My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 824: Crisis

Change it?

Su Jin was startled, and a cold light appeared in his eyes immediately, and said, "Look behind you."

When Louis Liu heard Su Jin's words, he instinctively turned around to look.

At this moment, Su Jin raised his foot and kicked his **** fiercely! He was really **** this kick, and the surname Liu was kicked by him several meters away! He fell heavily to the ground!

Oh, Su Jin is so angry——

I cry all day long, laugh with me, hold it in his hand for fear of falling, hold it in his mouth for fear of dissolving his wife, change with you?

"You, you actually did it!" Louis Liu...stayed! The fall, the whole body was painful and unbearable, and he stared at Su Jin ugly.

"If you weren't on the plane, your life would be gone, don't let me see you again!" Su Jin pointed at him with his finger. This is really light. This kind of proposal is simply an insult to him. !

When Su Jin finished speaking, he walked away. Such a person would look down on him to speak the truth.

I was in a very happy mood, but suddenly it was bad. After Su Jin came back, the whole process was black.

"What's the matter, who made you angry?" Xia Yuyan felt something was wrong and asked with a smile.

"Nothing." Su Jin shook his head and gently rubbed his forehead.

Xia Yuyan picked up the champagne next to him, helped Su Jin pour half of the glass, and smiled with clear and clear eyes: "Is there anything so angry? Did the person just provoke you? How can a man make you like this? Angry?"

Su Jin sneered, "It's really open for foreigners to play. They said they would change their wives on the plane and **** him!"

"Ah--" Xia Yuyan flushed, and really didn't know what to say, no wonder Su Jin was so angry.

"My wife, don't worry, I have already beaten him." Su Jin was angrily. "If this kind of person comes to provoke me again, I will just throw him from the sky to feed the sharks!"

"Don't be angry, there are scumbags everywhere." Xia Yuyan shook her head, not to mention Su Jin, even she was very angry, but she kept arguing with idiots, wouldn't it also lower her IQ.

"Yeah!" Su Jin drank half a glass of champagne, and then said: "Don't work on the plane anymore. It's not too late when you get there. You can just sleep for a while."

Xia Yuyan smiled and did not respond. Even in the group, it is still time for work. Besides, if the time comes, the jet lag will be uncomfortable. Where can I go to work calmly.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade her, Su Jin didn't bother anymore. He was so depressed that he walked to his place and was about to sit down. He seemed to think of something, tilted his head and looked at the silent Chen Zhihui.

Chen Zhihui seems to like to look at the sky better. On an airplane, he can indeed see more beautiful scenery than on the ground. Clouds can float in front of him intuitively.

Su Jin walked over.

"Still angry." Su Jin said with a smile.

"Humph, stay away from me." Chen Zhiyu didn't dare to speak loudly. She didn't even look at Su Jin at all. She felt like a humiliated little daughter-in-law. She naturally heard what he said to the president just now, and she felt... It's so uncomfortable.

After all, Su Jin is showing affection in her eyes!

Although this person was extremely disgusted by her, but just now—

Damn, thought of that again.

"Sometimes, learn to be grateful." Su Jin sat down beside her.

"Thank you? Are you kind to me?" Chen Zhiyi was startled, what the **** was this guy talking about!

"I think that people are grateful to live well. You see, we are always surrounded by'antibiotics', hormones, pesticide residues, and smog, and we have to endure many diseases. With so many factors, you and I can still Shouldn't you be grateful for growing up like this?" Su Jin said.

Chen Zhihui:...

Speechless, really speechless, who gave birth to this strange flower, I can see through the red dust, and the **** thing is that I just planned to ignore him, and now he is licking his face and chatting with himself. Did he forget? Did you just do something to yourself! Or else he wants to wash away the things he did to himself just now, thinking that this will enlighten him, so shameless!


At this time, a clear voice appeared.

Both Chen Zhiyi and Su Jin cast their gazes outside the plane.

Not far away, a black shadow passed through the clouds, playing constantly in the clouds, free and smart.

"That eagle, flying so high..." Chen Zhiyu watched quietly, as if muttering to herself, sometimes, people are nothing more than this, and how far they can go, how high they can fly, without using all their energy, rely on Do you work hard by yourself?

"Eldest sister." Su Jin looked at it and said, "What kind of look?"

"Huh?" Chen Zhiyu refused to accept Su Jin, her eyes sharpened, "What do you want to say!"

"That's clearly a crow, do you understand the crow? It's also an eagle—" Su Jin sneered, and turned to take a cigarette out of his pocket, but he considered it not suitable for smoking, so he gave up.

"Can you not talk back to others? Can the crow fly so high? The biology is taught by the music teacher?" Chen Zhiyu wanted to laugh at Su Jin's ignorance.

"Haha." Su Jin smiled softly without explaining.

Chen Zhimao went on to use a scientific explanation, saying: "That one is clearly an eagle, Falconidae. Only eagles can fly as high as an airplane and reach the stratosphere level, because they are not afraid of cold."

"What else?" Su Jin looked at Chen Zhiyu with unblinking eyes, and found that this girl was really beautiful when she was angry. Probably no matter what kind of expression she makes, she has a different taste, at least he really feels it. Arrived.

"I won't tell you." Chen Zhiyu found that whenever he talked to Su Jin, he seemed to be less angry with him. This guy clearly did bad things and wanted to coax others. If you have the ability to play with your wife, come on What tortured her.

Su Jin lay down and closed his eyes lightly. Chen Zhiyu couldn't say anything about this. He still looked out the window, and the dark shadow appeared again——

She tried to see clearly, but she felt it was dark and too small to see clearly. At the end of her blink, the dark shadow seemed to be very close to her, and then flew over the top of the plane? Disappear!

Time passed by one minute and one second--

Eight hours passed in a blink of an eye.

In a mysterious jungle somewhere in the United States, in an underground maze that does not know how deep, a dark voice said: "Goddess Sirinna, according to your request, I have separated a small part of the ancestral blood of my blood family. Bring... now you can cast spells! That kid, on the plane that is coming now, through this natural storm, the spell can definitely destroy him and completely eliminate this peerless disaster! I think you should have predicted it long ago. !"

"Okay, hand it over." The mysterious female voice turned out to be very crisp, if anyone who has seen her would definitely recognize her, she is one of the strongest superpowers, the Goddess of Heaven!

And Su Jin and the three people did not expect that a disaster of extinction was quietly brewing...

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