My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 830: Courage really fat

It's not that Chen Zhihui wants to be a light bulb.

It was what Su Jin meant by saying that she meant to let her stay in the cave alone, where it was dark, and it was a girl who was afraid!

"Don't listen to him nonsense." Xia Yuyan also said at this time.

"Yes, sister of the president, he is too much!" Chen Zhiyu said when he saw that the president was also helping him to speak, and he was confident.

Su Jin pointed at Chen Zhiyu and nodded--


Do you know why a man is called a man, because it is too difficult!

Chen Zhiyu is very proud now, Su Jin can't see a woman arrogant, so I want to wait, when you cry.

Roasting lobsters is much shorter, easy to cook, and rich in protein and many minerals. After receiving Su Jin's affirmation, Chen Zhiyi began to break open the shrimp tails, and the white and tender shrimp meat suddenly appeared, and the fragrance came out!

Contrary to her actions, Xia Yuyan was much more graceful. Just when she was about to move, Su Jin had already handed her the broken one.

Chen Zhihui snorted, not knowing what it was like.

Anyway-show affection, die fast!

She looked at Su Jin, who had already regarded this guy as a shrimp, severely torn and bitten by her, and then swallowed it in her stomach.

The appetites of the two women are quite good. Apart from Chen Zhiyi's struggle with the big lobster, Xia Yuyan's gaze is also on the little wild boar being roasted.

Su Jin has never seen his wife eat so much for dinner anyway.

But it feels really good, but it will take a while for the little wild boar to get better. All we can do now is to wait.

"So full—" Chen Zhiyi clutched her belly. She was very satisfied. Although like Xia Yuyan, she had thoughts about the little wild boar that was roasting, she couldn't eat it anymore.

Su Jin looked at her lying on the beach, his eyes widened suddenly...

Nima, who is lying down for?

Isn't this in front of his wife and trick Young Master Su for him?

So, two beautiful legs and a skirt are directly facing Su Jin. Of course, this is an unconscious action of Chen Zhiyu, which can cause tens of thousands of crits to people.

Without Xia Yuyan by his side, Su Jin would definitely be excited, but at this time, he could only take a few more glances pretendingly, then moved a position, very close to Xia Yuyan and sat down. Fortunately, his wife Did not notice the unexpected look in his eyes just now.

"The night here is so beautiful." Chen Zhiyi looked up at the starry sky, the sound of waves on the sea surface, under the moonlight, the sea surface was bluish, and the breeze was blowing, this kind of wonderful scenery was seen in Qincheng Less than.

Xia Yuyan heard Chen Zhihui's words, her legs were close together, her hands were on her knees, she looked up at night, turned her head to look at Su Jin, and asked, "What are you doing so close—"

"I'm your husband." Su Jin said.


"So, when you ask me about things, you have to add the word'husband' before it." Su Jin pointed out the problem very seriously.



"Husband? Husband? Husband!"

"I said you are stupid..." Su Jin covered his face with one hand, his stomach was about to twitch, then looked up at her, and said in an exaggerated tone with a very cheap face: "But I like..."

At this time, Chen Zhihui was still looking at the starry sky, but she heard the conversation between the two and said: "I can't stand you anymore...We won't just sleep on the beach like this?"

"Otherwise?" Su Jin responded.

Chen Zhihui sat up and said, "President husband, can you ask me something?"

"Say, but it's my business whether to do it or not." Su Jin said.

"You must do it."

"doing what?"

"Leave for half an hour first." Chen Zhiyu showed intolerable expression on her face and said, "We girls, we need to take a bath before going to bed every day, so...boys please leave."

Su Jin was happy, and said with a smile: "Boys also need to wash, let's go together."

"President, look at him..." Chen Zhiyu looked at Xia Yuyan, with a look in her eyes asking for help.

"Su Jin, you leave for a while." Xia Yuyan also said uncomfortably.

Originally, the two women didn't sweat when they were on the plane, but after a series of tragic events, especially Chen Zhiyu, who was sticky and could not sleep at all without taking a bath.

Under the expectant gaze of the two women, Su Jin nodded heavily, "Okay, this little wild boar is roasted, even if it's breakfast tomorrow morning, I will put it aside."

"Go back to the cave." Chen Zhiyi reminded Su Jin.

"Listen to you." Su Jin stood up coolly and walked towards the stone cave with his pants pocket in his pocket.


The two girls breathed a sigh of relief. If Su Jin is here, they really don’t know what to do. As girls who love beauty, they don’t take a bath twice a day, it’s as uncomfortable as if they were poisoned. Fortunately, Su Jin Willing to go!

However, Su Jin stopped after walking a few steps, without turning his head, and said, "That... I still want to say a word before leaving."

"What do you want to say?" Xia Yuyan asked.

Chen Zhiyu's cheek was also puzzled.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Your courage is really fat."

"What do you mean?" Chen Zhiyu also asked in a hurry at this time.

"There are bull sharks, tiger sharks, and great white sharks that are very dangerous. So I want to remind you that if you encounter tiger sharks and great white sharks, you must struggle. If you have the opportunity, you will punch and kick them. There is a certain chance. It can make them give up hunting, but if you encounter a bull shark, you should prepare to wash it and feed the fish." Su Jin shook his head and took a step to continue walking.

Then, he was stopped by the exclamation of the two women.

"Su Jin!" Chen Zhiyu called out with a pale face, "Don't go."

Xia Yuyan's complexion didn't improve much, she also said with a wry smile: "Forget it, go back to the hotel tomorrow and wash again."

Not to mention meeting sharks, even if they met the most common sea urchins and sea cucumbers, they would be scared enough, let alone those big man-eating sharks...

"It's getting late, take a good rest." Su Jin withdrew back, sat by the fire, and said to Xia Yuyan: "Come on, wife, let you sleep on your stomach with your legs, your posture will be more comfortable."

"Fuck--" Xia Yuyan hugged her legs, resting her face on her knees, and gently closed her eyes.

After the plane crash, she didn't sleep long. After eating, she was originally time to rest. So now she felt sleepy, so she slowly entered a state of sleep. Of course, if Su Jin was not by her side, she would definitely Fall asleep less boldly.

While Su Jin continued to roast the little wild boar on the branch, stretched out his hand to hook Chen Zhiyu, and whispered, "Beauty, come here."

Chen Zhiyi hesitated for a while.

The president has already fallen asleep. Su Jin just said that he is very strong and has to live a married life every night. Now that he calls himself in the past, will it be necessary to live with her——

Live a married life?

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