My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3868: Humanoid soldier

Just an instant!

The cold sword light enveloped the sky!

The Blue Sky Snake Lord just wanted to kill the hateful Su Jin, and now a sharp sword slashed directly, he could only avoid it.

"You're really going to cause trouble." Zhang Yuelu was carrying the door-like "Moon Deer Sword", so angry, she swept it and killed it again and again. Now she seems to be a **** descending from the earth, the sword is powerful and cold--

Su Jin's hands in the sleeves of the golden robe slowly turned, and the wisps of invisible power instantly made the "Moon Deer Sword" tremble!


The Azure Snake Lord was almost slashed to his head by the sudden surge of power of the "Moon Deer Sword", so scared, he quickly drove the green scaled snake under his feet to avoid it!

"When have I been so fierce... No, I have always been so fierce!" Zhang Yuelu thought to herself, of course, she also seems to be unreasonable and unreasonable, constantly wielding delicate sword moves, it was actually the blue sky. Lord Snake can only parry--

Su Jin smiled slightly.

Walked to Fang Renxue's body.

"Is the girl okay?" Su Jin asked.

"I won't thank you." Fang Renxue calmly said, her face in the snow-colored cloak was nothing unusual, but her eyes were staring at the moon deer...

She did not see that Zhang Yuelu was a daughter...

I just feel that Zhang Yuelu now has the posture of a sword **** descending from the earth, her handsome face and powerful swordsmanship make her... feel very good.

As for Su Jin...

The caller is probably that deer's follower——


Su Jin touched his nose and coughed lightly, "Don't worry, Brother Deer is amazing. In a moment, the Azure Snake Lord will be killed by Brother Deer."

Indeed, in Fang Renxue's eyes, there is a good chance.

The Blue Sky Snake Lord is furious now, he is full of power, and the opponent's swordsmanship can suppress him, and this moon deer's sword is sharper and more powerful!

"Fang Renxue! Remember, I won't let you go!" Qingtian Snake Lord was shot with an epee, and half of his head was slapped with a big bag. This is because he has gathered all his strength, but it is still endless. Good to block this blow!

"You can't escape."

The crisp sword sound seemed to resound in nine heavens! Zhang Yuelu posed a very cool posture in the void, and the swords of heaven and earth seemed to cater to her! In the next second, she held the hilt with both hands, as if playing a golf ball, with a violent slash!


The Liushen Wuzhu scared by Qingtian Snake Lord! The spirits are almost flying away! He felt a great crisis of fall, how could he resist this sword!

"Transformation technique!" Qingtian Snake Lord roared immediately--

Then, Lord Qingtian Snake directly stretched out his hand and swept it away, and another large green scale snake flew upright, and he disappeared quickly and got into the main body of the large green scale snake under his feet.

"It's disgusting..." Su Jin sighed: "I forgot. He will shed his skin."

Yes, the big snake thrown out by Lord Blue Sky Snake to evolve is actually his previous skin slough!




The green-scaled snake, which was derived from snake skin, disappeared in the sword light! But in the next second, the Blue Sky Snake is already a million miles away! But he hasn't had time to rejoice--

Zhang Yuelu was also very surprised. On her Yuelu sword, a sword light flashed and disappeared, instantly cutting the Azure Snake Monarch in half a million miles away!


Zhang Yuelu was stunned, she looked at her hand, and then at Yuelu Sword, she was incredible—

"Papa." Su Jin applauded for Zhang Yuelu, then watched Brother Lu come and said: "Come on, I'll introduce you to..."

Before the voice fell, Fang Renxue had already taken a step forward and walked to Zhang Yuelu and said, "Thank you."

Su Jin looked strange.

It's too real.

But Fang Renxue definitely thinks that Zhang Yuelu helped her kill the enemy. This is a kindness, and it's not a problem—

Zhang Yuelu shook his head, and then walked towards Su Jin angrily, "Don't leave yet? You said you have what strength, so you dare to come out as a hero to save the beauty? Tell me, what if I'm not here?"

"This is not, are you here." Su Jin smiled.

"If you don't leave, just meditate nearby, but don't bother me." Zhang Yuelu said.

"Don't, let's go to the next level together, maybe we will all become the king gods by then." Su Jin's face was calm and persuaded.

Fang Renxue also came, and similarly, the eyes in the snow-colored cloak looked at Zhang Yuelu——

"Lu...Brother Lu has the strength to become a king god, why not fight it." Fang Renxue asked.

"Uh." Zhang Yuelu scratched his head, "I can't, because my sword is powerful, it has a problem today."

Zhang Yuelu patted the hilt of the sword. She didn't doubt that she was too strong. After thinking about it, she still felt that her sword was too strong.

Fang Renxue was obviously disappointed and kept silent.

"My sister Fang Renxue and I are definitely going to the next level. There is no Brother Deer, it's not safe, Brother Deer should not refuse." Su Jin said.


Really hesitate.

Zhang Yuelu glared at Su Jin, what the **** was going on with this guy, didn't he still call ‘Sister Lu, Sister Lu’ before, how come he has changed his mouth now! This will be misunderstood by Fang Renxue——

"Then...then go on the road together, don't be okay." Zhang Yuelu was really worried. He took a little brother, but he didn't expect that he had no strength, but he was also ambitious. It was really helpless!

"That's great." Su Jin smiled and said, "She is Fang Renxue."

"How do you know my name is Fang Renxue?" Fang Renxue looked at Su Jin and asked.

"What the Blue Sky Snake said--"


Zhang Yuelu was really irritable now, she didn't want to leave at all, but her luck in front was too good, otherwise how could she come to this third step space.

In the case of Su Jin winking--

Zhang Yuelu sighed and threw the "Yuelu Sword" to Su Jin.

"Brother Deer, the third step space, as you can see, how do you break it?" Su Jin asked.

Zhang Yuelu was so frustrated that she wanted to blame Su Jin for a while, but she didn't do this, but instead asked: "What about you, you can talk about it."

"According to this, 500,000 miles away, there is a mountain range with a gray swamp on the left. Let's climb the mountain range and maybe find something." Su Jin said with a smile.

Zhang Yuelu:...

Immediately, Zhang Yuelu was not good at objecting, and even Fang Renxue started to rush in the direction Su Jin said.

The night is dark.

Although the dark environment could not affect the sight of Zhang Yuelu and Su Jin, when Zhang Yuelu arrived, he immediately felt the difference.

The temperature in the space on the right side of the mountain range in front is still normal, but the swamp side is in a frozen state, and the top of this mountain range is also snowing on one side——

"Yes, brother." Zhang Yuelu laughed. "There is no other Protoss found here, and from a special point of view, it is very likely that this place is the way to the next step space."

Under the snow-like cloak, Fang Renxue had a different feeling than Zhang Yuelu. Although it was extraordinary, it was absolutely dangerous!


As the two women Su Jin and Zhang Yuelu continued to approach, there was obviously a shock on the ground beneath their feet.

The scene in front of you has also changed!

"This is—" Zhang Yuelu suddenly panicked. In her eyes, there were nine peerless soldiers floating under the mountain! These nine peerless magic soldiers, faintly, have a tendency to change their human form, and the power of the magical treasure is generally suppressed.

Fang Renxue's cultivation was very unhelpful, so he snorted and took three steps back!

Su Jin remained silent, but deliberately backed up a few steps——

"Little brother..." Zhang Yuelu obviously retreated again, but when she turned her head to look at Su Jin, she also saw the rear view. It was no longer outside, and obviously there was no way out!

"Brother Lu is invincible, use your sword to kill a **** road..." With a smile on the corner of Su Jin's mouth, he directly threw the door-like'Moon Deer Sword' to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu is terribly nervous...

Now, I have to try it.

The nine magic weapons are knives, swords, axes, forks, drums, bells, whips, towers, and a lantern-shaped urn.

"Follow me!" Zhang Yuelu let out a soft cry.

Fang Renxue trusts Zhang Yuelu's strength very much. She doesn't care about Su Jin at all, just keeps up.



Tens of thousands of sword intents seem to be condensed from all directions, and each sword intent is shining with a cold sword light!

Zhang Yuelu's pressure doubled, and she was a little anxious. Each of these divine soldiers had the strength of the king and god, and when the sword stretched its intent, it turned into a human form and was slashed by the opponent!

"Break it to me!" Zhang Yuelu held the'Yuelu Sword' and swept it fiercely, the sword light directly split countless sword intents!

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