My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4051: Blood flow Narumi

The dragon of thousands of miles.

Countless dragon bodies, wherever they go, no grass will grow!

Ran Bingling's heart trembled. She was astonished as Li Shui'er. They vaguely saw a scene—

There are already many protoss of the Western Regions, turned into sunken corpses!

Some big cities have even turned into a scene bathed in **** blood! Outside the city walls, on the streets, there was a river of blood! The protoss extinction catastrophe has arrived!



Countless blood fog quickly caused a terrible disaster. Above the sky, thunder and lightning, the sky turned blood, and the thick blood cloud began to rain blood, a real blood rain!

Although Li Shui'er was in the mouth of the golden sacred dragon, she can also feel the disappearance of one protoss after another, and even disappear in pieces!

"The Western Regions... is over." Dyeing Bing Ling took a deep breath, so rolling dragon might, if it ran over the Western Regions, even if it was only a small area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, it would be possible to grind back and forth several times--


Bingbing Ling can only use these two words to describe his inner horror!

The eternal sea!

The Queen’s Palace, including more than a dozen beautiful shark girls, is still dumbfounded.

In the entire palace, it seemed extremely quiet--

"There are old gods slaughtering the Protoss of the Western Regions!" Queen Shark subconsciously judged. When she finished speaking, she obviously took a long breath.

"Which Dragon God is the Golden Sacred Dragon? Eternal God Realm, there has never been a golden dragon **** before!" Ye Qingying said incredulously.

"Is it the old **** who helped Big Brother Su?" Han Dieyi asked quickly.

"It should be! Now those old gods can't help the old master, they can only take advantage of the emptiness of the Western Regions, directly display great means, and crush the past! I didn't expect such a powerful dragon **** to appear so far." The queen shark exclaimed. .

"It's not the old god, it's him." Di Linglong said.

Silence again!

The daughters of Queen Shark looked at Emperor Linglong fiercely.

"He...who is he?" The night princess asked nervously, her beautiful pupils shrank.

"Only he can turn into a golden dragon. I saw it when I was outside the realm of God and was still in charge of the Law Enforcement League," Di Linglong said.

The golden dragon is Su Jin?


Queen Shark felt that this simply broke her cognition!

It's impossible to think about it, but Di Linglong is obviously very sure, and her attitude can't make them question!

But Queen Shark thought carefully, I am afraid that only Su Jin can do this kind of big scene... and with his wisdom, he will definitely defeat the Eternal Western Regions!

"Crush it like this..." Ye Qingying couldn't help but sigh.

I'm sorry, she feels that where the dragon army has run over thousands of miles, no protoss will survive!

The night princess was pale.

Su Jin has given her a shocking feeling more than a few times. This time... the gathering of the gods around the Ice Spirit Sea is obviously not too shocking. The vast dragon rushing to the Western Regions is the most exaggerated--

The blood is pouring!

The endless dragon ran over a million miles in the Western Regions in a blink of an eye!

not enough! Obviously it is not enough, the speed of the dragon army does not mean to stop at all!

"Domain Master...Why hasn't the Domain Master come out on the bottom of the sea yet!" There is the Western Region Protoss, with anxious face, this is not the terrible consequence he can imagine.

"The Western Regions are over...If the domain master knows..."

There is also the Protoss of the Western Regions, with shocked faces. After shock, they are depressed. That is their great home! How can you not be angry once you have been destroyed?

Although, a radius of one million miles is only a projectile place for the entire Eternal Western Region, but this scene has left an indelible mark in the hearts of the Protoss around the Ice Spirit Sea!

"It's too shocking. Why is a golden dragon capable of causing such a destructive power! The old god, is it really that powerful? The old lord is just so!"

"Blood stains the Western Regions, the Western Regions will collapse..."

"Is the domain master trapped in the bottom of the sea? Why hasn't he appeared yet! Later, the entire Western Regions Protoss will be slaughtered!"

"Maybe the Territory Master and the Great Onmyoji are fighting to kill the old master on the seabed!"


The Protoss around the Ice Spirit Sea are more anxious than anyone——


After hearing the news that was passed on, the several great abilities of Old Man Xingchen... all were dumbfounded!

"The old master... is slaughtering my Western Protoss!" The old man Xingchen said with a stern face.

His face is as ugly as it is!

The Great Onmyoji was panicked, "Are you sure?"

"Except for the old master, who has such great power!" The old man Xingchen was anxious and shouted, "Hurry...hurry!"

"It will take at least a quarter of an hour!" Da Onmyoji said with a full face.

Another quarter of an hour?

The old man Xingchen was almost mad at him, what about the bull that just blew? Not that it can be broken easily? ! Now every second, every breath passed, countless Western Regions Protoss fell, but he still said it would take a quarter of an hour!


The Great Onmyoji was sweating profusely, and began to infuse his strength as if he were not dead!

A quarter of an hour! For the horror kings and gods of the old man, it seems that a million years have passed!

Finally, the Great Onmyoji screamed out——

A portal enough to pass appears!


The old man Xingchen was faster than anyone else, he disappeared in one step and appeared in the sky above the ice spirit sea!

Blood flames... the blood of the Western Regions seemed to dye the entire Western Regions into a red sky! The monstrous blood and fire are burning!

"Domain master! The domain master is out!" Many Protoss cheered.

"The old golden dragon **** has slaughtered the Western Regions twice!"

"One go and one time, twenty million miles! Domain Lord, hurry up...or else the entire Western Regions will be over!"

"Domain Master..."



The old man Xingchen looked up to the sky with a stern face and roared, "Old Lord! I swear, I will thwart your bones and ash!"

The entire Ice Spirit Sea was suddenly quiet!

Old master?

That golden dragon...was the old master transformed?

How is this going!

The Protoss around Bing Linghai were all stunned, and finally... their complexion turned into a monstrous killing intent! The old master slaughtered its protoss, but they didn't even know that the golden dragon was the old master!

"Kill, kill, kill!" The old man Xingchen brushed his star robe and disappeared into the sky above the ice spirit sea!

"Kill the old master!" The infinite Protoss came to life, but in the case of the inner and outer three levels, they even became a problem with their transfer. If they broke through the sky, this space would not be able to withstand the emergence of void channels.

Killing intent!


Thousands of miles of dragons, also roaring again and again, rolling towards the old man of the stars——

Su Jin turned into a deity, Ding Bing Ling and Li Shui'er also looked at the monstrous sea of ​​flames spreading over 20 million miles. They grew up so big that they had never seen such a scene!

Ran Bingling was in awe, while Li Shuier was pale, turning his gaze to Su Jin's face...

"Good coming!" Su Jin yelled coldly.

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