My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 703: Really broken

"Hehe." Tian Furong gave Su Jin a white look, "Don't worry, even if the awakened eighth good man is alive, his kind power can't break this Yin Mingshi..."

"So amazing?" Su Jin opened his eyes wide.

"This Yin Ming Stone is a treasure in hell, what do you know... Hurry up and do it."

Seeing that Tian Furong was so sure, Su Jin also let go of his heart, so he should use all his strength... He rarely uses all his strength now, and he doesn't know what will happen when he slaps him.

To be honest, don’t worry about it being slapped to pieces by yourself, it’s the grandson!

Su Jin didn't hesitate anymore, his whole aura was released, the air around him seemed to be transformed into his strength, his eyes flushed...

Tian Furong was squeezed to the wall by the huge momentum, with a look of shock! She originally thought Su Jin's worries were unnecessary, but now...what is the situation now? Why is Su Jin so strong?

Su Jin's feeling is that his whole body is full of strength, the state of God blocking and killing God, and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha! The power of the whole body is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. With a low growl, the energy from head to toe is all gathered.

Around his fist, there were waves of instability. After he finished this action, he screamed from the sky, his body shape changed several places in one breath, as if shadows were following several places. At last, he appeared in front of a table made of Wannian song and hit it with a punch!


The whole space trembled, and in this place, I felt a sense of ground trembling more or less for dozens of miles!

With palpitations, Tian Furong saw that Su Jin was about to collapse, and quickly stepped forward to support him and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just too hard." Su Jin said.

"I said, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to break it." Tian Furong looked at the stone and said with a smile: "You surprised me. Let's see how you are."

"Okay." Su Jin ran the technique and began to recover.

Tian Furong stared at the stone and began to explain: "The rays of light are divided into seven sections, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. If your wisdom root is seven sections, it will show different rays of light one by one. Now you are careful. Look, it starts with light red, you see... its color has changed..."

Su Jin stared at the stone, and it turned from pale red.

"One...two...three..." Tian Furong began to count.

But soon, it seemed that the stone had undergone a wonderful change. The color alternation began to become much faster, and Tian Furong's eyes became brighter and brighter, "Five six seven...wait..."

Tian Furong's face changed drastically, and this stone began to appear in various mixed colors, and it seemed to tremble.

Su Jin was stunned when she saw her, she couldn't help but secretly said that she was not good, and shouted: "Hurry up!"


Tian Furong only felt that her waist was covered by a big hand, and then the two fell to the ground, and even flew up with a powerful burst of air, causing Su Jin to hit the door, and the two of them also Fell into the corridor together.

"That's----" Su Jin was in pain all over now, he quickly lowered his head, and saw Tian Furong at this time.

Tian Furong hadn't recovered yet, she lowered her head stiffly, and after watching someone's hand grabbing a place in front of her that shouldn't be grabbed, she struggled, freeing her hand and slapped it...

Su Jin squeezed her wrist, and naturally returned to normal at this time. He glared at her and said, "Didn't it mean that it can't be broken? You stepped on a horse, I even exploded your Wannian pine. What do you say? "

"How do I know!" Tian Furong is also broken. Who is this guy? Husband and second senior brother, including her, can't understand his origins. Now that husband is not dead, he was just like him!

Su Jinping calmed down, nodded and said, "Just now, that was a coincidence. I know you know it very well in your heart, so just assume that nothing happened, okay?"

"Okay." Tian Furong sighed deeply. After she calmed down, she was even more shocked and suspicious. The thing was nothing but something outside of her body. If it wasn't for Su Jin to save her just now, I'm afraid she would have taken a step earlier than the old **** stick. The guy is really amazing.

"Furong, your thing is not very strong. If you have something next time, don't let me beat it like this. Don't you feel bad if you break it?" Su Jin said with emotion.

"You let me go first!" Tian Furong's expression was distressed. Does this kid really or not?

"Yeah." Su Jin didn't blush, and then said: "No wonder the old **** stick asked me to take good care of you. It turns out that he had expected that his time would be short. But if they did go, you didn't plan to see them. ?"

"I can't see it." Tian Furong shook his head, "My husband and the second brother will explain the funeral with me in an unusual way. I will never see their bodies when I go. The same goes for you..."

"Do you think I believe?"

"If you don't believe me, after you settle the matter here, you will go back and see if what I said is true."

"Well, I'll wait for Gu Shan's news." Su Jin said uncertainly, and then asked: "What are we doing now?"

"Forgot? Go to the bidet." Tian Furong explained: "After entering the bidet, we will be fellow travelers in the future. If we die, we will go to hell. Are you afraid?"

"Do you think I'm afraid? What I'm afraid of is the three words'Buddhist Pond', which sounds weird." Seeing Tian Furong walking around, Su Jin followed.

Tian Furong was walking, chatting with Su Jin.

Su Jin learned from her that only those who enter the bidet can learn things that ordinary disciples can’t learn. It’s like a kind of inheritance. Other ordinary disciples can’t learn, but he thinks that there is only Tian Furong and Yun Wanzheng had been washed, and he was very happy.

It turned out that at the beginning of the creation of the school, the bidet was almost a secret. After the ancestor made the bidet, he announced several extremely harsh rules, which no one has achieved in these years, but the Maoshan Taoist school is gradually declining. Slowly declining to this day, when it was the turn of the old **** stick to take charge, he relaxed some of the harsh conditions, but no one could achieve it. In the end, he really couldn't help it. I didn't know about it, but I kept it secret.

Su Jin has been following Tian Furong. I don’t know how many years this underground secret tunnel has been, but despite this, the surroundings still look very solid, and Tian Furong has walked all the way, at least several times. Minutes, at last he couldn't help but ask: "How much time will it take to get to the place."

"Already here." Tian Furong said, pointing to a place ahead.

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