My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4053: Moon Girl Wanyan


It's almost a miracle--

Countless protoss exclaimed, after the nine divine lights rushed into the sky, it seemed like nine divine pillars, piercing the sky, piercing nine big holes!

Ran Bingling's face was pale, when she and Li Shui'er saw the nine divine lights pass.

The two women still didn't wake up from the sluggishness--

Nine Su Jin!

"Does he have nine rules of power?" Li Shuier's expression also changed drastically.

"I don't know." Ranbing Ling couldn't tell clearly, she didn't know Su Jin for a long time, and didn't know it well yet.

The old man Xingchen snorted coldly at this moment: "It's just eight incarnations, it's impossible to have much combat power. If you use this technique to scare some weak people, it may have a miraculous effect, but it's useless against me!"

"Who said to deal with you?" A black-robed Su Jin walked out and gave him a light look.


Black light flashed--

The scream of evil spirits seems to be the only theme here!

The monstrous power of the ghost king, carrying the sky full of evil ghosts and spirits, marches towards the Protoss in the rear battlefield!


Vulcan Dao Su Jin, like a fire dancing meteor, fell into a protoss field, killing directly!


The eight Su Jin figures seem to rush into the flock of wolves!

"Your opponent is me!" Su Jin held the'Golden Ancient Tablet' with one hand, and drank at the old man Xingchen.

Why do those eight clones have such a powerful combat power——

The old man Xingchen was dumbfounded for a moment, but he also noticed that the eight "Su Jin" who each possessed a certain power were not as strong as his deity.

But even so, it is not the ordinary Protoss that can deal with——

The old man Xingchen must kill this old master as soon as possible, otherwise...the rear will definitely suffer!

"Big Star Technique, Sparkling Fire!"

The blazing sun seemed to be fueling the fire. A raging sea of ​​fire rolled towards Su Jin and burned away. That kind of power even made this battlefield space begin to melt--

"That said, I will never invade!"

Su Jin felt that the other party was stupid, but he simply lifted it up with one hand, and a fire lotus rose slowly above his head.

"What?" The old man Xingchen chuckled and took a step back.

The endless sparks started to rush towards the "Golden Fire Lotus".

Xinghuo, as if divided into countless strands, was directly swallowed by the'Golden Fire Lotus'.

It's too tragic--

No one wants to see this scene.

Dark night city, countless protoss, all sweaty and pale!

They saw with their own eyes that the protoss were torn apart by some old gods——

They saw groups of Protoss, desperately falling under the arms of the sky.

They saw... the eight incarnations of the old master, destroying them, among them there is an incarnation of the old master controlling the Vulcan Tao, whose killing power makes them terrified!

"Most of the king gods in Dark Night God City rushed to Bing Linghai. After this battle, how many of them can come back?" Many protoss covered their faces and wept bitterly. Among those who rushed to the battle, some Their best friend!

"The battle of gods is cruel. Which dynasty was not made of blood—"

"Why the old master is so powerful... Is he really coming back to rebuild the dynasty? The old man Xingchen's'big star technique' has no effect on the old master."

"The old gods who were loyal to the old master were also killed! They...have deaths and injuries!"

"It's a pity, the descendants of the old gods, this time should come out, but I still don't believe that the old master can lead them back to their former glory!"

"How big is the entire Eternal Gods Realm, and the brave power of these Protoss is insignificant to the entire Eternal Gods Realm! Even if the corpse mountain is piled up, we definitely won't let the fire of the old master rekindle, they...will be defeated!"

"The old lord...too strong...obviously came from being strong on his own. I had known that he asked for Emperor Linglong at that time, and the Emperor family asked him to go. Maybe he would leave the Eternal God Realm——"

Some gods became silent.

The cruel scene seems to have turned that battlefield into a purgatory of the Protoss!

Behind the Ice Spirit Sea——

"Fall the arrow!" With a sweet voice, the faces of the gods headed by the Great Onmyoji were changed wildly.

"Good, you Qiangwu people! So you are the descendants of the old gods!" The Great Onmyoji saw tens of thousands of old gods, condensing out of a dark blue light.

Immediately after...

Whoosh whoosh——

Pieces of divine arrows with blue arrows fell on the protoss army like raindrops.

Those blue arrows are all painted with poison!

"Next round!" There is a woman in a blue dress who is holy and superb, as if standing proudly under the blood moon, her eyes are blue, as if there is no trace of flaws.

"Wanyan Aoyue... Wanyan Aoyue is the goddess of the Qiangwu tribe in the Great Northern Wilderness. She...could she be ordered to take over the entire Qiangwu tribe? She became the patriarch of the Wanyan clan?" Many gods stared at that The woman standing under the blood moon has no more admiration--

Because she is the offspring of the old god!

"Hua!" The big onmyoji raised his sleeves.

A circular shield that blocks the void is directly condensed, and those divine arrows can no longer break through!

"Old heaven, blood ancestor!" Many Protoss faces suddenly paled.


This blood ancestor was a super power, but he was also an old **** who was loyal to the old master!

"Are the old gods coming out of the nest?" The Great Onmyoji was full of murderous intent. He walked out alone and suddenly shouted, "Moon, you need to atone for your sins!"

Moon girl

There was no panic in Wanyan Aoyue's eyes, even if she saw Great Onmyoji coming, she was not afraid!

A knife that hadn't been bloodied for a long time appeared from Wanyan Aoyue's hand... The sword flower she picked up was very beautiful, and strong and incomparable fluctuations spread from the space around her.

The **** moon trembled.

The knife is bitter.


Wanyan Aoyue seemed to be blessed by a moon girl vision, that moon girl Hao Jie Wushuang, incarnate from her body.


The endless knife shadow emptied a hundred miles wide void! She slashed directly at the Great Onmyoji!

The Great Onmyoji shook slightly and escaped the blow in one step.

A trace of panic inevitably appeared in Wanyan Aoyue's eyes!

The Great Onmyoji is worthy of being a super strong, she is so sharp that the opponent can avoid it!

"It's a shame to kill you, must die!" The Great Onmyoji stared at Wanyan Aoyue.

Jingle bells-

The arrows hit the Great Onmyoji, but they were all swallowed invisibly by the distorted space.

Wanyan Aoyue took a step backwards, but suddenly a circle of Yin and Yang gossip gushed out of her feet!

In a flash, prison!

"It's not bad to be my Dao Corpse after death," Da Onmyoji said to Wanyan Aoyue.

After Yan Aoyue, her face instantly paled——


The Great Onmyoji's face suddenly changed, and he looked up!

A piece of sword country formed a vast sea of ​​swords, then appeared in the sky!


One person, carrying a sword, step out!

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