My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3866: Sister Deer?


Do not believe.

Finally all turned into excitement! Zhang Yuelu was excited like a girl, holding Su Jin's arm, so excited!

"Little brother, little brother! Did you see how good I am! Brother Deer, I cut a king god!" Zhang Yuelu really believed that this was his own work, and the excitement was completely released.

Su Jin wiped his face and nodded, "Awesome--"

"Next time don't lead the way blindly, everything will be arranged by Brother Lu." Zhang Yuelu said now that he was still a little scared after thinking about it.

She was really afraid of Su Jin, this space was so big, she even hit her opponent.

Su Jin looked at Zhang Yuelu.

Hesitate to speak and stop.

When he bumped into that king **** with four little hair gods, Su Jin did it deliberately, and just before Zhang Yuelu was not fully awake, he had already used the evil lord’s finger to turn those'rules of kings' and'of gods'. The rules' put away-

Now, Zhang Yuelu calmed down, looked around, and carefully analyzed: "The first step space is in the north, but this space will definitely not be there. Let's go..."

Zhang Yuelu first pointed to the guide, and finally, as if by luck, pointed to the west: "Let's go west!"

"Listen to you." Su Jin sighed silently in his heart, and then grabbed Zhang Yuelu's hand with a serious face.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Zhang Yuelu asked with her big clear blue eyes slightly widened, shining brightly.

"Take Brother Lu by the hand, be safer."

Su Jin said calmly.

Zhang Yuelu's small hands, although they often use swords, the back of their hands seem to be made of water. Su Jin couldn't help but rub his thumb on the back of her hands a few times——

Of course, this also made Zhang Yuelu obviously vigilant.


Although Zhang Yuelu felt very weird, she didn't have any doubts, and quickly put away all the "clearance jade slips" before taking Su Jin to the west.


The west of the earth.

Rocky rocks.

A big clear river traverses north and south!

Zhang Yuelu shook Su Jin's hand and washed his face. Then he looked at Su Jin and asked, "You don't even want a'passage jade slip', then why are you here?"

"Recognized." Su Jin said lightly.

"As long as you are not beheaded by other gods, you can be recognized by the law enforcement league if you go out alive, but your vision is too low. You have to be like Brother Deer and me, and the goal is to become the King God!" Zhang Yuelu looked into the distance with a tone of voice. And the expression is obviously very yearning-

Su Jin smiled, but didn't explain much.

"We passed the first level only after we got lucky. Then I don't know how to find a way out." Zhang Yuelu sighed and worried that her'clearance jade slip' would be taken away, feeling very sad. .

Although, she didn't know how she passed the first step space.

Moreover, Zhang Yuelu would not doubt her ability to kill a king god——

"Since you don't know how to go, I have a way," Su Jin said slowly.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes lit up: "What is the solution?"

"Wait." Su Jin nodded.

"Wait? Is it possible that you can exit by yourself? Oh my brother, you are too stupid. Even if you come out, we won't be able to get the reward for clearance." Zhang Yuelu is very greedy, of course she won't notice it, because she was before And Su Jin is really'too smooth'.

"Not necessarily. Just wait by the river. At that time, all the gods of inspiration will search the entire space without worrying about their way out. When that and I only need to go one step faster." Su Jin said.

"You said it was easy--"

Zhang Yuelu turned around, looked at the reckless river, and pouted slightly. She used to be an optimist, but in such a difficult situation, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

After a few breaths, Zhang Yuelu turned her face sideways, suddenly dumb--

Su Jin really intends to wait here forever!

He even set up the case table, and there was also a jar of wine on the case table.

"Drink?" Su Jin asked Zhang Yuelu a glance.

"Can't drink!" Zhang Yuelu shook his head.

"Then sit down quietly, there is no way to be anxious."


Zhang Yuelu sat opposite Su Jin, holding her cheek, she was very impatient, in this case, I am afraid that no one is more calm than Su Jin?

"Little brother, do you know what I think of you now?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

"What do you think?"

"A cumbersome." Zhang Yuelu rolled her eyes, "Why do you live such a big life? If I were you, I definitely don't recommend staying here, in case you get lucky—"


Su Jin couldn't laugh or cry.

Why did the great fortune come, this Lunar Deer obviously didn't have the slightest doubt. If you changed to another Protoss, you should have seen it long ago, and she still stared at herself with a serious matter, saying that he was a burden——


Su Jin has never served anyone, and now he feels his IQ has been dragged down!


Zhang Yuelu felt tight, and then said in surprise: "Thunder...thunder on a sunny day."

"That's a bolt from the blue." Su Jin wanted to die helplessly, and then said: "Look at the direction of your right hand!"

Zhang Yuelu was like a blow-up immediately!

I just looked over!

Two hundred thousand li from this long river in the void, unexpectedly began to have one spatial black hole after another, smashing thunder light! At a glance, at least a dozen terrifying spatial black holes have condensed--

"Brother! We walked too far! The place where this stepped space appeared!" Zhang Yuelu couldn't sit still, got up quickly, walked to Su Jin's side, hugged his arm with both hands, and dragged him vigorously. Up!

In the warm white shirt, Su Jin looked at the location of his arm, and then Zhang Yuelu didn't seem to notice it!

"Go!" Zhang Yuelu grabbed Su Jin and rose directly into the sky in one step!


More than a dozen corpses, each manifesting a terrifying real body, only rushed to the black hole of space! But the next moment, the blood rain fell wildly, and the corpses fell directly from every black hole in space!

The Protoss who had just ascended first have fallen!

how come.

Zhang Yuelu was directly thousands of miles away, and Su Jin stopped in the void——

"Dead end..." Zhang Yuelu was at a loss. Since those dozen or so spatial black holes were dead ends, why did they even manifest themselves?

Stop time!

Circles of dark green power directly swept the entire time and space! Zhang Yuelu covered her face with white sleeves, and when she looked again, under the dozens of terrifying black holes, there was a giant baby who raised his hands high, manifesting a body like a huge mountain!

"He is unusual." Su Jin nodded.

"He is a protoss born in heaven and earth." Zhang Yuelu said slowly.

"Aren't you?" Su Jin asked.

Zhang Yuelu's face blushed, it seemed a little difficult to speak, then he gave Su Jin a white look and said: "No, I am a human fetus. When I was born, my mother died and was adopted by her adoptive parents. You seem surprised? Do you want to laugh at me too?"

Su Jin shook his head.

"Obviously." Zhang Yuelu murmured, and then looked at the giant infant gods like a sacred mountain——

There are more and more gods gathered around!

But apart from the giant infant protoss, no one dared to break through again!

"The power of this giant infant is no longer weaker than that of the king god! But the king god, can you pass these dozen dead ends?" The gods looked astonished, awed by the giant infant's strength, but they also began to speak when they spoke. Obviously questioned.

"Look at that giant baby's back! His back is actually full of totems!"

"This **** is absolutely amazing! The old legend has come true! The totem of this **** will be blessed by heaven and earth. This is the reason why he can withstand the pressure and not die——"

"Is there such a wonderful existence in the world? With the blessing of heaven and earth, can he not be directly controlled by God? This is too exaggerated. He seems to have inexhaustible power and invincible defense. This...this is impossible! "

"It's a ruthless god, this giant baby **** is simply against the sky... If he goes out, he will definitely be recruited by the big family in the Eternal God's Domain, and the future is boundless!"

"Ah! The giant baby god, carrying all the pressure, started walking towards those spatial black holes! Is he going to be the breaker in the second ladder world?"

"Most likely--"


In full view!

The giant infant **** walked directly into the black hole in the most central space, and for a time, the scenery was the same!

But soon.

A golden brave, swallowing golden light, directly splits the sky with four claws, rushing to the nine days!

Zhang Yuelu's face was bitter, "Have you seen it? That golden brave is also the **** of heaven. Birth is the peak, achieving the realm of supreme demon god."

Su Jin watched Zhang Yuelu closely, and he could see that this'Brother Deer' really wanted to pass the test...

It seems that Su Jin shouldn't waste time here——

Because Zhang Yuelu alone cannot pass this place, let alone become a king god, Su Jin didn't entangle and said, "Let's break the barrier."

"Is it crazy? No, I'd rather give up becoming a king god, but also survive, at least I can join the eternal realm of God alive!" Zhang Yuelu refused, the spatial black hole is really terrifying, and I don't know how many unknown dangers it contains. !

Su Jin sighed, then said: "Brother Deer, do you want to try your luck again, in case it will be done—"

"Forget it, it's beyond my expectation to be able to get here. It doesn't matter whether you are ranked in the top 1,000! Brother, you must remember that being alive is better than anything else."

Zhang Yuelu held Su Jin tightly to prevent him from being stupid——

Several black lines appeared on Su Li's head.


Zhang Yuelu gave a fierce heart, and she felt for a moment that Su Jin seemed to have changed her aura!

That kind of aura is like a divine sword buried for thousands of years, about to be out of its sheath!

The surrounding wind is getting bigger and bigger--

Su Jin has long hair flying!

"Don't pretend."

Su Jin suddenly said: "Sister Lu, I...I'm really a master——"


What do you call her a deer?

Zhang Yuelu was struck by lightning, instantly dumbfounded!

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