My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4037: Zhen Soul Terrace

The old man Xingchen didn't expect that Su Jin would dare to speak wild words at this time! There are hundreds of horror king gods who are blessing him. The horror magic that he used to be difficult to use can now be used-

"I'm going to send down "God's Punishment" to punish the old master! You know the consequences! The consequence is your death!" The old man Xingchen screamed again and again, and his tone was extremely arrogant.

He is too confident now.

Moreover, although Su Jin had frequently used methods before, apart from relying on an ‘evil lord’ to pull his fingers, it seemed that there was no other method that could kill him!

God of Heaven Punishment?

What the hell?

Su Jin felt quite bluffing anyway, but he didn't persuade him. After the voice of Old Man Xingchen fell, he pointed directly to the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’!



Ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ exploded instantly! Charged into the more than ten thousand horror king gods-

"Arrogant!" The King of Terror was directly angered.

Although there are as many as ten Ancient Sage Relics, and their strength cannot be underestimated, they are more than 10,000 Terror Kings!

"Suppress! Suppress all!" The Horror King God directly used his methods to hit the ‘Ancient Sacred Relic’!

The earth-shattering fierce might exploded on the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’, and the entangled rules of the King of Terror were directly breached.

"It's useless, the ten ancient saints are still too few!" The old man Xingchen dissipated the'Star Hammer'. After speaking, his lips moved slightly, as if he was constantly chanting secret words.

The rays of light from the stars, like ocean waves glowing with fluorescence, are rushing in all directions--

"These ancient sacred relics are really troublesome! The body is neither broken nor broken, and ordinary power can't be shaken at all! You can only use the power of control to suppress them for life!" The Terror King God scalp numb.

"Fortunately, there are enough Terror King Gods. The old lord wants to disperse our blessing camp for the star domain lord. Unfortunately, he failed!"

"He is doomed to fail."


Millions of miles away.

Li Shui'er's nervous state of mind, slowly let go!

"Have you seen? Ten ancient saints have been suppressed." On Li Shuier's arrogant face, with a faint three-point complacency, she said to the dyed ice spirit not far away.

Bingbing Ling also doesn't understand Su Jin's meaning now--

Ten ancient sacred relics are powerful, but how can they disperse more than 10,000 Terror King Gods? Now as expected, just a few breaths, and the ten ancient sacred relics were under control. Surrounded by the horror kings and gods, the accused could not move.

"What are you proud of? It's just the beginning." Ranbing Ling felt a little depressed, but still refused to accept it.

"The old lord you surrendered has already lost. The old man Xingchen now has infinite power, and there are hundreds of horror king gods who bless him. In this case, he has begun to use the forbidden technique." Li Shuier said with cold eyes. .


Ran Bingling's heart jumped, and she became nervous.

"Heaven's God Punishment? I have never heard of Old Man Xingchen's "Heaven God Punishment", bragging!" Ran Bingling sneered.

Li Shuier was lazy to explain--

Because of the terrible sight, it is already being born!

As the old man of the stars continued to speak, the entire battlefield, the Buddha's light disappeared, even Su Jin... now he has begun to be restricted, and has to disperse the Buddha's body and restore his normal appearance.

The world is dim.

In that dimness, there seemed to be a strange dark red mixed in.

A demon smoke visible to the naked eye slowly blinded the entire battlefield——

Chi Chi ~~~

Silent red lightning began to flash in the demon smoke!

Su Jin's expression began to be solemn, and the vigilance in his heart had been raised to the extreme!

Just a few breaths! The entire battlefield began to rise up a number of extremely strange stone platforms! Those stone platforms are like ‘altars’ and they are very different from the altars——

"Hunhuntai! It's really the **** of heaven's punishment!"

I don't know how many beings are shocked by this scene!

Many ancient demons and gods all vacated in the air, looking nervously at the battlefield world!

"On the soul-suppression stage, the red lightning communicates with the world. This is an extremely terrifying forbidden technique in ancient times! It depends on how old the stars can condense the ‘soul-suppression stage’!"

"Soul Resurrection Station, generally requires more than forty-five seats to condense to the level of horror. If it can condense a hundred seats, the gods will block and kill the gods and be invincible!"

"If the old man of the stars can condense a hundred'soul calm towers', then this eternal old master will definitely die!"

"In a blink of an eye there are fifty, sixty!"


This kind of sight cannot be said to not shock the gods! And the Mixin about the ‘God of Heaven’s Punishment’ was quickly spread throughout the world from the Protoss who knew this forbidden technique!

The old man of stars, blessed by the King of Terror, wants to perform a great forbidden technique that destroys the world!

The Eternal Sea, Queen's Palace——

The Queen Shark almost yelled out now, "The Soul Restoration Station, it turned out to be the Soul Restoration Station! The big thing is not good!"

"Is it awesome?" Han Dieyi asked.

"It's not just amazing! As long as it's in the'God's Punishment of the Sky', the Soul Resurrection Station will possess almost invincible power. It is truly invincible, and there is no way to deal with it!" Queen Yu said with a pale face.

"So terrible!" Ye Qingying was stunned.

Di Linglong frowned, and she naturally saw the clues. Before, she saw that the strength of Old Man Xingchen was not weak, and the strength seemed to have faintly overwhelmed Su Jin. This...this went through hundreds of horrors. The blessing of King God...

I'm afraid Su Jin is really in big trouble.

"Ninety seats." When Queen Shark saw this scene, her tone was desperate!

In a short period of time, the Soul Zhentai has reached more than ninety seats! Moreover, it is still condensing, and the speed is not slow!

The Queen Shark even felt that the use of the ‘God of Heaven’s Punishment’ on Su Jin, condensing more than ninety soul-suppressing platforms, was simply a waste—

The feeling of using a sledgehammer! You know, Queen Shark is completely surrendered to Su Jin, standing on his side! But now she is desperate, let alone Han Dieyi and the others!

"There must be a way." Han Dieyi's eyes were firm.


any solution!

Su Jin is also unbelievable now. He "shrunk the ground into an inch" step by step, trying to get out of the area shrouded by more than 90 soul calming towers. As a result, the power of shrinking the ground into an inch did not go out of this area!

It looks like an array but not an array. It looks like a ban but not like a ban. Su Jin has never experienced such a weird situation!

The number of soul-relief stations is fixed at ninety-nine!

The terrible battlefield world is quiet! In Su Jin’s eyes, everything except the soul-suppressing station has disappeared, and there is no longer the old man star, and those horror king gods—

The corner of Su Jin's mouth was cold, and he tentatively asked the surroundings: "I'm going to try your power with this blow, although I can break this spell instantly!"

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