My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 562: Yours yours is yours

Hearing Su Jin’s domineering response, the young man suddenly felt bullish, and then he saw the "big shark" lightning sports car behind Su Jin, his face was a bit shocked, and he felt that Su Jin was not normal person.

The girl was a little flustered. Just after the young man was tripped by Su Jin, she reacted and looked at the two of them, feeling a little at a loss.

"Did I provoke you? What do you mean by tripping me?" The young man was very angry. If it weren't for Su Jin, he would have to do it.

Su Jin did not answer the young man, but looked at the girl and said, "Can I ask you a question?"

The girl calmed down and looked at Su Jin slowly and nodded.

"Is that handsome?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

Young man:...


Not knowing whether it was panic or other reasons, the girl shook her head and did not speak.

Su Jin wiped his face and said, "That must be handsome. If you don't say I'm handsome, I won't be happy. If I'm not happy, I won't be able to beat this guy for you, so you must call me handsome."

"You, you, you..." The young man has never seen anyone crazier than him, pretending to be more crazier than him, pretending to be more arrogant than him, and it's literally the number one wonder in Qin City. Ever!

"What am I? Do you want to intervene? By the way, your kid can pretend to be okay, but it's a bit of a low-end one, and a high-end one like me, you can't learn it." Su Jin said faintly. Tao.

He has always felt that if he wants to attack the enemy, he must slowly destroy the opponent's heart, leaving the opponent speechless, making the opponent afraid of him, and feeling that he has the strength to shut him up. This is the ability. After a while, isn't this kid stunned?

"You are simply making trouble!" the young man said angrily.

Su Jin snapped his fingers and said, "I'm making trouble for nothing? Come on, didn't you just talk about her father's affairs, can you only help? If I said, I can do it in minutes, you definitely don't believe it, so I It’s decided, I don’t need to let you know if I have this ability. Well, I’m going to beat you first. If you threaten her again, dare to show up in front of her, don’t forget that I haven’t reminded you.”

"Brother, can we talk well, both of you who are pretending to be in the X world, don’t you pretend like that?" The young man regained some confidence. He was really scared by Su Jin just now. Now think about his ability behind him. Suddenly he was full of confidence.

"You mean I'm pretending?" Su Jin immediately stepped forward and grabbed his neckline, then slapped him.


Crunch and crispy, chicken flavor!

After Su Jin slapped him, before the youth could react, he immediately threw him into the greenery on the side, "Do I need to pretend? Can pretend have such great strength?"

"You dare to hit me! My elder brother is in the city, so be careful!" The young man's face is so ugly, he feels his whole body is sore and sore from being thrown, and his face is extremely hot. The key is to be in front of a beautiful woman. Su Jin made him unable to be a man, and that feeling was like stabbing a knife in his heart, it was inhumane!

"I now declare that this beauty belongs to me. If you don’t get along with her, just hit my Su Jin in the face. It seems that you have some ability. There is a way to let your big brother go to my Luanyan group. Said to find the boss Su Jin." Su Jin said lightly.

Luan Yan Group?

The Luan Yan media that has made various headlines recently?

Is this person the new boss?

The young man covered his face with one hand and his stomach with the other. His face was ugly. After Su Jin finished speaking, he didn't even dare to contradict anything.

"What's your question? Whose is she?" Su Jin asked.

"You, yours, all yours!"

"Let me see if you are clever."

"I will not embarrass her anymore and appear in front of her!"

The young man is not a fool, he thinks Su Jin's words are still very credible, at least the car can prove it! It's not something ordinary people can buy.

"Hurry up, then?" Su Jin said again.

Seeing the young man clutching his stomach and running away, Su Jin turned his head, grinned with a warm smile, and said, "Beauty, I was beaten away, are you okay?"

"You, you can call me Tang Yunyun." The girl said with a small mouth, some inexplicable meaning, and said in embarrassment: "Are you really willing to help me?"

"Hey, being handsome means a lot of pressure, but it doesn't matter, you can tell me about it first." Su Jin said.

Tang Yunyun bit her teeth and nodded gently and said, "My dad is the deputy director of the Qincheng Construction Bureau. He has been working hard for his career all his life. Maybe you won't believe it. My mother was alive. When my brother was not in front of him, it was absolutely impossible to do that kind of thing."

"What kind of thing?" Su Jin asked.

He felt that he was asking a little too much. How could a person as smart as he is not clear about this kind of thing.

"During dinner yesterday, a few people came to my house and took him away. At that time, my family was very anxious. I went to ask someone to ask and we couldn't see him. At noon did I know that he was because he was reported to be outside. Women were only investigated." Tang Yunyun was a little angry at the end, "My dad is absolutely impossible to do such a thing, they wronged good people!"

"But, I think if there is no evidence for this kind of thing, it is impossible for others to arrest people." Su Jin said.

Tang Yunyun sighed and said, "You don't understand the situation. My dad was beaten last year because he refused to accept other people's benefits. At that time, several people were sentenced. My dad is a problem with work. He said to me that if he was an official for good, he would rather not be an official. That was good for him, and he was trembling all day long. He didn’t bother to do it. These years, because he was busy with work, he treated my mother. Very guilty, so those people couldn't find my dad's financial evidence, so they used this kind of thing to frame him."

"It has something to do with the kid just now?" Su Jin asked suddenly.

"Yes, after my dad was taken away, I remembered what Kong Lingqi said to me. He chased me at the time. I didn't promise that I had a boyfriend and he didn't believe it. He also said he wanted to **** my dad, who knows ..." Tang Yunyun lowered her head, a bit more resentful in her voice.

"Then you were really stupid looking for him?" Su Jin felt, aside from her father, this girl is still relatively kind.

"I, I can't help it, my mother is now in a trance state that makes me very worried." Tang Yunyun said.

Su Jin looked at her and said, "I can help you, but you have to answer me one thing."

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