My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4035: Buddha's Scriptures

Billions of stars, all dim!

The entire'Star Hammer' seems to absorb all the power of the stars! On the other hand, Li Shuier and Dianbing Ling are looking at the other side!

Buddhism, the most holy!

Even though the giant Buddha that Su Jin transformed into escapes into the empty door, the light is also not to be underestimated, and with his palm holding the Buddha seal, the empty door opens wide in the surrounding hundreds of millions of small worlds.


Wan Zun.

One hundred thousand!

Among the 10,000 Buddhist gates, hundreds of millions of Buddhas have condensed from the Buddhist gates. Each Buddha seems to exist in reality, flesh and blood. The Buddha song has risen to the top, and each Buddha is singing the Sanskrit , The Buddhist scriptures kept flying around, and the scene was not inferior to that of the'Star Hammer'!

Li Shui'er's face was numb, Su Jin had taken the initiative at this moment!

Moreover, the other side's Buddhist path seemed to be detached, especially when a **** and Buddha walked out of the billions of golden Buddhist gates, the scene was particularly shocking.

"Lord of the Southern Territory, this hapless guy is about to die, your winning rate is declining -" Ran Bingling laughed at Li Shuier.

Li Shui'er was silent for a while, and responded: "It's enough to have a master of the star domain!"

"The Star Territory Lord is certainly powerful, but have you ever thought that the Eternal Old Lord has not yet failed since stepping into the Eternal God Territory -" Dianbing Ling shot back without hesitation.

Didn't you fail?

Li Shui'er sighed softly when he looked at the giant Buddha with an amazing series.

The scene suddenly became tense in the next second!

The old man Xingchen seemed to face the sky with his hands, as if invisibly controlling the'Star Hammer' above, the hammer body trembled slightly, and the sky was torn apart!

Chi Chi -

Endless lightning, densely intertwined on the "Star Hammer"!

One side of the stars is dark, as if there is a wind that destroys the dead!

One side of the Buddha's light is shining, and the hundreds of millions of Buddhas have perseverance in their eyes, all staring at the old man star!

The remaining more than 10,000 Terror King Gods feel that they can't do anything at all! Whether it is Su Jin or Old Man Xingchen, either of them may have the ability to destroy them——

The previous Lord of the Southern Territory had already lost his combat power and could only wait for Old Man Star to kill Su Jin. This was the only way to survive, I am afraid there is still a possibility!

Both parties are accumulating power!

The endless star lightning, as if to take away all the light of the endless starry sky! The world is dark! Those lightnings are intertwined on the hammer, wherever the mighty power has passed, they show their ferocity!

Even if it is the light of Buddha, it can't illuminate the dark world of the old man!

"The old man Xingchen is about to move! His attack can definitely kill the eternal old master! He is bound to make a full blow, otherwise the Lord of the Southern Territory will not be able to support that time!" Many horror kings have retreated in the battlefield space. The distant location after a million miles, I dare not approach it.

"Our domain master was caught in his tricks! If he is not that weird divine treasure, our domain master and your domain masters will join forces, definitely not he can contend——"

"Here, don't your domain masters also have divine treasures? Fight life and death, if your domain masters have such divine treasures, we will be over."

"Our Southern Territory Lord probably won't be able to hold it for too long. He still has two self-destructs left. He uses an undead body to relieve the suppression of that strange finger. I really don't know what it is..."

"It's horrible to be able to swallow the rules of the protoss, even the origin... this is too scary."

"The undead body is not truly immortal. If the origin of the Lord of the Southern Territory is eroded, his'undead body' will be completely turned into a waste body, and it will disappear directly!"

"it has started!"

Whether it's the scene.

Still a hundred cities, Bing Linghai.

The atmosphere suddenly suffocated!

Ran Bingling and Li Shui'er felt even more extraordinary. The two women retreated directly and fleeing the battlefield far away. They felt that even if they were affected by the power of the fighting between the two sides, they might be in danger of falling!



The incomparably heavy power of the Star Hammer seems to have run over everything! This blow directly hit the top of that big Buddha! The old man Xingchen obviously wanted to speed up the killing of Su Jin and was eager to save the lord of the Southern Territory!

Under this hammer--

Smashed hundreds of millions of space debris! Su Jin raised the arm of the big Buddha and pressed it directly above the hammer head. The void fragments around him suddenly began to splash in a scattered manner!

The shock even caused the ice spirit sea outside the battlefield space to shock the sky!

"Just a Buddha, can you take this blow from me?" The old man Xingchen was furious, he raised the hammer of the stars again, and slammed directly toward the waist of the Buddha on the left!


Circles of Buddha light, constantly being bombarded by the Star Hammer, the old man Xing Chen even felt that the'Star Hammer' had a feeling of being bounced away!

Or not!

The old man star was in anger--

"Ah!" Huo Liancheng screamed again, a circle of light spread from his body, and he could only blew himself up again.

Su Jin seemed to have not noticed, the huge Buddha palm, slowly began to join together!

Hundreds of thousands of sacred buddha songs, instantly rose up!

Old man Xingchen's face was instantly solemn!

Hundreds of thousands of Buddhist schools, hundreds of thousands of Buddhas, every Buddha seems to have begun to hold up a Buddhist scripture, and the power of those scriptures seems to go directly toward the big Buddha's hands together!

A circle of Buddhist scriptures, as if in the hands of a big Buddha, gradually formed a ‘卍’ Buddha seal! This Buddha seal seems to be more mysterious than the'卍' Buddha seal that Su Jin used at any time!

"He's going to make a move!" A sorrowful sorrow in the empty ground!

"The old man star can't take it for a long time, no one imagined this! The eternal old master can drag it, but our Southern Territory Lord can't afford it!"

"When it's over, there is only one chance of self-destruction left. Now the eternal old master directly displays the mysticism of Buddhism and Taoism, obviously not giving Old Man Xingchen any chance—"

"If the Lord of the Southern Territory completes the last self-destruction, will he fall on the spot?"

"I don't know! The mystery of the'undead body', I don't know if it will exhibit the undead ability of rebirth again as imagined, but from the current state of Huo Liancheng, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive the next self-destruction. !"


The brilliance of Buddhism even lightened the sky above the old man.

The scene of hundreds of millions of Buddhas simultaneously holding up the "Scriptures" is too terrifying. The star field above the old man is shaken, as if being suppressed by the endless Buddha's might.

"Give me...broken!" The old man Xingchen shot bloody, suddenly manipulated the'Star Hammer', and directly shook it in place——

Pieces of starlight seemed to split the void passed by the hammer, and a circle of sky cracks began to appear!


The Hammer of the Stars, as if with unmatched force, slammed heavily on that piece of Buddha's seal composed of hundreds of millions of scriptures!

The world seems to have collapsed because of this moment!

Not far away, Huo Liancheng... screamed again--

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