My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 520: The picture is beautiful

"No, it have already contacted Princess Jiazi, what did she say?" Su Jin looked at Shangdao Ai curiously and asked.

"I didn't say anything, just said I met you." Ueshima Ai's eyes were also a little weird.

"You must have said it, come, speak it out and listen." Su Jin said.


"Nothing, what does she want to tell me?" Su Jin looked at her with interest and said.

Ueshima Ai made up her mind and said, "When I was reporting to the princess, I told her what Mr. Su had said, but in the end... she only replied a few words."

"What is it?"

"The first sentence is... let him die!" Ueshima Ai also showed an innocent expression on her face.

After Su Jin was startled, he coughed dryly and said, "Normal, what do you say about another sentence?"

"She also said...If Young Master Su really has that idea, she can also consider it." Ueshima Ai's face became serious.

Damn it! ! !

What is so special about the rhythm of the body?

Su Jin smiled pretentiously, and said to Ueshima Ai: "You will report to your princess in the future, saying that Su Jin is just a joke, so don't worry about it."

joke? Joking with the princess?

Shangdao loves to stay in a daze, how does she feel, although it is a joke of Su Jin, how does the tone of the princess's second sentence obviously feel serious?

"Coffee." Xiao Qiao put the coffee down with a stinky face, and then muttered in a low voice: "Drink you to death."

"You can go down." Su Jin didn't even look at Xiao Qiao, and said.

Xiao Qiao is very angry now. After the green and red face, she turned her head and walked out the door angrily. She had to be calm and calm. If she stayed with this guy for a longer time, she might really go crazy!

"Miss Ushimado, don't you need to attend that meeting?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"It hasn't started yet, I will go in a while." Ai Ueshima was a little embarrassed. Although she was wearing a little thin, she always felt that her clothes were a little less under the eyes of this man, as if he could see through. This is the feeling she hasn't had in more than 20 years!

"Go to Qincheng when you have time, it's much more fun than here." Su Jin smiled.

"Yes." Ai Ueshima let go a little, and the long snow-white legs that are close together are also free and easy. Anyway, they are wearing safety pants, and there is no need to be afraid of running out. Although the two are sitting face to face, there will still be a little bit. Worrying.

This small movement was naturally noticed by Su Jin. He was about to speak, but saw Ushimaai's expression turning unnatural.

"Miss Shangdao, what's wrong with you?" Su Jin asked.

"I...I..." Ueshima Ai clutched her belly and said embarrassedly: "My stomach hurts."

How could it suddenly be like this?

Su Jin frowned and looked at the cup of coffee on the table.


Su Jin cursed secretly, stepped forward to support her shoulder, and said: "Is it just a stomachache?"

"It seems, it seems to be a little hot." Ueshima Ai's face was ruddy for unknown reasons.

It’s said that the least offended is a woman. Did Xiao Qiao put both laxatives and aphrodisiacs in a cup of coffee? Su Jin looked at Shang Dao Ai's face in surprise, and smiled inwardly.

"The bathroom is there, can you do it yourself?" Su Jin had to ask.

"I..." Ueshima Ai thought of getting up, but was surprised to find that she didn't even have the power to get up. This surprised her. How could this happen?

Su Jin was also a little embarrassed. If Ueshima Ai was a smart person, she would definitely know that it was the problem with that cup of coffee. In this way, it would be unavoidable to get involved with him. The blame is that Xiao Qiao’s trick is too ruthless. He also I did not expect this.

"I will support you, be careful." Su Jin had to help her up.

His old face is also a little hot, this is really the first time he has encountered this, it is really not good, and finally can only use the ultimate method, I hope Miss Ueshima will not blame him.

Ueshima Ai is still conscious now, which may be the reason for her concentration too much. Although her belly is overwhelmed, she still resists making a fool of herself. She can't help being supported by Su Jin, so she can't take care of it. Others, helped by him, walked into the bathroom.

"Miss Shangdao, I don't need me for the rest. Come by yourself and I will avoid it." Su Jin helped her sit on the toilet, then turned his back and said.

"Don't..." Ai Ueshima felt like she wanted to see a hole, she found that going to the toilet was a problem now.


"Don't go." Ai Ueshima's voice became quieter.

Su Jin felt hot in his heart, turned his head, looked at the unbearable expression on Dao Ai's face, smiled bitterly, "I can't help with this."

"I... I can't do it myself." Uejima Ai lowered her head, her complexion flushed.

Su Jin gritted his teeth, turned around and said decisively: "Then you are offended!"

Hula la

A weird voice appeared, and the door was opened with a soft and tender voice.

Su Jin walked out with his trouser pockets in his pockets and let out a deep sigh. Just now... I saw everything that should be seen, and also saw the things that shouldn't be seen. The picture is very beautiful.

In this regard, he came to a fact.

No matter how beautiful the woman is, it is stinking to excrete waste, although it is embarrassing for Ai Ueshima.

"Miss Shangdao, I will help you get ice cubes. You must soak in ice water for a while." Su Jin did not look back.

"Why?" Ai Ueshima's tone became strange.


Before Su Jin finished speaking, he realized that there was already a small white hand on his shoulder, so he turned around and threw her to the ground.


After half an hour.

Su Jin buttoned the button, glanced at the messy bathroom, and shook his head secretly.

Ueshima Ai picked up the clothes and put them on one by one. She didn't say a word to Su Jin even after she knew it. To a sensible person, it seemed that she didn't need to explain anything.

"Miss Ushimado, don't you think it was my medicine?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

The current Ueshima Ai has returned to normal. She seemed to be lost in that state before. After she wakes up now, she knows how abhorrent Su Jin is!

"Isn't there anyone else?" Ai Ueshima raised her head and stared at him.

"Well, I don't deny it. It has something to do with me, but the fact is that Xiao Qiao obviously made trouble here. I have enemies with her, so I just drugged you. I have nothing. Known." Su Jin said.

"Do you think I can believe it? Also, is it important?" Ueshima Ai's face was obviously cold. After finishing her clothes, she calmed down. She didn't know that Su Jin's words could not be trusted, but she If it was not what Su Jin said, she would definitely hate him if she was being treated like this by him! Although, there may be no way to retaliate against him!

"Miss Ushimado, I also sympathize with you." Su Jin shook his head, "Or, wait for me to catch Xiao Qiao's girl at night, and you can ask, is it a ghost by her, how?"

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