My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3971: He is far from

The battlefield, the void--

Su Jin frowned slightly and said faintly: "It's really stinking, and there are rare rules. Even if you are the son-in-law of the city lord, you are not afraid of going to others."


Song Ming's face changed wildly. This was just his method. Although it was all condensed by him using the'transformation rules', it was definitely a real poison. This guy... why isn't he poisoned!

It doesn't matter if he is not poisoned, he even teased him!

So angry!

Song Ming is now full of anger, but he tries to keep a trace of calm in his heart. Su Jin is not poisoned, which already explains the problem——

The other party is not not poisoned, but not afraid of supernatural poison! Could it be that the other party has a protective body that is invincible?

But Song Ming also didn't see the other side's magical treasure showing his power--

Not scientific!

Absolutely unscientific!

"Big Brother Song!" The Zidian goddess was drowsy, and when she tried her best to contend with the poisonous poison, other dead men were obviously not well, and some even had hallucinations in the poisonous mist.

Song Ming realized this, and directly isolated the Purple Lightning Goddess from the other dead Wushan ——

"What if you are not afraid of virulent poison! My blood sea and sky python can swallow you directly into the abdomen, and use the power of the python poison to make you not have any bones left!" Song Ming directly raised his arm--


The giant figure of the Blood Sea Sky Python was tossing in the vast sea of ​​blood. This Blood Sea Sky Python was extremely eye-catching, which was Song Ming's big killer move!

"The first disciple of the Dream Pavilion, I want to swallow Ye Yi with a **** sea and sky python!" Among the crowded onlookers of the Protoss, an exclamation came out directly——

"Song Ming is still amazing. It feels more powerful than that of Li Jun's methods. The entire Baili battlefield has been transformed into a world-wide space with poison everywhere, which directly restrained Na Ye Yi--"

"Ye Yi doesn't seem to be affected by the python poison! What kind of ghost physique is he, even the power of Wushan dead warrior can hardly be affected by him!"

"Isn't it? The Purple Lightning Goddess is powerful enough, right? Those sky thunders are the sky thunders that can really kill the gods, hitting him like a tickle..."

"Meng Pavilion’s first disciple’s rule of the King of Terror has long been spread throughout the world. His rule of the King of Terror is “transformation” and is omnipresent. This purgatory battlefield looks false, but in fact it is “transformation”. In the state of', it is almost the same as the real purgatory. Just now, the purple lightning goddess and Wushan dead men were almost killed by poison—"

"Awesome, the first disciple of the Meng Pavilion, it is really possible to kill Ye Yi and become the son-in-law of our Dark Night City Lord. If he can do it, this is really a step forward."


The mouthparts of the Blood Sea Sky Python are absolutely terrifying at this moment——

It opens up like a lake!

The two fangs turned out to be blue, as if they contained extraordinary poison!


Su Jin swept out his arms at will. Around his posture, there seemed to be endless figures practicing boxing. If you look closely, every figure he evolves has different boxing skills!

Bang bang bang~~~

The sounds of boxing exercises one after another do not merge together, so when it sounds, it is extremely harsh—

"A quick punch!" Long before Song Ming stood up, he had anticipated that Su Jin would be difficult to deal with, but at this point, the opponent did not show his exquisite swordsmanship, but had to move his punches with one arm. !

But this punch is extraordinary.


Su Jin’s light and fluttering voice made countless onlookers frightened——

Under a bang, the huge body of the blood sea python trembled directly!

The cracks, the sky-shattering cracks, are spreading from the top of the blood sea python's head!


The terrifying blood sea sky python instantly collapsed like a glass jade sculpture, and fell into a sea of ​​blood, as if it had never appeared before.

"One punch, just one punch..." The goddess of Zidian knew what the trouble was. Now that the point was, she was not sure about Su Jin's true strength, presumably Song Ming had not figured out which level Su Jin was at...

"It's okay!" Song Ming gritted his teeth secretly, and shouted: "I deify the way of heaven, I am transformed into form, I...I am invincible!"

The subtle transparent fluctuations are quickly covering Song Ming's location.

Song Ming's divine body seemed to disappear instantly--

And in the sea of ​​blood below, a series of ancient corpses quickly floated up from under the sea of ​​blood, accompanied by the ups and downs of the ancient corpses, the blood-colored peaks, the land, and even the stars above the sky, seemed to be emitting evil red light. !

The rich and unknown aura is permeating every corner of the battlefield space!

"What a terrible first disciple of the Dream Pavilion——" Zidian Goddess's face was instantly pale. Under the influence of the unknown aura, she seemed to have a momentary hallucination. She... seemed to see the sight of herself about to fall!

"Fancy bells."

As Su Jin spoke lightly, he gently brushed the sleeves of his golden robe, and strands of golden flames instantly filled the entire sea of ​​blood!


Can ignite the flame of the sea of ​​blood!

After seeing this scene, the Zidian goddess secretly shouted badly, soared directly into the sky, and shrouded a piece of purple thunder power grid!

As for the dead men behind the goddess of Zidian, they all rely on their own ability to get rid of the heat wave!

"Ah--" A dead soldier was instantly swallowed by the fire, but with a scream in the fire wave, it turned into a torch and fell onto the sea of ​​blood!

In the entire battlefield space, within a hundred miles, the infinite flames are soaring, almost burning the sky!

The goddess of Zidian panicked instantly, and the sweat on her snow-white skin was instantly swept away, and this was under the circumstances that she fully blessed her own rules!

"Burning your purgatory, what can you do?" Su Jin's voice seemed to be playing with ants, and he had to admit that the rules of transformation were indeed wonderful.


It's useless.

The sea of ​​blood is fading layer by layer. It is not because of Song Ming, but the flames are too terrifying. If the golden flames continue to burn, it is estimated that the sea of ​​blood will be evaporated in a moment.

In the depths of the City Lord's Mansion, the pavilion

The woman in plain clothes was holding three life and death coins tightly, her beautiful eyes stared at...

"Fortunately, at least he is far from invincible. Song Ming, the head of the Dream Pavilion, can delay him for such a long time." The woman in plain clothes murmured.

"Perhaps--" The Night Princess sighed.

"Isn't it?" The woman in plain clothes heard the princess's sigh, couldn't help but glanced at her and asked.

"Only when you have really fought him, can you know his horror, the first disciple of Meng Pavilion, Song Ming, is still far away." said the night princess.

"You mean...he didn't fight seriously at all?" The woman in plain clothes exclaimed.

She felt that Night Princess meant it.

If it is.


The woman in plain clothes didn't even dare to think about Su Jin's power--

"When did you think he was serious? The previous inheritor of Wushan King Li Jun was not worthy of him to use a sword. Now Song Ming is the same. At that time, when I and the other twelve horror kings and gods were besieging him, he used a sword. Shengmingyue', there is no time for us to react, isn't the difference?" said the night princess.

The woman in plain clothes thinks about it carefully--

It seems that what the night princess said is also reasonable.

"Song Ming still has a chance." The woman in plain clothes said silently.

"Where is the opportunity? He just stood there, motionless, Song Ming will fall into the fire." Princess Dark Night really didn't know what the plain-clothed woman thought.


Is the flame really that powerful?

But... but the purple lightning goddess, above the sky, was obviously threatened by flames, but she persisted till now, not dead yet--

Women in plain clothes would never believe it.

The battlefield is fierce!

The blood-colored mountain in the sea of ​​blood is being melted! The earth has also become a charcoal-like color, which may be melted at any time!

"Ye! Yi!" Song Ming shouted frantically.

Transforming, transforming the real world, transforming the real purgatory, but... But these all need the support of Song Ming's "transformation rules". In normal times, he is naturally relaxed.

But what series of flames is this? He could burn his'transformation rules'!

If he can't burn his'transformation rules', the sea of ​​blood will not disappear, the mountain of blood will not melt, and the earth will not change color! Even in the current sky, the huge stars visible to the naked eye are cracking... burning and cracking!

"No matter how sophisticated your transformation rules are, you can't escape my eyes."

Su Jin said lightly: "Don't understand? You are already a dead dog——"

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