My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 860: Young master, I serve

Lin Bingfan nodded and said: "I heard that it seems to be to tie up the goddess and burn it alive with the holy fire——"

"It's cruel." Su Jin said indifferently, scratching his head, as if thinking of something, "You just said...the goddess said that you have feelings with me?"

"Well, the people over there talk like that." Lin Bingfan answered truthfully.

"Ciao, sentimental hairy!" Su Jin walked back and forth in the corridor twice, then lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said with a wry smile: "Bing Fan, when did foreigners become so smart? "


"Does the young master mean?" Lin Bingfan was taken aback for a moment, already thinking about it in his heart.

"Yes." Su Jin took a deep breath. "This is a trap, a trap that people have to jump off."

Su Jin had already screamed in his heart. Didn’t it just make Laville stronger? As a super power, your heaven is against Lao Tzu everywhere. Even during the flight, you almost killed him and Xia Yuyan. What is a little revenge?

Fortunately now, a super power said so, and even slandered him Su Jin and Luo Weier were originally affair, this time it was discovered that the goddess was caught and would be tied to the holy sacrifice! If you save it, it's estimated that this is the rhythm of being played to death, if you don't save it...this puts the words out, isn't it the same as putting an incompetent hat on Young Master Su's head!

It's full of calculations.

"Young Master, what are you going to do?" Lin Bingfan asked.

"When things are handled here, I will return to Qincheng to wait and see and see the situation." Su Jin didn't have any good ideas, so he had to plan first.

The door opened at this moment, and Xia Yuyan and Chen Zhiyi walked out.

Xia Yuyan curiously opened her beautiful eyes and asked Su Jin: "What are you talking about?"

"I'm reprimanding Bing Fan, these two goods let my wife be taken away. It's really hateful." Su Jin flicked the ashes and said, "By the way, you didn't give a speech yesterday. Today, they let you Speak?"

"Let me." Xia Yuyan smiled at the corner of her mouth, and her mood seemed to be much better.

Su Jin's face immediately showed an expression of impatience, as if he was twisted in his heart, the current Xia Yuyan was poisonous, or very poisonous, at least for him.

Why do you describe it this way?

Su Jin not only deeply liked Xia Yuyan’s appearance, in his heart, his wife’s appearance was definitely ranked first in Qin Cheng, she was perfect, and what made him obsessed was her temperament, so he didn’t want to Make my wife angry, and want her to live happily every day, such as now... She is full of the confidence of a real entrepreneur, especially when she is carefree, she will respond to him. Kind of a faint smile.


Thinking about it, Su Jin clutched his heart, revealing the rippling true feelings.

In Chen Zhihui's eyes, it is no exaggeration to call this "horse fleas full of vigor". She has known Su Jin for a long time, but she has never seen Su Jin show such a mean expression. She really feels... the body is hot after seeing it.

At this time, Xia Yuyan blushed slightly, and immediately raised her hand...

"Hey..." Su Jin stepped away, pointing to Xia Yuyan, and he laughed: "You are reluctant to fight."

"There are outsiders, I will save you some face." Xia Yuyan returned to the cold expression on her face, and then asked, "Do you want to follow?"

"You must follow." Su Jin shrugged, "With me, you are safe."

"Yeah." Xia Yuyan did not refute this time.

Before, Su Jin’s people seemed to be very powerful, but they were taken away by the New York FBI. There was no way to solve it, but Su Jin could bring them out as soon as she came. She wanted to say no It's impossible to be so moved. There was a hint of sweetness, but she didn't show it.

In addition, all the way, so many things have happened, and Su Jin is there, she must be full of security in her heart.

Xia Yuyan then walked ahead and Chen Zhiyu followed, but when she passed by Su Jin, she curled her mouth. She could remember what Su Jin did to her. If she had the chance, she Those who don't mind revenge on him are afraid...

Lin Bingfan looked at the two women in front, then looked at Su Jin...

The young master... it's constantly cutting, the reasoning is still messy, and it has caused the trouble of a goddess, which is really amazing.

"Bing Fan." Su Jin bought a step, and said lightly: "Just say something, don't accept it."

Lin Bingfan walked side by side and nodded calmly: "Young Master, I'll take it."

"Do you know why you are always ignored by girls? In fact, you are not much worse than me in length." Su Jin said.

"I don't know." Lin Bingfan smiled bitterly in his heart, Young Master is really as confident as ever.

"Man, if you want to be stable, you need to be a little bit ruthless in the domineering." Su Jin dropped his cigarette **** in a perfect arc, put his trouser pocket in his pocket, and said calmly: "You have to recognize a reality, what is reality? The reality is that all people say that money is harmful to people and that it is a crime, but all of them are fishing. They all say that beauty is a disaster, and they want it when they are impulsive. They all say... First. Let’s say that tobacco and alcohol hurt your body, and you won’t quit riding a horse if you hurt it, Ciao.”

"It makes sense." Lin Bingfan felt that when Su Jin soaked sister paper, he still had a good idea, and this was where he was most convinced.

"Also, you are enough to pretend, but not enough, you have to keep pretending to be." Su Jin walked and said: "Once, there was a period of time when I hadn't pretended to be paralyzed for too long, and the craftsmanship was unfamiliar. It took a while for the feel to adjust."



Lin Bingfan was stunned, and his pace was slightly lowered. He was completely speechless. Su Jin knew a lot. Not only was his strength much stronger than him, but he felt that the gap between himself and the young master was getting bigger and bigger. No wonder An Qianyi likes him... For An Qianyi, he doesn't have any thoughts now, nor dare to think, knowing that it is impossible.

As Xia Yuyan walked out of the hotel, Su Jin saw Mad Dog Ji resemble a pug, and saw the young "Golden Silk" with a bag on the street following someone behind their buttocks, and followed them for some distance, making people panic. , This city has a mad dog, it is indeed almost meaning.

"What are you doing?" Su Jin frowned, and said to Mad Dog Ji with a little dissatisfaction.

This mad dog, Ji, simply doesn't take the three obediences and four virtues accumulated by Chinese people abroad seriously.

Never make a loud noise, never engrave on cultural relics, never give birth to babies in the cabin, in order to seek foreign citizenship for children.

Mad Dog Ji cautiously ran to Su Jin's side with fire in his eyes. He lowered his voice without concealing his excitement, and said, "Boss, look at it... How energetic the black girl in front is!"

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