My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 857: Start plan

"It's inconvenient for your sister! Hey, what should I do if I can't finish it?" Yinyue pointed to Su Jin's browned venison.

At present, there is one hind leg and one front leg left.

"There is nothing left." Su Jin shook his head faintly, and then whispered, "Lita!"

Then, Yinyue watched Su Jin's hand appearing a book, which was exactly the ‘Holy Scroll’ she had seen before, but it was completely changed.

"Lita Lita!" Lita in a purple dress jumped out, patting her mouth with her little hand, yawning again and again, holding the snow-white teddy bear in the other hand, and said: "Big brother... "

While she was called Su Jin, her eyes naturally saw the barbecue beside the fire, and her saliva was about to drain.

Su Jin pulled a deer's hind leg and handed it to her, "Didn't you say you want to eat barbecue, here you are."

"Thank you." Rita was so excited, she didn't care that her hands would be greasy if she grabbed them with her hands, and the teddy bear in her hand was turning with her eyes.

Su Jin screamed badly, and quickly pulled Yinyue back for a certain distance...

"Roar—" The big white bear's plump body appeared, and the big man several meters directly extinguished the fire, but the fire also made it hot enough.

But it didn't matter, it cried out in pain, and the big mouth directly held the remaining barbecue except for the limbs, and swallowed it in one bite.

Rita firmly grasped the venison hind legs. When the big white bear appeared, her body also instinctively lay on the white bear, but she was very annoyed now, slipped off the white bear, frowned and very angry. Pointing to the big white bear, in a tender and pleasant voice, he cursed: "Smelly bear! That's mine, it's mine!"

The facial expression of the big white bear is also very exaggerated. It seems to be very afraid of Rita. His face is full of innocence. It stands up, sits on the ground plump, and touches gently with its five fingers and claws, seeming to know that he is doing something wrong.

Fortunately, Lita felt that she still had the best hind legs in her hands. She didn't care about getting angry. She took the hind legs that didn't fit her body, sniffed it lightly, and then started eating. stand up.

"It's delicious--" Rita's big eyes suddenly lit up, and soon her small mouth was filled with fragrant food, and she swallowed hard.

Su Jin and Yinyue looked dumbfounded...

Rita really seems to have not eaten anything for a long time, and that deer leg is more than a catty, and in less than a minute, it has become a bone.

"It's so full." Rita said comfortably, then turned to Su Jin and said: "Big brother, if you will barbecue in the future, will you call me?"

"I promise you that when we go home, we will have something better than this." Su Jin was ashamed.

"Wow, I'm looking forward to it." Rita clapped and applauded.

Then she seemed to think of something unforgivable. With a large piece of deer leg bone in her hand, she hit the big white bear twice, "Smelly bear, you ate the meat that the owner should eat! Dare to eat next time! Don't you dare? Don't you dare! Kill you, smelly bear..."

"Lita, you are cruelty to animals." With a caring look, Su Jin taught Lita seriously, even though he was also puzzled. A sturdy white bear a few meters high, Lita wearing a purple skirt It is very conspicuous around it, but this head is really different.

Yinyue also smiled bitterly. She could see that Su Jin was in a good mood, but when it came to animal cruelty, she really couldn't believe that this kind of caring words came from this guy.

"Let's go." Yinyue said at this time.

"Yeah." Su Jin responded and said to Rita: "Come in, we and I are on our way."

Watching Rita and the big white bear walk into the "Huangquan Notes", Su Jin also breathed a sigh of relief. If you don’t put this Nizi away and take it to the street, you will be watched. Although the American people, I’m afraid they can’t bear it. Just squeeze Rita's little face, if this Nizi could be raised, she would definitely be an alluring beauty.

Seeing Yinyue was about to leave, Su Jin called out a dead crow, and then a big bird that covered the sky soared into the sky, and the frightened Yinyue cried out incredible.

"That's it. I rescued my wife and I during the air crash. Don't be dumbfounded. Just a pet. It's okay to go on the road." Su Jin said.

"Then when I came yesterday, why not use it to hurry?" Yinyue calmed down a bit. If she didn't think that Su Jin was really amazing, she wouldn't react so quickly.

"The reason is very simple." Su Jin said lightly: "I want to soak you."


Yinyue knew that she shouldn't ask such questions, anyway Su Jin was...very shameless!

The so-called shameless people are invincible in the world. The words handed down from the ancestors still make sense!

The two sat on the back of the old crow, and then a strong wind blew, and then they disappeared into the wilderness.

Su Jin didn't know that when they turned into a very conspicuous target and quickly moved away, at the highest point of the Archangel Saint Ladder, a blond girl with curled hair stood silently watching them leave.

Then, behind her, a very delicate girl's voice appeared: "His Royal Highness, just let them go like this?"

"Tell the chief deacon to start the plan." Lavril said coldly without looking back.

"Goddess! Are!" The girl knelt down suddenly and cried: "Don't...I, we can't bear you..."

Lavril closed her eyelashes lightly and slowly closed her eyes, without speaking for a long time.

Location, New York, it's eight o'clock in the morning.

In less than forty minutes, Su Jin’s figure had already appeared in the Manhattan Hotel. However, there was no Yinyue figure at this time, because at the parking place, he had already got off at that time. Jin didn't say too much, but just asked her to rush to Qincheng as soon as possible, and then start studying the dual repair plan.

Su Jin knocked on the door softly, but he opened the room opened in Manhattan last night when he found no one. The room was paid by his wife yesterday, but all three of them did pupil recognition. Actually It's very convenient. It's just a simple scan with a computer instrument. If other people want to go in, it's basically impossible.


Su Jin walked in and let out a long sigh of relief on the sofa. What he thought in his heart, maybe his wife and the others went to a meeting. He didn't know the address, and later asked Lin Bingfan. He should be protecting Xia Yu secretly with the crazy dog ​​Ji. Smoke two people.

Su Jin lighted a cigarette on the sofa and took a rest before getting up and taking a walk around the room.

"Where did it go?" Su Jin was puzzled, he was looking for something.

Although he didn't find it, Su Jin became excited and had a bold conjecture in his heart, although this possibility is not very big!

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