My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 837: Dissatisfied

"Young Master, you want to die so early—"

The Silver Moon Wolf Empress suddenly covered his small mouth, and leaned forward and backward with a smile, and then the tone of chuckle not smiling increased.

The sound is so beautiful!

Su Jin is worried. The grid of the'Silver Moon Wolf Empress' is almost as tall as his height. Coupled with the powerful strength, and the peak in front of the body that can hold people to death, this time I saw him so small Handsome guy...

Hmm! Worried!

"People die naturally, or die of measles, or die of measles vaccine. Therefore, for me, death sooner or later is the same. I have treated this issue with a normal heart." Su Jin shook his head, pretending to be mature. The tone said.

in spite of--

He didn't know what Silver Moon Wolf was talking about. If it weren't for feeling that she was much better than himself, he would have said that I didn't know how many times I had been sung to death, and now it's good to live without it!

"You are quite interesting. If you don't die, I will support you in the future." Silvermoon Wolf said.

"I don't know what senior is called?" Although Su Jin knew her nickname, he still wanted to ask.

"It's too long, I can't remember it." Silvermoon Wolf thought for a while, "You can call me Yinyue from now on."

"It's a pretty good name." Su Jin turned to look at Lin Bingfan and said lightly: "Your young lady and a female subordinate are in room 0355. During my absence, no fly is allowed to fly in for half a step. The safety is left to you two. If something goes wrong, come and see you."

"Yes!" Lin Bingfan nodded heavily.

At this time, Aji smiled and said: "Boss, leave it to us here, please don't worry! Although there is a silver moon girl to help you this time, be careful!"

"Yeah." Su Jin waved his hand and saw Yinyue enter the arrogant off-road vehicle with Yinyue.

Driven by the Silver Moon Wolf——

The car turned into a street and kept driving north.

"Sister Yinyue." Su Jin smiled: "I don't know why you all don't care about me. You all hope that I die early?"

"Haha, it's weird that you are not dead. The strength has progressed so fast, Daoxin is almost ruined." Yinyue didn't look at him, drove the car, and said, "Besides, if you don't die, it's a disaster. All against you."

If you don't die, you are a curse?

Nino, the meaning of these words, Lao Tzu can destroy the world, it is too exaggerated, the sky is big and the earth is so big that he can't accommodate his little Su Jin? He doesn't believe it.

"The old guy is also very optimistic about me, you little crooks who love to deceive." Su Jin yawned, glanced at the Silver Moon Wolf, and said calmly.


The Silver Moon Wolf Queen chuckled, "When the genius master of the'Dao Heart Seed Demon' exercise technique was started, he had only reached the sixth level, and he was already dead. That is to say, he was only half of his training. The weight is getting harder and harder, and no one has fully practiced it, including the founder. The current situation is that the next few weights are only theoretically feasible. Once, the old guy experimented with several talented young people, and none of them It’s not bad for you to be able to pass the third level. Once you reach the fourth level, the follow-up strength will progress faster and faster, but it will also become more and more dangerous until you can’t control it—"

Her words did not go on.

"What will happen?" Su Jin asked inexplicably, is he finally going to talk about the question he just worried about?

"The whole body will burst and die." The Silver Moon Wolf smiled mysteriously, "After two failures, how did other people practicing this exercise die? Do you want to listen?"

"Yes." Su Jin stared blankly.

"Actually, with your cleverness, you should have guessed it." The Silver Moon Wolf sighed, "This exercise is too evil. In my eyes, you are already a dead person, understand?"

"Killed by his own people." Su Jin said coldly.

In fact, Su Jin is very dissatisfied now!

If others were unsuccessful, he was sentenced to death? What is the logic! If someone else fails to practice this exercise, he will practice it! If others can't get past, he...come! He must show these people if he can make it!

"Just understand. Let go, and enjoy it, don't keep everything else out." Yinyue said.

"But... I asked an expert to see it and said that I would die in a catastrophe, and it was probably a woman who killed me." Su Jin hesitated and said the matter.

"Do you believe it?"

"I believe."

"You also believe in the deceiver? Then you can really easily believe in people." Yinyue couldn't figure out what Su Jin thought.

"Actually, I have a hunch that I will be like this--" Su Jin took out a cigarette, handed it to Yinyue, and said blankly.

"Haha, I can't figure out the destiny thing either. Let's smoke mine!" Yinyue couldn't comment on Su Jin's words. Some people became stubborn and couldn't pull a hundred cows back. In her opinion, Su Jin With this kind of personality, she held the steering wheel in one hand, reached into the big watermelon in front of her, took out two big cigars, and gave Su Jin one.

Su Jin is already looking silly...

This is also ok!

Sure enough, Su Jin smiled bitterly and took it. I don’t know why. Every time he mentions his own destiny, especially the destiny calculated by some old gods, he feels a burst of pressure. Yinyue did not say that he will be the next second. Die, it's pretty good.

The cigar is brown. Su Jin has smoked it, but he rarely smokes it. Generally, people who are addicted to smoke will smoke it. It has a special fragrance. Of course, it depends on whether the quality is good or bad. He quietly lights the cigar. , A strong fragrance appeared, although he didn't like it, but he didn't dislike it either.

"Yinyue, do you have Aji strong?" Su Jin simply deleted the word "elder sister", slandering him like this, calling him a fart sister.

"Should be better than him. Let's start at Qisan. I'm sure to defeat him within a hundred moves. He is just a special technique." Yinyue said.

"Have you reached the'floating period'?" Su Jin asked.

"No, do you think the masters of the'floating stage' are all Chinese cabbage? You can achieve it if you want? It's just an infinite approach!"

"You think, when will I get there?"

"At least the fifth level is required, and you have to rely on your own comprehension. This is the most important point. You should make sure that you are not dead now!"

The words of the Silver Moon Wolf Empress left Su Jin speechless for a while. This meant that he would die soon and really couldn’t play well—

Su Jin doesn't care anymore, tilting his head, holding the back of his head with his other hand, looking at Yinyue, a powerful ace master, softly asked: "Yinyue...Shall we talk about something lighter?"

"You said." Yinyue said.

"What number are you wearing inside——" Su Jin murmured, "I feel like you don't have your number in the store..."

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