My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 885: I'm not handsome all the time

Su Jin dumbfounded-

He held the small-size white sneakers in one hand, did not drop, tilted his head and looked at the place where the sound was made.

What appeared in front of her was a young girl who made people take a breath. She looked like she was seventeen or eighteen, just in time.

It was a very iconic face with melon seeds, with clear eyebrows, and a pair of symmetrical large eyes with piercing eyes, as if they could speak. Her skin is as fair as Saixue, but most of the exposed parts of her body are mostly tightly wrapped in a green short-sleeved cage jumpsuit, and then she looks down, under the perfect slender waist. Two calves about the thickness of Su Jin's wrist stretched to the soles of the feet. There were no thin socks on the long legs, only two snow-white thick socks covering the ankles. It felt good temperament and full of aura.

The girl’s hair is also very smooth and straight, and there are several hairpins inlaid with five treasures on her head. They are of different colors. Under the two strands of green silk, two slender green skirts are shrugged. Stick tightly.

Oh! Buy it! When did the old guy be so human and sent him a beautiful girl?

Seeing that Su Jin hadn’t hit Su Jin, Qin Shiyao was originally very angry, but under Su Jin’s scrutiny, she couldn’t help but start looking down at herself. She always felt Su Jin’s gaze, what was wrong with her dress. Too right, it was a very uncomfortable feeling.

Su Jin's final gaze fell on the beautiful girl's right hand. It was a gray whip that was more than a foot long. Seeing this, he frowned, and squinted and asked coldly: "Girl, your name is Qin Shiyao?"

"You... seem to be the person in the photo." Qin Shiyao pinched a photo from her waist, began to compare, and finally said bitterly: "Sure enough, the photos are all deceitful, you are a big man, even the photos All frauds!"

I wipe it!

What does it have to do with the photo?

Su Jin licked his lower lip, and without looking at the white shoes in his hand, he threw it aside and walked to her.

The girl was not stage fright, nor did she back down, obviously she was not afraid of Su Jin. This discovery made Su Jin feel quite interesting.

After taking the photos, Su Jin was dumbfounded. When did this sister paper have her own photos? Could it be provided by the old guy? However, this photo was taken a few years ago. At that time, I was still a silly little fresh meat. Sure enough, the years make people grow old. The look inside is indeed in line with the aesthetics of a girl's age.

Secretly praised, I was so handsome at the beginning.

Su Jin nodded and said: "It's time to see a doctor? I'm not handsome all the time, besides...what kind of old fellow are you? Where's the wild girl, why are you here to make trouble?"

"You have to take care of it." When Qin Shiyao saw Su Jin, she became more and more disappointed. She looked at this photo for a long time every day and night. Now she found that he has matured a lot, and she is so mature that she is very uncomfortable.

"Okay, I don't care where you live? Are you sick? I asked Brother Tiger to tie you up and send you back." Su Jin snapped his fingers, glanced at the sister Qin and Zhou Tianhu, and said lightly.

"This girl is in the same ward with you!" Qin Shiyao's eyes slanted at Su Jin, why is this guy's mouth so damaged.

"Hey!" Su Jin couldn't help but touched his chin. The girl became angry and her mouth was quite powerful. He turned his eyes lightly and glanced at the audience. He suddenly found Wang Xiaojun's face, and asked: "Where is your sister? ?"

Wang Xiaojun scratched his head, pointed at Qin Shiyao angrily and said to Su Jin: "She was locked up!"

"It's closed? Where is it?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows, Qin Shiyao was so bold!

"Keep it in my sister's room!" Wang Xiaojun said: "She held a whip to prevent my sister from coming out, and said she would starve her for a few days."

Are you a damn--

Su Jin is very angry now, holding the photo, walking up to Qin Shiyao with her waist in front of her, and asking: "Don't think you are beautiful, I dare not punish you. I said, if you don't give a reason, I will come out today. Don't go."

"This girl didn't plan to leave, besides, I haven't punished you yet?" Qin Shiyao didn't advise Su Jin at all, and said angrily in a tone that was more reasonable than him.

"The first time I heard that a woman dared to punish my young master." Su Jin made two horse-riding movements and said viciously: "Believe it or not, I'll knock you off with technology a few times! Make you cry?"

Qin Shiyao flushed immediately...

Zhou Tianhu and Sister Qin on the side looked at each other, both with expressions of shame. Because the young master's posture is really unsightly, and even stupid people know what it is. This is not too important. The key is to make Qin Shiyao ugly in their presence. However, they knew the young master's temper very well, and when the girl met Su Jin, she really didn't know if it was good or bad.

"It's my duty to punish her and Tao Xiaolang." Qin Shiyao suddenly became too embarrassed, and planned to speak with reason.

"What? What's your job? What's your job?" Su Jin was puzzled.

"When I came, my aunt said, whether you have a woman or not, anyway, I am the main room." Qin Shiyao snorted.

Su Jin was completely trapped.

But soon he reacted and said: "Your aunt also said, I don't want you!"

Although he is beautiful, no one really can stand this temper. It's too hot. If something is serious, I will punish this and that. In the end, I will punish Young Master Su. It really is--

"You don't want me! You are looking for death! Only I don't want your part!" Qin Shiyao suddenly raised the whip angrily as if the gunpowder keg was lit, and really drew it, and at the same time said in a small mouth: I kneel down!"

"Ciao!" Su Jin dodged the whip sideways, and the fire came out from wherever he didn't know. He reached out directly, grabbed her wrist, and applied a little force.

"Ah—" Qin Shiyao's wrist hurt, and the whip fell to the ground.

But this is not over yet!

Su Jin quickly stepped forward and directly carried her on her shoulders, allowing her to constantly beat her back with her powder fist, and said to Sister Qin, "Sister Qin, I requisitioned your room. This Nizi is not Heng? It was automatically delivered to the door. It just so happened that I haven't been angry recently, so I will use her to revive my husband today!"

Sister Qin was speechless and did not speak as if she had acquiesced to Su Jin's actions. Maybe she also felt that Qin Shiyao, who had been here for two days, was too much. Gu Shuzhai was originally harmonious and peaceful, but she was messed up when she came.

Zhou Tianhu watched Su Jin carry Qin Shiyao to Sister Qin's room, and they looked at each other and didn't dare to say anything.

"You let me go!" Qin Shiyao kept beating, not relaxing for a moment.

"Let go of you? If you don't make it today, both sides of you are peach blossoms, my last name is yours!"

Su Jin was very angry, and whenever this time came, he got up violently, even himself afraid!

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