My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3961: Derivative Eye

The way is there.

And it's not bothersome. I'm afraid Di Linglong didn't expect that if it were to evolve, Su Jin would not be inferior to her at all.

After all, the Huafan in the Eastern Emperor Bell was also made entirely for the sake of understanding——

With a smile on the corner of Su Jin's mouth, she took a step forward confidently. In his opinion, although Di Linglong erased the traces, she ignored her own rules of Dayan.

Immediately, Su Jin sat down on the spot.

A circle of Nine Palaces and Bagua Dao Array, gorgeously appeared around Su Jin——

The position of the Nine Palaces was constantly changing, and finally... strands of Dayan rules that had not yet dissipated, emerged and began to float in the Fuxi Dao array, and Su Jin was sure that the place where Dayan rules gathered was the direction that Emperor Linglong left. !

Because Dayan's rules belong to Di Linglong's unique god's rules!

"He~~~" Su Jin lifted his palm, and a compass was condensed above his palm. The compass was in the center, and all the Dayan rules were trapped in it.

"Go north, go west." Su Jin glanced at the compass. The line manifested on the compass was the route that Emperor Linglong left.

Su Jin didn't expect it at all.

However, after a short period of time, Di Linglong has left so far, but considering the strength of the other party, it is normal... and Su Jin feels that Di Linglong should not have thought he was chasing after——

Su Jin stayed in place for a while.

Di Linglong is so desperate to step down as the leader, where is he going? Is it really going to'Eternal God's Domain'?

How many protoss before.

Especially the Eternal God Realm, all of them come from the Western heavens——

If Su Jin was Emperor Linglong, he would never return to the Eternal God Realm, because according to this route, sooner or later he would encounter the Protoss rushing to the "Land of Glazed Glass".

Moreover, Di Linglong's speed also exceeded Su Jin's expectations——

This is not difficult to explain. After all, Di Linglong has the'Throne of Dayan', and with the blessing of Dayan's rules, her speed has also become one of the top powerhouses.

Su Jin set off again.

An hour's early.

Su Jin appeared on a barren star——

"Here...fought." Su Jin saw more than forty Terror King Gods and thousands of King Gods. Many Protoss fell here, and some of the broken bodies of Terror King Gods were still in smoke and left behind. On this land.

There is no doubt that Su Jin followed the route of Emperor Linglong——

It was naturally Emperor Linglong who killed these horror kings and gods!

Thinking of this, Su Jin felt warm.

Di Linglong, as a protoss, wouldn't be able to kill each other like this, she did so, and there was only one him...

Su Jin is not difficult to understand, because Di Linglong knows that he may be the'lord of the eternal old god', and God Linglong is no longer the leader of the'law enforcement league' and has restored his free body. It is normal to help him in this way.

As expected of A Di——

This sharp method is nearly twice as powerful as not being trapped in front of the'Eastern Emperor Bell'.

When Su Jin saw these gods, they were killed almost instantly. Some Terror King Gods obviously recognized the'rules of Dayan', but unfortunately they died out in an instant, and many Terror King Gods' eyes were still suspicious. .

"After all, I am a female generation, and I don't want the consequences of doing things." Su Jin sighed.

If he is willing to be with him and be an enemy of the gods of the heavens, then Di Linglong can no longer go to the eternal gods, and the paper cannot contain the fire, and slaughter the gods in the eternal gods, sooner or later he will be discovered——

Perhaps, Di Linglong has the last resort?

Su Jin had this idea in his mind.

A long way.

Su Jin didn’t know how far the Eternal God’s Domain was, but he was not in a hurry, because he was following the correct path, but just two days later, outside a “transportation array” covering more than half of the stars, he grabbed everything. Breath, I finally saw the figure I wanted to see!

Di Linglong was covered with a silk blue veil, almost without looking, Su Jin knew she was Di Linglong!

Di Linglong is standing at the left front of the teleportation formation, and around her, there are hundreds of horror king gods who are constantly pressing——

These horror king gods have very special robes, all with painted face masks and strong aura!

"The Hall of Killing God..." Di Linglong was silent.

"Di Linglong! Since you have nothing to do with the law enforcement alliance, you should stay away from the Eternal Gods Realm and become a wandering Protoss, why slaughter our Gods Realm Protoss!"

A strong man steaming with green poisonous gas, between his hands, a strange illusion appeared behind him. Behind him, a redback spider faintly appeared!

"The news spread so quickly--" Di Linglong looked at the hundreds of horror kings and gods in the Killing God Temple coldly, and hesitated for a moment.

"Di Linglong! The Eternal God Realm has nurtured you, and you have been recognized by the gods to take over as the law enforcement alliance and enjoy endless transcendent treatment. However, in the last two days, you have made frequent moves and killed the King of Terror for more than two thousand times. What do you want? for!"

"You have rebelled against God, so you can't enter the realm of God again—"

"Emperor Linglong! There will be no place for you in the Eternal God Realm!"


Secretly, Su Jin condensed the scene, frowning his brows stretched out.

Listening to the words of the King of Terror, Su Jin basically understood it! The ‘Transport Array’ on this star is the gateway to the eternal realm of God!

Go in, and you will definitely be teleported to the Eternal God's Domain!

"I want to go back to the ancestral land, even if I die..." Di Linglong said.

"Be careful of her Dayan rules!" The powerhouse of the Killing God Hall suddenly burst into a shout, feeling Di Linglong's killing intent.

Di Linglong's beautiful eyes, like ice spirits, gradually turned into indifference. On the center of her eyebrows, strands of evolving pink patterns were blooming like petals——

"Eye of Derivation." Di Linglong gave a soft cry!

A terrible thing happened!

The whole world is under control!

And above the sky, an incomparable divine eye, as if God had opened his eyes, was opened up on the sky!

The colorful divine glow, like a needle light, shines endlessly!

"Ah...I can't move anymore--" The strong man in the Temple of Killing screamed suddenly.

"She is only at the bottom of her own powerhouse, how can she be so strong! This is... the eye of evolution, a magical means! Ranked in the top three among the ancient gods!"

"She has actually opened up the'Eye of Evolving'! She has such a powerful strength, why should she betray the Protoss! Why!"

"Why does she want to enter the Eternal God Realm so urgently!"

Killing the horror kings of the temple one by one is extremely incomprehensible! They watched as Di Linglong walked to the center of the teleportation array and activated the gate! Submerge!

Just after Di Linglong was teleported into the "Eternal God Realm"——

A calm and indifferent voice, Dang Even appeared in every horror king **** who killed the gods!

"Yeah, why is she so urgent?"


There are also extremely terrifying powerhouses!

When the ‘Eye of Evolving’ disappeared, the faces of the more than 300 horror kings who killed the Temple of God all changed, and they returned to normal, but...but the strong ones hiding in the dark seemed even more terrifying...

Because during the confrontation between the Palace of Killing God and Di Linglong, neither they nor Di Linglong felt that there was any hidden existence, and they were watching this scene silently!

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