My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 4084: The real power of forbidden arts


The sound of teeth crunching bones, as if pervasive, made the seven superpowers suddenly feel a chill in their back!

Master Onmyoji's face changed slightly.

Remind the gods of exaltedness to their attention--

The seven superpowers looked up to the north, watching the sky as if their eyes were open!

Those two eyes jumping with golden flames seemed to have never had feelings for millions of years, staring coldly.

"The old master is staring at us through the mystery of the ancient stele!" The old wolf of Cangshan was shocked. He originally thought that he would only get lost in this'year forbidden technique', but who would have thought that the old master could be so terrifying. s method.

Those eyes jumping with flames don't even know what power it has! It gave them a lot of pressure, even mysterious!

"We are seven super strong, loneliness can't keep us waiting, and we join hands to bless a strong, he is definitely not an opponent!" The God of Honor also said.

"Yes, it's the right thing to be vigilant. Now it's a matter of urgency, don't run into the star domain master--"

The old man Xingchen has indeed become their biggest trouble now.

Moreover, this access control technique can make people crazy, although the current seven super powers do not feel this way.

Gradually, a figure slowly appeared between the two huge eyes!

"Old Master!"

The Great Onmyoji roared at Su Jin.

"He dare to show up!"

"This access control technique is not as terrible as it is outside! There is no ability to limit our strength, so... there is a good chance to kill him." The **** of honor also said.

The seven super powerhouses are now surging!


They all know that Su Jin’s injury cannot be recovered so quickly——

"Are you dying in such a hurry?"

Su Jin's voice was like eternal ice, which made the seven super powers hear it, and for a moment felt a chill in his back——

"You have the ability to fight us now? You are a wounded body, we can cut it at will!" The Great God of Huasheng also said in a negative test.

Su Jin's gaze swept across the faces of the seven super powers one by one.

"Master Onmyoji, you are the most injured. Standing at the end, you only need to choose one of our six strong men to bless you, and integrate the power of our seven super strong men, and he will have no power to fight back." Shinto.

"Who is the key blessing?" Polang Dazun asked.

"The **** of honor! You are the most suitable!" Huasheng Great God also said.

There was a sudden sudden in my heart.

The Supreme God looked at the Cangshan Old Wolf. He actually blessed the Cangshan Old Wolf the most. After all, the blesser would definitely have the most powerful strength, but even that... facing the injured old master, he couldn't say 100% victory.

"Then a few times the **** of honor."

Cangshan Old Wolf said indifferently.

"it is good!"

The **** of honor gritted his teeth and nodded his head.

He did it!


The Great Onmyoji immediately stood behind the six super powers, and the black and white yin and yang fish under his feet slowly began to swim out——

Six super powers, bless the gods!

The God of Honor, suddenly felt how terrible he is now!

He even has the courage to challenge all existence! Even if it is the sky, he seems to be able to break it by raising his hand! This tyrannical power was perfectly blessed by the Great Onmyoji as the medium—

If this were my own strength, how strong would it be! I can even have everything, the entire heavens!

The **** of honor thought to himself.

Su Jin's eyes are still cold, "Are you too proud of you too early? Just rely on you to kill me?"

"I'm not proud of it, I'll know it in a while! Unfortunately, although your years of strength are strong, it is completely useless to us. We cut you off. This access control technique is self-defeating and peace will be restored in the world!!"

The body of the lord **** shook, and several blood shadows faintly formed. These blood shadows, without exception, are all thread-lifting demon puppets, but each one is not known how much stronger than before!


One of the blood-red demon puppets, the rules are implicated in the **** of supreme! Lift the knife directly and instantly appear on the left side of Su Jin!


Su Jin raised his hand, the powerful force condensed circles of golden light, and he blocked the knife!


As soon as he shook himself, Su Jin raised a sea of ​​swords all over his body! Every sword seemed to carry a powerful aura of destruction--



Ok? Can't? why not?

Su Jin saw that he had not cut off the rules of implication between the several demon puppets and the supreme god. This situation was very rare, and even he had experienced it for the first time.

It is impossible not to be curious.

"It's surprising! Hahaha—" The **** of honor lifted up his pace, and a gust of blood began to rise, "Compared with me now, you don't know how weak it is, especially if you are seriously injured. It’s impossible to threaten me again!"

"Compared with the previous one, he is really weak!"

The Great Onmyoji shouted: "The Lord of Honor, I have not done my best to bless you yet, and I still have spare power. That is why you want to use your power! Moreover, this access control technique is not enough to be afraid of. I will condense the entire battlefield now. Among my protoss army, let them have a glimpse of the demeanor of your god!"

"That would be great! At the moment the head of the old master is removed, we are the heroes of the entire Eternal God Realm!" The **** of the venerable is full of enthusiasm thinking about it.


The Great Onmyoji directly raised his hand, and the entire scene in the forbidden technique was completely condensed in the square sky above the dragon and phoenix nest!

"There is a scene! It is the scene condensed by the Great Onmyoji! This is the internal situation in the forbidden operation!" Miss Ziyu exclaimed repeatedly.

Feng Qinglan's face was solemn. Judging from the scene, the seven superpowers including the Great Onmyoji, unconsciously, seemed to have a huge advantage.

Otherwise, it should not be like this——

The demon master's brows were tightly condensed, and he did not expect that the forbidden technique of the **** master Su Jin would be so easy to deal with, and the seven super powers did not receive the slightest influence, which made him the strangest.

"The **** master must not fall down! He has just recuperated from the injury for a while, and the situation is not so good now!" said a strong demon clan.

"Once the God Lord falls, the target of those super powers is our Demon! Because the old gods are simply not enough to kill! Our Demon people will be crushed by the iron cavalry of the Lord's army—"

"How could the divine master's forbidden technique be so weak?"

Not only the demons, even among the countless protoss army, there was an exciting voice!

The entire Eternal God Realm is paying attention to this battle!

Dark night city, boiling!

"Forbidden art condensed by time, this is it?" The cultivator of Dark Night God City laughed.

"I don't see how powerful it is. Can this level of forbidden technique really be called forbidden technique? And you see, the six super powers of the Great Onmyoji, the **** of blessing, the old master even The power of the rules cannot be smashed, and I feel that I can declare him dead."

"Six super powers, blessing the gods! Although not as strong as the previous blessing of the old man, don’t forget that the old master was already in a state of serious injury because of the emperor’s whisper. Now although the strength is not known, But definitely less than 50%..."

"There is a big chance--"

"I look forward to! I look forward to the Lord's head being able to come forward and take the old master's head in his hands. This is the closest they have been to the old master's head, and the one with the most chance. If they succeed, their seven super powers will be in the Eternal God Realm. The status in China will reach an unprecedented level!"

"Yes, everyone can tell that the old master is about to die. I doubt that he can defeat a super power alone now—"

One party rejoiced.

There are two concerns.

This old master has stood firm since he stepped into the eternal realm of God! Is it... Is it going to fall this time?

Ran Bingling, Li Shui'er, Li Heyi, Wanyan Aoyue, and even Xian Langhuan all showed worry, while Li Yeyang and the others were solemn.

Anyone can see how difficult Su Jin's situation is--

In the forbidden space, Su Jin's complexion began to return to normal. He avoided the slashing attacks of several thread-carrying demon puppets, and looked at the seven superpowers including the God of Exalted from a distance!

"I haven't actually activated this access control technique yet, because once activated, I don't know what will happen, so I are too proud of it!"

Su Jin’s voice suffocated all the seven super powers—

Outside the forbidden space, everything fell silent instantly!

"Don't believe him nonsense! He is the best at scaring, like his current state, it is impossible to not fully use the power of the forbidden technique -" The Great Onmyoji burst into a shout.

"Yes! I can't believe a word of what the old master said! He is now at the end of his life, and he is about to come to the end of his life. Naturally, he wants to survive and find a way to deal with us!" The Great God of Huasheng also yelled.

"Who believes who is a dog—"

"When we are three-year-olds playing?"


Including the Great Onmyoji, each of the seven super strong will believe what Su Jin said!

"Only based on the effect of this trap, if I don't show up, can you get out of this time space of access control?"

Su Jin didn't have a good air.

"Then why did you come in!" The Great Onmyoji was startled, as if Su Jin had some truth in what he said, he immediately questioned.

"Are you stupid? You still need to ask. Naturally, you want to use the power of the forbidden technique to kill all of your seven super powers--" Su Jin laughed.

Unleash the power of forbidden technique.

Cut off the seven super powers?

This is terrible just to hear it!

The Great Onmyoji, the Great God of Transformation, the Great Po Wolf, the two twin brothers, and the old wolf of Cangshan all couldn't help but keep an eye on them. If they see the situation badly, they absolutely must save themselves, and the old master’s method, It's unfathomable! Have to guard!

"Don't bluff me! Look at me, I will go and pull out your head now, so that you will lose face in front of the old gods!" The Lord God suddenly shouted.

He took a step.

Really took a step!

The Exalted God knows that the blessings of the Great Onmyoji cannot be broken! With his current power, there is no fear! As for Su Jin's head, it seemed to him that it had been prepared for him early, so he could pick it up at will!

"What a bunch of idiots, how did the cultivation level reach this point--" Su Jin shook his head and sighed softly, his figure slipped as if he had walked into a forbidden operation window.

The look of the Lord is shocked!


God Lord disappeared again? Where is he!

The God of the Exalted felt everywhere, glanced around, and couldn't find the existence of Su Jin! This makes him incredible, the old master seems to have disappeared out of thin air——

"Perhaps as he said, he is launching a real forbidden power! Everyone, be careful!" The Great Onmyoji said in a low voice.

"The real power of forbidden technique, he... his access control technique is specially designed to kill us!" The pressure of the Cangshan old wolf suddenly came up, watching the surroundings vigilantly, not dare to care.

"Be careful!"

"Ah! What is that!" The Great God of Huasheng exclaimed--

I saw that in the sky, between the two giant eyes burning with golden flames, one after another in the ‘window’ of the spatial world, there appeared one after another old god!

Boom boom boom~~~

The space seems to sway!

How many windows of the world are there around? No one can tell! But Su Jin can be transformed into thousands, and his figure is constantly manifesting in every window of the world!

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