My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 737: Disastrous

"You? How about a high-scoring husband?" After Xia Yuyan asked back, her beautiful face was speechless.

"Isn't it? I'm not good enough?" Su Jin said angrily.

It seemed that she was kind to her, she didn't feel it, who saved her back then, just save her, change to another woman, is it not an exaggeration to agree with her body?

Xia Yuyan did not shook his head or nodded at the end.

She didn't have to think about it until Su Jin asked again.

"Wife, how many points do you give me? If you count as 100 points!" Su Jin asked expectantly.

"..." Xia Yuyan rolled her eyes, then smiled and said, "Eighty!"

"Impossible! Too low--" Su Jin felt that he could score 99 points at least. How could he score 80 points in the eyes of his wife!

"Is this still low?"

"I have to think about it." Su Jin then had an idea and said: "My wife, I think it may be that you are not satisfied with your husband and wife life. I think you are sick in that aspect and cannot reach the peak state. what--"

"you you……"

Xia Yuyan made a big red face. This guy really made her feel weird. He obviously hadn't done it before. On the contrary, he had been digging holes in this matter and asked her to jump down. It was really speechless.

"You are not very obedient! Can this work? Deduct 10 points." Xia Yuyan said angrily.

"It's too ridiculous, how did I lose the other ten?" Su Jin asked.

"The other thing is that you are too slippery, I can't tell you!"

"This should be an advantage, how can you deduct 10 points!"

"Anyway, I want to deduct."

"Well, you have to deduct 10 points in this respect. Then I feel that since it is a bit, then I will add it myself. Alas... I am also a 90-point husband. Although I am still a bit dissatisfied, Can barely accept it." Su Jin said seriously.

Xia Yuyan: "..."

Ten minutes later.

After a bottle of wine was drunk by the two, Xia Yuyan didn’t even feel that after being teased by Su Jin, in just ten minutes, her mood improved a lot, and the pressure seemed to be relieved. Shao, and the guy in front of her, who once made her look down, and very domineering, seems to be becoming an existence that no one dares to despise!

Although Su Jin still had a little thought in his heart, he originally wanted to get his wife drunk and let her get rid of her own mind, but she went bankrupt. Fortunately, they were already full and they should rest.

Xia Yuyan started to take a bath early, and Su Jin had a hard time in front of the door after he had eaten and cleared up the food, because he encountered a fox Tiantian who could not be called a person but claimed to be a person. Up.

"That... sweet." Su Jin rubbed his hands and said, "Don't go to sleep in the bedroom today. You can choose any other rooms."

"Why?" Hu Tiantian lowered her voice and turned around Su Jin.

"Not very convenient." Su Jin felt strange anyway.

"Which aspect is it inconvenient?" Hu Tiantian asked again.

"I said you... why are you so long-winded? I said that it's inconvenient to do things. How can I be looked at by you?" Su Jin asked with open eyes.

"Oh, I haven't seen it outside, it's okay, I don't feel it when I look at it, just treat me as a cute little fox."

"You are determined to go into my bedroom and sleep, right? Don't have a purpose?" Su Jin felt like Hu Tiantian was supervising himself.

"No, I just want to stay with you—"

"It's still inconvenient. Okay, just do what I said." Su Jin was too lazy to talk nonsense to her, walked directly into the door, and closed it with a slam.

See how you come in!

Soon after, he watched dumbfounded as he was wagging his tail and jumping around on the bed... Fox Tiantian!

Hu Tiantian didn't know what mysterious method was used to get in, Su Jin was immediately defeated by her.

"It's something I lost!" Su Jin sat on the sofa in confusion, watching Hu Tiantian underestimate with a gloomy expression.

Hu Tiantian was playing happily, and from time to time she used her little head to push the pillows when the two of them were sleeping, and Su Jin, who looked at her, felt more and more that this vixen was definitely messing up with her.


If this vixen was just an ordinary pet, how wonderful it would be, it would be terrible!

Under Su Jin's gloomy situation, his wife quickly walked out wearing a set of beige silk drowsiness, and her hair was still a little wet. Fortunately, it was still early and it didn't affect her rest for a while.

"What's wrong with you?" Xia Yuyan said looking at Su Jin.

"It's nothing, don't do work on the computer at night, but go to bed early." Su Jin said to his wife.

"Well, good night." Xia Yuyan dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to work, walked onto the bed, and hugged Hu Tiantian.

Su Jin covered his forehead with his right hand and sighed deeply in his heart. He had never had such a deep resentment towards an animal anyway.

With deep resentment, Su Jin went to take a quick bath.

However, when I came back, I found that there was a gap between him and Xia Yuyan... Fox Tiantian!

Seeing his wife holding Fox Tiantian in her arms, lying on her side to sleep, Su Jin now really wants to become this fox...

Sure enough, Su Jin suddenly lost his interest. Although the scenery was still good at this moment, because Xia Yuyan was already asleep, she was too tired and Su Jin didn't want to disturb her. Who made him a billionaire? There is no one good man.

Thinking of this, Su Jin turned off the light and lay on the side.

I don’t know when he fell asleep in a daze. It’s just that he clearly felt a beautiful leg stretched out and his body was hugged. She was caught, and in the process of catching it was accompanied by a charming laugh that he had never heard before, but Su Jin knew the unique fragrance most clearly, which was obviously not from his wife Xia Yuyan. Exudes it!


the next day.

When the beautiful lady around was not there, Su Jin looked left and right with confusion, and finally he suddenly had a very creepy feeling!

Who was the owner of that beautiful leg last night?


It's Hu Tiantian, the evildoer!

Su Jin then calmed down. He thought that Hu Tiantian wanted to make a joke with him, and didn't do anything to him, otherwise he would definitely not feel anything for this old wolf.

Although being held at night like that, he can think of that wonderful scene, but Hu Tiantian is different from others...

What's special, if she is a serious person, she was hurt by him earlier, so she has to wait till now?

Su Jin decided at the moment that he would definitely ask after seeing Hu Tiantian again, and even he would have to explain to her in the future, to be reasonable, not to play such a game, what if the game goes viral?

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