My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 865: Old guy's phone

"What will you do?" Su Jin asked calmly.

Chen Zhiyi snorted coldly, and did not say what to do with Su Jin.

Su Jin wondered in his heart. He was observing Chen Zhiyi's face, he was a little hesitant. He didn't expect this girl to have such an experience, and obviously didn't like amorous men——

In any case, Su Jin has to think of a way. He feels that Chen Zhiyu's impression of him has changed recently, and he doesn't believe that his own charm can't make the relationship further.

Ten minutes passed. When Xia Yuyan’s last sentence of "thank you" fell, the audience thundered in applause. Su Jin also stood up and applauded. During this short ten minutes, the applause probably rang ten. Several times, it is enough to see how good this beautiful young female entrepreneur from the East has performed.

"What are you doing while sitting?" Su Jin didn't even look at Chen Zhiyi, and said flatly, lifting up his pants pocket.

Chen Zhihui had to get up, followed him, and finally met Xia Yuyan in the corridor.

"I just showed up, is it okay?" Xia Yuyan said while looking at Su Jin with a smile.

Su Jin can see that Xia Yuyan is still a bit nervous now. After all, he is speaking on such a large international occasion, which is rarely seen in normal times. It is no wonder that he does not want to give up this opportunity to promote Xia's enterprise. The effect response should be very good, and it will bring some cooperation to the Xia Group.

"The performance is perfect." Su Jin took the folder in Xia Yuyan's hand and handed it to Chen Zhiyi, saying: "Okay, it's easy now. Let's go back to the hotel."

"Well, there is a cocktail party in the evening, and the auto show organized by Creighton invites us to participate." Xia Yuyan said while walking.

"Cocktail party--" Su Jin raised his own Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, took a look at Chen Zhiwei, and said: "Alright, just treat it as a pastime."

Su Jin's voice fell, and he felt the vibration in his pockets, and motioned his wife and them to go first. Looking at the backs of Xia Yuyan and the two women, he took out his phone and glanced at it, and he hesitated.

The phone is from the old guy, and he is considering whether to answer it.

"Let's talk." Su Jin still pressed the answer. There is no way. Before he grows up, only the old guy can cover him. It will definitely be miserable for no one to cover him this year.

"You can change your sign tomorrow and fly directly from New York to Beijing." The old guy said directly.

"Go to the capital?" Su Jin was a little surprised, "Why go to the capital?"

"Why are you so many and why?" The old guy was a little impatient.

"Because there are a hundred thousand why-"

"This time the goddess holy sacrifice, isn't it the trouble you caused? I heard Bing Fan say, you seem to intend to save her?" the old guy said.

Su Jin was silent, and then said: "Haha, you really know me."

It's not that Su Jin wants to save, but reality cannot tolerate him.

If you know the inside story, this is simply Chi Guoguo’s conspiracy. The goddess blew herself up in love with Su Jin. Outsiders heard that she fell in love with a man, but she didn’t even think about it. This is a calculation. , I would not know that they only met for the first time, and some pleasant and unpleasant things happened.

If Su Jin does not go, how should the forces that day comment on the future young masters of the two powerful forces of "Dragon Tooth" and "Tengying"? Even if you don't save the woman you like, let her fend for her own life. In the face of human relations, she will lose, and she will be poked in the back!

"You are also stubborn, but because of your stubbornness." The old guy sighed deeply.

"You want me to go to the capital, and then use your master to control me, so as to prevent me from rushing. You know me, and I know you well." Su Jin said lightly.

"You have a bigger mission. Think about your mother. It's still locked in..." the old guy said, feeling a little excited. "With your current strength, it's impossible to go against'heaven', their Behind is the entire Holy Realm. You are like a calf now, and you are not afraid of a tiger with a big mouth leaping towards you!"

"My mother... where is it locked up?" Su Jin knew that the old guy didn't want to say.

"I won't tell you, your current strength is not even half-hope, because of your recklessness, because of your stubbornness, but want to give up everyone's long-term expectations of you, and hard work!" The old guy was angrily on the phone. Said over there.

"Fart! The real strong! Not overwhelming everything! But not being overwhelmed by everything! I won't go to the capital!" Su Jin was really angry, and the raised voice frightened the two women who were walking in front of them, and they stopped at the same time. Shaped, turned his head and looked at Su Jin.

The old guy's voice became hoarse, and said: "Listen to me, I spent a huge price, and I asked someone to find the real person of the "Penglai Taoist Temple" retreat. He is currently in the realm of divination, as far as I know. The highest being!"

"The result?" Su Jin calmed down a bit.

"You will be suppressed by the sacred stele in the **** fog, and you will be filled with the archangel holy sword..."

"What else did he see in the end."

"You are silent! The heart will never beat again! The fate will be plunged into darkness!"

"Fuck you! Hang up, fuck!" Su Jin directly wanted to hang up.

"Wait..." The old guy suddenly said in a hurry: "There is a girl who has always wanted to see you. I have seen her many times. In her world, there are only her aunts and others who have never met. you!"

"not see!"

"I will let her go to Qincheng..."

After the old guy finished speaking, Su Jin hung up the phone. He was totally in no mood and talked to him about any reasoning. He wanted to use beauty to hold him back?

Su Jin's expression changed from gloomy to natural, and walked to the side of the two women in front, and said, "Let's go."

"What happened?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"It's nothing, it's just an old man, chattering and chattering all the time."

"You must be hiding something from me." Xia Yuyan said dissatisfied.

Seeing his wife a little angry.

Su Jin sank slightly, and said, "It's okay, let's talk's affairs, you can't get in."

"Well, you can do what you can." Xia Yuyan can't control Su Jin, although she also feels that the matter is a bit serious.

As for the severity, Su Jin also felt that it was unprecedented. This was the first time the old guy had talked to him solemnly, but it was okay not to talk about it. He was under great pressure.

Chen Zhihui took a deep look at Su Jin and seemed to notice something wrong. If he didn't want to tell the president's sister, would he want to tell her?

With deep doubts, the three of them went out, joined Lin Bingfan, and walked back to the Manhattan Hotel.

Xia Yuyan walked into the room first, but Chen Zhiyi was outside the door, turning around and looking at Su Jin. The two masters just didn't come in outside the hotel.

"President husband, can you get some drinks?" Chen Zhiyu said.

"Ciao, don't take it." Su Jin shook his head, leaving Chen Zhihui aside, and wanted to enter the room.

At this time, Chen Zhihui whispered: "I'll take it, but you have to tell me, you just heard someone say, what happened to make you so angry. Okay?"

"Want to know?" Su Jin stopped.

"miss you."

Su Jin laughed and said seriously: "Before you die... I want to see you wear the red string underwear that I gave you once. You can wear it to me later, and I'll tell you."

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