My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4055: Give me a break!

Go out!

The incarnation of Su Jin's Buddhism must be destroyed-

Otherwise there will be no chance!

Because in that piece of Buddhism, there are already tens of thousands of Protoss sitting cross-legged, as if taking refuge, with their hands clasped together, and constantly chanting, this kind of scene is still happening, a probated Protoss, sitting down right away, Strands of golden Buddhist scriptures are wrapped around her body.

Buddha songs are like war songs!

The gods of the old heaven are more brave!

Wanyan Aoyue now looked at the sword body Su Jin sitting cross-legged in front of her, the feeling in her heart was simply indescribable! This is definitely a mythical method——

Enough to be recorded in history!

"Kill!" The Great Onmyoji hurriedly abandoned the battle situation in the north, united with other gods, and rushed towards Su Jin's incarnation of Buddhism!

The Dao of Life and Death and the Guillotine are still being harvested.

Pieces of light began to concentrate in the Buddhist world full of Sanskrit!


A ‘swastika’ seal began to slowly rotate from the world of Buddhism and Taoism, and the enlarged golden ‘swastika’, as soon as the Protoss swept through it, there seemed to be hundreds of thousands of Buddha songs in the mind of seeing through life.

Speed ​​up conversion!

"Not feasible! You must go with super power to avoid being influenced!" The Great Onmyoji hurriedly let the gods retreat.

"Great Lord Broken Wolf!"

"The Great God of Transformation, follow me to attack the old master, the incarnation of Buddhism!"

The Great Onmyoji began to command.

"Okay!" The Great God of Huasheng glowed in his white robe, stood with the Great Polang, and quickly attacked the ‘Buddha World’ with the Great Onmyoji!

"My Buddha is the beacon of the Buddha and Dao, you wait to be offended!" There is a probation of the Protoss, his hands are folded, even if he stands in front of the three super powers.

More than 10,000 Protoss!

These were originally on the side of the Great Onmyoji!

Immediately, the Great Lord Breaking Wolf, the Great God of Transformation made a difficult task!

"Kill! They have been converted and become old gods!" The Great Onmyoji screamed.


The Great Lord Polang and the Great God of Huasheng, directly kill!

"What!" The Great Po Wolf saw a probabilistic Protoss, resurrected after being chopped and killed, and his scalp became numb.

"My Buddha can allow converts to infinite Nirvana! All convert to my Buddha!" ​​The Protoss who had been probation began to persuade the three super powers of Polang, Huasheng, and Great Onmyoji to rise.

"Fart!" The Great Po Wolf shouted.


Above the Buddhas among the billions of Buddhas, around each Buddha, strands of tangled lotus began to appear quickly. The growth speed of those tangled lotus is simply terrifying.


The Great Onmyoji was stunned again.

The mighty power of Buddhism and Taoism, among the billions of Buddhism, quickly condensed the most terrifying Buddha tree!

The eternal sea.

Queen's Palace!

"Buddha tree, Bodhi tree!" Queen Shark was shocked, she didn't expect this to be the case.

"What kind of existence is he——" Ye Qingying is really fortunate to be able to follow Su Jin. Even with such a huge disparity in the number of Protoss, she can't say which side will win!

The Buddhist ‘Bodhi Tree’ is too scary.

"Eight source incarnation, plus his deity... Is this where his confidence lies?" The Night Princess sighed.

"The old gods are all crazy, and they want to kill them, or even change their lives. Until now...under the power of the Buddha's nirvana, the old is not dead." Queen Yu said with tears and laughter.

She thought that this battle would be tragic.

Unexpectedly, the tragic one turned out to be the side of the Eternal Protoss!

After all, those eternal protoss who were killed cannot have the power to bring back the dead--

This is simply a one-sided massacre!

"Do you want to fight?" In the battlefield, Su Jin was covered in golden armor flashing, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking at the old man Xingchen.

"The power of your incarnation is not endless! You... can't hold on anymore!" The old man Xingchen responded without hesitation.

"Really? Then you look at..."


Su Jin disappeared out of thin air in the eyes of Old Man Xingchen——

What does he want to do? The old man Xingchen was a little frightened.

But in the next second, he knew what happened!

Su Jin turned into three thousand shadows and appeared directly in front of every old god.

"My king, give you endless strength, take it down, and break the realm!" Every shadow incarnation has an enlightenment leaf floating in his hand, and those enlightenment leaves are quickly subdued by every old god!


All the gods of the Qiangwu tribe are also unsuccessful, given the leaves of enlightenment!

The super power of the old world, the blood ancestor, has been rewarded with as many as a hundred!

"Broken realm!" There was an old **** in the old world, his face flushed, and he burst out.




The light kept rising into the sky, among the old gods, more than 60% of the clan gods broke the realm in an instant!

Even those who have not broken the realm will be given the "Enlightenment Leaf" again until they break the realm!

Hundred cities, countless Protoss watching the battle, most of them were scared to cry——

"The old gods displayed unimaginable abilities, so that all the old gods broke the realm! This...what should be done! Why can the old gods break the realm!" Some of the Protoss watching the battle couldn't figure it out.

"Some king gods, even the old gods who have just stepped into the king **** realm, have been directly elevated to the terrifying king **** realm. This...this is really damn..."

"Broken, all broken..."

"Although in terms of quantity, our Terror King God still occupies an absolute advantage, but the opponent is immortal... This is broken, it is broken."

"What kind of power is it that can make the old gods directly break through... Is this the old master? It feels like we are going to be defeated..."

"It's really going to be impossible. Those Qiangwu **** archers who shoot a round of magic arrows are a massacre. The old man Xingchen has to make a decision--"

"It's the tree of enlightenment... the tree of enlightenment is absolutely in his hands, otherwise... the leaf of enlightenment is exactly the same as the record, silver and green."

"Bodhi tree, tree of enlightenment...all in the old master, this old master...this old master is simply..."


The old man Xingchen is almost crying now, let alone the Protoss watching the battle?

"What to do!" Da Onmyoji was startled, and quickly asked Old Man Xiang Xingchen.

"Kill it!" The old man Xingchen said angrily: "Otherwise we will have no chance!"

"Yes, kill! Kill it!" The Polang Great Venerable flew away a rebellious **** and stepped into the world of Buddhism.

Su Jin's two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine shadow incarnations, all returned to the deity, he was in the field like a peerless king, no gods dared to approach!

"This king's sacred monument can give you supreme courage, and this king's Buddhism can give you the endless rebirth and continue to fight!" Su Jin said lightly.




Bingbing Lingzhen killed a few Protoss who were not afraid of death. She and Li Shui'er had mostly dumbfounded expressions during this moment. They didn't expect this to happen!

"Perhaps, your choice is correct." Li Shuier said silently.

"You also made a choice... You didn't let the Ice Spirit Sea Clan die." Ran Bing Ling also said.

Li Shui'er is very complicated now. For the Protoss army, even if the Protoss of the Ice Spirit Sea participates in the battle, the battle situation will not change much.

"Huh!" Buddhism in the world.

The Great Po Wolf directly turned into a monstrous wolf shadow, and he was going to catch that piece of billions of Buddha directly!


Two terrifying forces collide together!

"What? I can't break it?" The Great Po Wolf was bounced back fiercely. This is a situation he never expected. According to his strength, even if his strength is not as strong as the old man, he blasted away this Buddhist path Heaven and earth should be fine!

But it turned out to be like this. His power was blocked by the terrifying "swastika" Buddha seal, and the billions of Buddhas all glared at him in an instant!

"Withdraw first, then discuss the long-term plan!" Great Onmyoji looked at the fallen Protoss, and immediately shouted with a black face.

"Withdraw...withdraw!" The old man Xingchen changed his mind and suddenly shouted.

"You and I work together!" The Great Onmyoji screamed at the old man Xingchen.



An array of Yin and Yang spread directly under the feet of all the Protoss!

"Star gate lead!" The old man Xingchen directly raised his hands and condensed a vast starry sky gate in the center of the Yin-Yang array!


Every Protoss in the Eternal Gods Realm seemed to feel the power of attraction, and directly turned into a ray of starlight, submerged in the door of that starry sky!


It was just a few breaths, except for the old gods, all the gods were submerged in it and disappeared instantly!

"Three days later, let's fight again!" The old man Xingchen looked at Su Jin's deity coldly and shouted angrily.

"Dragon and Phoenix Nest." Su Jin sneered.

"it is good!"


When the old man star and the big onmyoji super powers disappeared one after another-

Hundred cities are silent!

After a dozen long breaths, all the Protoss became noisy!

"The first battle, we lost!" Some of the Protoss couldn't believe it. Originally, this should be a crushing battle, but the situation was changed by the Eternal Old Lord!

"How is it possible, how is it possible to lose... unexpectedly... lost by the hands of his eternal master."

"Three days later, there will be a battle in the Dragon and Phoenix Nest. That battle... I am afraid it will be even more tragic than this one. The Protoss left the battlefield and moved to another place—"

"The first battle was lost. This is definitely a big blow to our army, so angry, those old gods...none of them were killed!"

"The old man Xingchen and the Great Onmyoji must respond within three days. The other side has the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism, which can bring the old **** back to life!"

"In three days, our strength will be strengthened again! But the same is true for the old masters, and the old gods will appear more—"

"It's really hard to believe, we were defeated?"



The incarnation of the eight realms, quickly return to the deity of Su Jin!

Wanyan Aoyue was still in a daze, and they didn't play a big role in the battle. The reason why they were able to win the first battle was that the old master's several methods were too terrible!

While thinking about it, Su Jin walked towards Wanyan Aoyue.

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