My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3923: Jaw Ti Star

In the law enforcement league-

It was quiet.

Just now Su Jin was shocked and fell into the star, with no breath!

"Dead?" I don't know who it is, and asks in surprise.

"Leader is mighty! This is the real invincible powerhouse! It feels like playing him in applause!"

"A strong midfielder has a strong midfielder, and a mountain is as high as a mountain! Although the enchanting evildoer is powerful, it is clearly far behind our leader!"

"There is no vitality. The leader can now recover the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’. Even if our ‘Law Enforcement League’ suffers heavy losses, as long as there is a leader, it will sooner or later recover to its peak!"

"Stupid, that evildoer never thought that the leader would be so powerful, and his shot was the power to completely crush, he didn't even have the ability to fight back!"


The intense snow light reflected in the entire time and space, the eyes of the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’, the crystal red light seemed to have gone out, standing quietly in the void——

In a blink of an eye, twenty breaths passed.

Without a breath, the hope of the gods of the law enforcement league increased by one point, and no one could think that Su Jin could survive.

Even the Nalan Protoss is like this——

Nalan Moran has a sad face!

Mrs. Xuanji, her heart is already cold!

"Is it really dead..." Zhang Yuelu's face became paler and paler, for some reason, Su Jin's shadow was all in her mind now.

From the trial of the ladder to the sky, the first side I saw, and now... all kinds of scenes began to flash in memory.

Only Fang Renxue's eyes were still uncertain. When the entire Nalan Protoss was depressed, she seemed to have noticed, and suddenly said: "Not dead--"


With a gaze, they all looked at Fang Renxue.

"Obviously, the breath is gone, we can't even feel him." Nalan Moran choked slightly, and asked Fang Renxue.

Fang Renxue said: "If the city lord falls, why doesn't that lord put away the ‘Ancient Sacred Relic’?"

"Is it not sure if it is the leader?" Mrs. Xuanji said.

"No, I feel that he is not dead, and a voice is telling me that he...he is still alive--" Fang Renxue said.

"Who will tell you?"

"My sword." Fang Renxue lifted the "Sword of the King God" in her hand, and the entire "Sword of the King God" was buzzing and shaking——

This sword.

Zhang Yuelu’s eyes became wider and wider. She knew that Su Jin had given Fang Renxue the'Sword of the King’s God', but with a sword, she could be sure that Su Jin was not dead, which was too unreliable. ——

A quarter of an hour passed.

Everything seems to be stuck in the scene where Su Jin hit the stars. The leader of the law enforcement alliance did not make any more moves, nor did he put away the ten ancient sage relics. The entire time and space seemed to be shrouded in a strange atmosphere. ——


The distant star seemed to tremble.

The arc of the tremor is very small, and the gods of the law enforcement alliance are still a little uncertain...

"Ah! That star has moved!" A protoss of the Chu family, shivering and pointing at the huge star, the fear in his tone was not concealed, and he screamed!


That star is indeed shaking!


The surface of the huge star was gradually enveloped by a layer of extremely bright crystal red flames, but in an instant, the whole star seemed to be lit!

The monstrous flame, like a sea of ​​coquettish crystal red fire, is boiling on the surface of the entire star!

In a blink of an eye! There is a dragon roaring--

The fire phoenix screamed.

In the coquettish sea of ​​crystal red fire, one after another terrifying top mythical beasts, all are born in the ashes! And when a Dapeng spreading its wings for millions of miles rose from the flames, the terrifying temperature even swept across the law enforcement league!

Even across time and space, the temperature is soaring!

"Kunpeng, is the ancient giant, Kunpeng!" The **** with the law enforcement alliance saw an unforgettable scene.

That Kunpeng is still in the form of a big Peng, and when he unfolds, he reaches the point where his claws catch the stars!

"Countless flame beasts have risen from the fire, and they are all rare fire beasts——"

Countless Protoss were shocked, Su Jin's breath, from scratch, from weak to strong, it shocked all the Protoss of the law enforcement alliance!

That feeling of becoming stronger is like a firefighter, a monstrous flame that grows so strong that it can burn all over the sky--


On the surface of the stars, in the flames enveloped, that illusory hole is continuing a shocking world! When a figure appeared from it, the whole world seemed to be quiet!

Su Jin!

Su Jin is alive, and he is still at his peak!

"Why can he recover so quickly! This is less than a quarter of an hour!" Some gods are already dumbfounded. When they can perceive the situation, Su Jin now feels almost the same to them as they just appeared!

Strong, peak, as if there is no loss at all——

Su Jin slowly raised his head, stepped up into the sky in one step, and landed on top of that flame Kunpeng's head!

"You can kill me once, you are so ridiculous." Su Jin looked into the distance and seemed to be talking to the law enforcement leader who did not appear.

Died... once?

Confused, the gods of the law-enforcement alliance are all confused——

"Mu Huo is reborn? Is this his killer?" Yuwen Qingcheng trembled, her husband just died, and she thought that the leader could avenge her, but the result... But now she looks at the other side and lives again. What about her? Can accept this blow!

Nalan Protoss, cheers!

The return of the city lord from the dead is the best news for them!

"Really alive—" Zhang Yuelu rubbed his eyes, looked at Su Jin on the Dapeng, and then at Fang Renxue. She really didn't expect such a magical thing to happen.

"Why did he say that?" Nalan Xiaoyue didn't quite understand.

"Just now the leader of the law enforcement alliance killed him once... but I feel that he should have done this deliberately. Now that he is reborn in Nirvana, he is out of the fire. It is by no means comparable to the previous lack of power." Mrs. Xuanji was also amazed. .

That's right--

With the power of "Fire Lotus of All Things", Su Jin ventured to rebirth with this fire power! The price of this is not without it. In his perception of "All Things Fire Lotus", the light is obviously dimmed, which made him wonder why the butcher monk was able to achieve Nirvana one after another when he was in the Flame Temple. Could it be buried underground? What is the eternal existence related? Or is it because of the lotus star eye?

Of course, Su Jin is no longer allowed to consider these things now--

Just two random strikes from the law enforcement alliance can kill him, and he must go all out for the next battle! Moreover, the opponent hasn't fully appeared yet!


An extremely cold voice appeared in the heavens and the earth, "A new era of gods is about to be opened. The old gods have long passed away and are out of this era. You should not appear—"

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