in Nalan who was ‘called’ to death by Su Jin in front of the three horror king gods! Fallen on the spot! They can't do anything to save them!

just now?

Now Chu Yanran, although she was not killed by Su Jin, she was also attacked——

"You guys, think about how to fight against this king in a few days! At that time, the law enforcement alliance will flow the blood into a river!" Su Jin's momentum gradually faded, and the entire Beishan no longer trembled, and the terrifying juxtaposition was also going on. Recover quickly.

Yuwen Qingcheng is desperate now.

Immediately, Yuwen Qingcheng tied her daughter Wuhua to prevent her from violating herself, and then led the Chu family gods to leave quickly!

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"

"The City Lord is mighty!"

In the Nalan clan, the uproarious waves that broke out directly swept across the law enforcement alliance——

Tuobaxiu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and he couldn't even see what Chu Yanran was using. Now...maybe it's really troublesome!

"Yuwenlong, take care of yourself, and the Chu family!" Tuobaxiu was a little annoyed, because the Yuwen clan and the Chu family also got him into trouble. In the future, if this son really passes the test, What to do!

"Sorry—" Yuwenlong is depressed to death now, "We Yuwen clan will stand together with Tuoba clan, and we will deal with this child together in the future!"

"No need!"

Tuoba Xiu waved his sleeves fiercely, and took the other horror king gods, directly and ruthlessly refused——

The Yuwen clan in the past was barely eye-catching, but now Yuwenlong was the only one left in the Yuwen clan. He was still the weakest horror king and god. He Tuobaxiu didn't care at all.


In the second ladder space-

Su Jinhan looked up and returned to the boulder. He looked up at the practice, knowing that he was going to speed up. This law enforcement alliance is bound to become his biggest obstacle in the future!

But the next moment.

When Zhang Yuelu walked out of the waterfall, even Su Jin couldn't help but... his eyes widened...

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