My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4040: Hundred Soul Town

Soul Zhentai!

The hundredth bright red "Soul Resurrection Station" is beginning to take shape!


The violent thunder and lightning filled the entire environment of the soul-suppressing platform, and the ancient gods' whole body lines soared and became more hideous and terrifying, as if he had gained unimaginable power.


The Donghuang Bell... is actually sinking in under his grasp!


Su Jin was a little unbelievable. He could naturally see this scene on the wall of the'Eastern Emperor Bell' clearly within the "Eastern Emperor Bell". What kind of power did the ancient gods gain and could do this?

In his pupils, he naturally saw the'soul rejuvenation platform' that had been poured into shape. This rejuvenation platform seemed to have been poured with blood. It was a lot smaller than other soul rejuvenation platforms, but It feels so strange--

"The other soul-relief stations are recovering quickly--" Su Jin frowned, frowning deeply.

The golden flames are no longer useful for a hundred ‘soul calmers’! This is something Su Jin never expected.


There are violent destructive powers everywhere!

Even if Su Jin is in the ‘East Emperor’s Bell’, he can feel that the space is cracking. In that crack, there is a biting power showing through——

"He is going to be sanctioned by the domain owner!"

Among the hundred cities, cheers!

In the Dark Night God City, countless protoss were blushing with excitement, and they... finally saw the devilish existence die.

"What level of power can cause "Eastern Bell" to be damaged?" said the Protoss of the Dark Night God City.

"The Eastern Emperor Bell is the'first bell in the world'. How can it be easily damaged? Although the ancient gods can shake the Eastern Emperor Bell under the blessings, they can't squeeze it, so naturally it will hardly hurt the old master."

"Ah! Donghuang Bell is restored again! It's...that Donghuang Taiyi did it!"

"Such a power of destruction, should it be able to wipe out everything in it? Whether you are the Eastern Emperor or Suizu, you will also be wiped out."

"They are gone a long time ago. Those are just powers of vision. The current Eastern Emperor Taiyi may not be the one he was back then. After all, it's too long."

"The Star Domain Master is too powerful now, he has completely controlled the situation, and even suppressed everything that the God of Heaven has sent off, and the hundredth'Soul Calming Platform' turned out to be blood red--"

"Why is the figure of the old man downstairs in the octagonal room not affected by the power that destroys the world?"


A thunder and lightning strikes directly on the'Eastern Emperor Bell'!

Among them, Su Jin's expression changed.

There was a robbery dragon around his body, instantly swallowing the thunder and lightning that could destroy the soul's soul! The entire "Eastern Bell" is not safe inside-

"I am still too weak!" Su Jin was a little annoyed.

Although Su Jin knows that there are more than 10,000 horror king gods blessed by the star domain master, otherwise, it would never be possible to produce this kind of power-

Su Jin stood up!

If this continues, Su Jin feels that he will never survive in "East Emperor Bell"! Once the Star Domain Master takes control of the situation, he will definitely do everything possible to drive him out of "East Emperor Bell".

"Do you want to break his God's punishment of this day!" Su Jin rarely hesitated, but now, he really hesitated.

hold on!

Su Jin has no life worry at least for now-

He raised his hand.

The golden sun vision at the end of the sky, the light suddenly soared!

The void has been burned into a stream.

And with the shaking of the ten golden suns, ten heads of "Burning World Golden Crow" were condensed, spread their wings, and rushed directly towards the ancient gods——



Like fireworks, the ancient gods can explode a "Burning World Golden Crow" with every punch they throw!

"The power of the ancient gods is dozens or even a hundred times stronger than just now!" Su Jin's sense of crisis soared.

How to break this ‘God of Heaven’s Punishment’ without using that trick!

Su Jin's face was chilled--

Click, click.

After just testing, Su Jin no longer waited! His body, from head to toe, even every strand of hair began to turn into a ‘crystal red color’!


Step into the air and get out!

"Come back!" Su Jin's palm was up, and he lifted it lightly.

A ‘golden ancient stele’ is like a golden lotus coming out of water, floating out of a golden light and falling on Su Jin’s hand!


The old man Xingchen was shocked.

Under the cover of his ‘God’s Punishment’, Su Jin was able to recruit the ‘Golden Ancient Stele’ from their position to the ‘God’s Punishment of the Heavens'——


This is too mysterious!

The other horror king gods also changed their faces. They had experienced the power of the ‘Golden Monument’ not long ago, and now that Su Jin masters the ‘Golden Monument’, it feels so sour--

"Die to me!" Su Jin rose to the sky in one step.


The punch of the ancient gods seemed to slow down time a thousand times--

In a flash!

Even though Su Jin was ready, he was still hit in the left half of his arm——

The crystal red left shoulder arm was directly exploded! There are countless lumps faintly falling apart!


Still far underestimated!

Su Jin stared, and was extremely annoyed.


Su Jin threw out the "Golden Ancient Stele".

In the several pairs of horizontal eyes of the ancient gods, the endless beams of light shined directly at the "Golden Ancient Stele", trying to suppress the "Golden Ancient Stele"——

Bang bang bang!

The sound of Jin Ge hitting constantly appeared!

When the light of the pupils of the ancient gods hit the'golden ancient stele', it seemed to be blocked by a layer of golden light. Now there is no need to look closely at the golden ancient stele.

It's like the breathing of a creature...the rhythm has an extremely mysterious rhythm.

Dimly and secretly!

The golden monument seems to be the only one in the world!

Su Jin was bombarded for thousands of miles, looking up, the golden ancient stele was still spinning high in the sky, and it was beginning to grow bigger and bigger again--

"Transform the old master! Against the universe!" Su Jin exclaimed.

His body is now cracked and he can't get rid of the crystal state rashly!


The sacred golden light rises to the sky——

Those golden **** words scattered from the ‘golden ancient stele’, like a curtain, painful to the world, every golden **** word seemed to contain endless mysteries.

Su Jin stepped forward!


Bang bang!

One after another ‘Golden God’s Word’, they quickly hit Su Jin! The sonorous voice makes it hard for the gods not to pay attention to this scene——

"He was injured just now! The injury is very serious, more serious than the previous injury!" Li Shuier said with a sneer looking at Ran Bingling.

"He hasn't lost yet!" Ran Bingling couldn't help but shout.

The disadvantage is quite obvious.

Although Bingbing Ling didn't admit it, he was almost desperate in his heart. Fortunately, Su Jin avoided the blow just now. If he was hit on the head... the consequences would be disastrous!

"His divine body is now shattered...If it sheds into a flesh, I am afraid it will fall on the spot. He will not be long to live."

Li Shuier said to Ran Bingling again: "So, you lost—"

"Fart!" Bingbing Ling couldn't refute it, and could only get angry.

"This is not the age of the old gods. He masters the old monuments, wants to reverse the world, and wants to be the new king of the Eternal Gods Realm? How could it be possible!" Li Shui'er said with disdain.

She is completely relieved now.

The strength of the old man Xingchen is endless. As long as the old man Xingchen thinks, Li Shui'er feels that he can persist as long as he wants.

On her side, she can afford to—

But the old master, ha ha.

Li Shui'er seemed to love the anxious expression of Ran Bingling.

"Can't fall down." Dianbing Ling was crying anxiously.

Once Su Jin died, she would definitely not end well. She and Su Jin are now both prosperous and both prosperous, and both are lost.

"You want to accompany the old master to regain the glory of the past, I don't want to." Li Shui'er smiled: "Speaking of which, I have to thank you for removing the king's seal, so that I have a chance to become a king."

"You never end! Shut up, OK?" Dianbing Ling scolded angrily.

Li Shuier: "..."


Even the old man Xingchen was extremely excited.

The achievements that the God of Destruction did not complete, and the achievements that the Emperor Family Emperor did not complete, will soon be completed by him! His excitement now is beyond words--

"He just suffered a blow from the ancient gods, and his body almost collapsed. Now he can only rely on the golden ancient stele to continue his life!" A Terror King said to the old man Xingchen.

"He is going to die soon, we can congratulate the Star Domain Master, your deeds will make a sensation in the entire Eternal God Domain!"

"This battle, the Protoss paid a great price! We even lost the Lord of the Southern Territory, but as long as he beheaded and the threat of the Protoss is eliminated, everything is worth it!"

"Everyone's credit!"

Although the old man Xingchen said so, he did not relax any vigilance in his heart, and his hearty power was still maintaining the power of the magical technique.

A horror king said with a smile: "Domain master, don't do two things, and explode the old master's divine body!"

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