My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3871: Terrible clearance speed

Fang Renxue's voice was very serious--

Really serious.

Zhang Yuelu looked at the direction Su Jin was leaving, but she couldn't figure it out!

Because Su Jin had been pulling her and breaking through the barriers before, but now he left directly, I really don't know if he suddenly made a fool.

"Regardless of him, according to his ability, he can't get out of this fifth step space." Zhang Yuelu's eyes were more or less worried.

However, Zhang Yuelu felt that Su Jin would still come back, because Su Jin's strength was not good, he would always be trapped in this space, and he might come to look for them at that time.


The sea breeze is blowing.

Su Jin walked with his hands.

His eyebrows "Mohe Town Prison Eye" slowly opened——

In an instant.

The whole place of trial came into his mind, including every protoss, every dangerous place, all he saw in his eyes.

The previous mountain range was also seen by Su Jin with the "Maha Prison Eye", but now his perspective is completely different from that of other Protoss. His perspective is the entire trial field of the Heavenly Ladder, just like in the first stepped space. Like in the middle, the sky-reaching ladder that goes straight up, each ladder represents a trial space!

With a faint smile on the corner of Su Jin's mouth, after walking on the sea for less than half a moment, his feet began to emit a sacred Buddha light!


That is... Cotai Strip!

All of a sudden, the fifth layer of space, golden light spilled into the sky!

By the sea, because of the absence of Su Jin's ancient times, Fang Renxue looked at Zhang Yuelu's gaze, which made Zhang Yuelu more and more weird.

But when the sky was full of golden light, Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue were all taken aback and looked north!

"Could it be that a Protoss has reached the fifth step space?" Zhang Yuelu was taken aback.

"It should be--" Fang Renxue said slowly.

"What a powerful protoss is this? Since some protoss has reached the fifth level, the place is no longer safe. It is better to find a safe hiding place as soon as possible."

Then, Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue quickly disappeared on the coast!


The entire Beihai Void was shattered by a shocking Golden Avenue, and that Golden Avenue was still spreading. At this moment, as Su Jin walked into the depths of the broken time and space, he had already reached the second step space!

This scene is not terrible.

Even, it shocked the entire law enforcement league——

Tuoba Xiu was in a bad mood today, because he had suppressed Su Jin together with Yu Wenlong and incurred threats to the entire Tuoba family. He was still wondering.

At this moment, that terrible shock even spread to the entire law enforcement league!

"What happened?" Tuobaxiu had a vaguely bad feeling.

The Law Enforcement League, I don’t know how many horror kings of the family, walked near those monuments!

Among them are the Chu Family Horror King God where Yuwen Qingcheng and his daughter were before--

"Sure enough, there was a problem in the trial field! Someone was forcibly breaking through the level, and the speed of breaking through the level was unprecedented!" The King of Terror frowned, with a shocked tone, watching the monument used for the trial. Deep in the mountains.


There was a figure that made God panic.

"The ninth level! He stepped on the Golden Road, and he has broken four levels in a few breaths!" Tuoba Xiu is now buzzing in his head, his eyes are incredible, and he also carries the eyes of the other King of Terror. That kind of shock!

"Who is this son? It turned out to be the God of Inspiration, why can it be so terrifying! He...he has the posture of the King of Terror!"

"I heard that he is the Nalan clan, that is, the newly appointed city lord of the Eternal Capital. He wants to come and pass the trial to make the Eternal Gods Realm and even the entire law enforcement league recognize him as a terrifying king!"

"Eternal capital? The Nalan clan! Wasn't their city lord destroyed a few months ago? Where did I find such a terrifying existence!"


All eyes were instantly on the entire Nalan clan not far from the Trial Tablet Mountain——

Mrs. Xuanji and Nalan Moran are also very nervous now. Although they know that Su Jin will be destined to weep once he breaks the barrier, but almost all the elders who are still in the law enforcement league now look at their Nalan clan!

This kind of treatment, even before her husband died, had never done it!

"Eighteen levels! Eighteen stair spaces, he..." Nalan Moran was more nervous than anyone else.

The gaze of the Terror King God, that is, the elders of the Law Enforcement League, is part of it, but Nalan Moran is even more nervous about whether Su Jin can pass the test of the Terror King God.

Possibly, you need to walk to the top of the Heavenly Ladder to achieve——

"This little beast!" Yuwenlong is very upset now. There are two things he has been upset about recently. One is that Su Jin killed his two brothers, which caused the Yuwen clan to lose two horror kings.

The other one is naturally now! That little evil animal, why should so many horror kings and elders look at him with admiration!

The Chu family was not in a panic, to be honest.

The Trial of the Terror King God will be a great moat that Nalanxin patriarch cannot pass through! In the past five million years, there have been a total of more than 30 inspiring protoss, all of whom are king gods, all wanting to pass the terrifying king god's trial level, but none of them can succeed and all have fallen.

"Although he can't pass the test, I still hope that this son will fall soon, otherwise, when he comes out, he will be our Chu family's greatest enemy." The Chu family gods took a deep look at the trial monument mountain.

On the huge mountain of steles, the scene of Su Jin has been condensed.

And Su Jin in the scene was light and breezy. He didn't seem to make a move. Only the "The Golden Road" at his feet could clear the way for him.

Not long.

Chu Family, Yuwen Qingcheng also came after hearing the news.

Her daughter Chu Yanran's condition has completely improved, and she will be able to return to normal soon. She can't wait to kill Su Jin now!

"My husband is on the way here, little beast... You'd better hold on for a while, don't die early in it—" Yuwen Qingcheng gritted his teeth.

She knew that with her own strength, she could not defeat Su Jin at all.

Don't say it's her.

Even if it is United Yuwenlong, she and Yuwenlong are not Su Jin’s opponents at all. After all, the previous several terrorist kings and gods jointly suppressed the ‘Trial Tablet Mountain’, and they almost came out of the opponent——

"It's the thirtieth level, this can he break through the level as easily as drinking water! You must know that the breakthrough of each level of ladder space will only become more and more difficult. What he wants to pass is the level of the King of Terror. That kind of coercion alone can make him suffer..."

"Don't worry, the real pressure is above fifty levels." A Terror King God said lightly: "He already has the power of the Terror King God. In the first fifty levels, as long as it has the power of the Terror King God, pass the level. It's natural and easy, no big deal."

"The Terror King God's pass that he needs to test is on the 120th floor--" A Terror King God quietly said.

"Eh? The test of the Terror King in the past was not on the ninety-ninth floor? As long as you break through the ninety-nine floor of the ladder space, you will be recognized by the law enforcement alliance and become the Terror King of the Eternal God Realm."

"I heard that a Protoss has spent a huge price, abruptly increasing the difficulty of his test to 120 levels!"

"Is it the Chu Family?"

"The Chu Family and Yuwen Clan——"

"It turned out to be so."


just now.

No Protoss, there is no tension in the Nalan clan.

The faces of every Protoss of the Nalan clan now have a proud face!

"Our Nalan clan has never received such attention! It's because of the new city lord that we can be treated differently by those horror kings!" Nalan Protoss said excitedly.

"Isn't it! Our city lord can be one enemy to three! Although there is such a transcendent existence in the law enforcement alliance, it is rare!"

"If it weren't for our new city lord, I am afraid that our Nalan would have been wiped out by the Yuwen clan. Although the new lord Yuwenlong and the Chu family are now united, their tricks will not succeed. When our city lord returns, we will suppress all dissatisfaction. ! Let those horror king gods bow their heads in shame—"

"Look! This is our new city owner! He seems to be slow, and he used the "Golden Light Avenue" under his feet to directly penetrate more than a dozen levels of stairs!"

"Oh my God, the fiftieth step space!"


The scene was a bit too scared--

Many horror king gods looked at the stele mountain in a daze, and Su Jin was already standing in the 50th level step space!

"Isn't that... after the fiftieth step space, the coercion will increase? He... why can he smash through that level with his hand!" The Fear King said with a trembling voice.

"Just clapping your hands, can you break a ladder space?"


Yu Wenlong now has red eyes, panting for breath, and roaring in his throat, like a beast, he...he least wants to see this scene! Why, why can he Su Jin be so arrogant——

"The husband will come to the law enforcement league in a few hours, and when that happens, it will be the time of his fall." Yuwen Qingcheng walked directly to Yuwenlong in an extremely noble long skirt.

"You and I have spent a terrible price to increase the difficulty of his test by twenty steps! But I always have a bad feeling that one hundred and twenty steps of difficulty cannot lower him!" Yu Wenlong said in a deep voice.


"Improve! The difficulty of his test needs to be improved! But first look, if he climbs the 90th floor of the ladder space, you and my clan, even if your vitality is severely injured, you must raise the difficulty of his test again!"

"No problem..." Yuwen Qingcheng said lightly, "My husband will do everything to me. When he leaves, I will leave the decision-making power of the entire Chu family to me."



Su Jin's complexion was calm.

He looked at the front, the sixty-third step space, and the surrounding air seemed to be compressing where he was. This kind of peculiar feeling, he had never encountered it.

"Trial through the ladder, a total of nine hundred and ninety-nine floors, with my current strength, I can feel that I can't reach the top, I'm afraid... it's a bit difficult to climb to the three hundred floors." Su Jin thought silently in his heart. , He was a little curious, the difficulty was indeed beyond his expectation.

But you have to try it--

And the benefits are not without it. The compressed space around him can keep his divine body instinctively defensive. This kind of trial opportunity is rare.

Blink of an eye.

It's already the 80th floor of staircase space!

The Golden Light Avenue was no longer able to penetrate, and Su Jin could feel the obvious barrier. Immediately, Su Jin smiled lightly and stepped on it!

The eighty-first layer of space was suddenly stepped on! Countless pieces of space, exuding colorful light, like a colorful meteor shower, so gorgeous that even countless protoss are watching!




Su Jin walked, as if entering a godless state, although he no longer used the'Golden Light Avenue', his speed was actually several times faster!

"not good!"

Yuwenlong roared and hurriedly called Yuwen Qingcheng, "Go! Today, if we don't put him to death, we will soon become the biggest trouble for Yuwen and Chu family!"

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