My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 890: A man is not a cow

The stone statue's expression became grim--

The ‘Huangquan Notes’ exudes a pale golden light, shining on the stone statue, and the surrounding yellow spring water is like a torrent, sweeping over the dozens of skeletons, sinking and floating the bones.

Suddenly, the sound of the magnificent and dull scripture resounded, and the bright lines on the "Huangquan Notes" seemed to be electroplated, beginning to become clearer.

"Apprentice, stop!" The old **** stick snorted with an ugly expression. He and his junior brother are both bad guys, but the most humble existence under Ye You Yinshuai's hands, but who would have thought that Su Jin still hid such a hand. So Treasure took the Yin Shuai, if it did, it would definitely be a catastrophe, which was obviously not what they wanted to see.

"Hehe, I'm lazy." Su Jin yawned, pretending to be indifferent, but the brilliance in his eyes kept changing. Is this'Huangquan Notes' the nemesis of ghosts? Otherwise, how come the nervous handsome guy came to grab him? Another thing that caused him to have this suspicion was the reaction of this treasure. Why did he actively try to subdue Yeyou Yinshuai?

It's too hanging, it's too hanging!

Su Jin is very excited. If this is the case, then he will really want to break through the gates of **** in the future. Why should he control the life and death of the people in the world, and even want to grab something from him!

Yeyou Yinshuai is getting more and more frightened, but he is obviously not the one who is waiting to die. The black mist emerges all over his body, trying to prevent the invasion of the most precious, but the magnificent scripture is like a knife, turning into bright gold. The gold runes poured into its true stone body.


The stone statue made a cracking sound, and Yeyou Yinshuai screamed, "No..."

Su Jin hummed coldly, strode forward, grasped the'Huangquan Notes' and put it away directly, and the vision disappeared.

"This time, I will let you go. If you still don't know what to do and want to seize my things, I will let you turn to ashes next time!" Su Jin stood on the spot and said coldly.

Ye You Yin Shuai took a few steps back. Although his face was still so abominable, he obviously had a retreat. He said: "This treasure is really powerful, but everyone is innocent, and he is guilty of his crime! There are so many great powers in the world, I still There are nine elder brothers, I will see how you deal with it then!"

Su Jin took a step forward and immediately frightened Night Tour. If he really took it away, he could only blame himself for bad luck. It had lost the strong aura it had before.

"You don't need to come to me. If I don't die in the future, I will definitely go to **** and tick off my name from your most treasured "Book of Life and Death"! Go away!" Su Jin responded aggressively.

According to his own thinking, the offense has already been offended, so it is better to be more thorough. Since the "Huangquan Notes" is in his own hands, they must be scrupulous! At that time, he might not be able to fight.

"Oh! So do it yourself!" Master Yi looked at Su Jin.

"Take care!" Seeing Ye You Yin Shuai fleeing without a fight, the old **** stick nodded heavily to Su Jin and said.

In the past, they thought they knew Su Jin, but now they realized that it was a big mistake. If this son does not die, it will be a very big threat to everyone, and it is not an exaggeration—

"No!" Su Jin waved his hand.

Regarding this matter, Su Jin did not blame these two gods, even if it weren't for them, the Yinshuai Yuyou could not say he would come personally.

It seems that no matter what, the strong is really strong. The weak can only be bullied. If he is not strong in capital, his treasure will definitely be robbed, and his life may be lost in the end! Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened so far, otherwise it would be too late to say anything.

The two old things disappeared in place, and the scene returned to normal. The sky was still the same day, but the cloudy wind was less, and the warmth was more.

Turning around coldly, walked towards the door of the residence. Just now, what he said was not to scare the other party, he was really strong to that point, he was definitely going to make a break, he said he had to grab something, just follow their way! Really, what the hell!

Entering the living room and sitting on the sofa, Su Jin was thinking about something, and suddenly a murmur of charming laughter appeared in his ear.

Shi Shiran smiled with an impatient expression on Hu Tiantian. She had already become a slender beauty with a full figure and walked up. With laughter, she stood up the big watermelon in front of her and giggled. Sure enough, she had already discovered Master Su's Look at it.

"Master-you are just amazing." Hu Tiantian gently came to Su Jin, raised her long legs like white snow, and sat face to face on Su Jin's legs like a horse.

"Generally. People are not bullies!" Su Jin didn't mind, either, anyway, it smells good, whether it's touching or smelling.

Regarding Hu Tiantian's irritating behavior, Su Jin just wanted to say a word to her angrily, and had the patience to show him all his abilities!

"Want to take a look." Hu Tiantian slowly raised her hands, stroked the capped peaks, looked at Su Jin with big eyes and gave a soft voice.

"Um... you quickly change back, this master has big things to do." Su Jin coughed lightly.

"Oh." Hu Tiantian said disappointedly, and she became a little white fox again.

Su Jin sighed secretly, what a terrible little fairy!

Looking at the majesty under him, Su Jin got up with an ugly expression and walked to the door of the two rooms. After a short hesitation, he still opened Xia Yunxi's door.

Young Master Su thought about it. The easiest thing to fix now is Xia Yunxi. This Nizi admires him a lot, and he wanted to see what she had eaten before, so that his body will develop twice in a short time! No doubt, he can get some unexpected surprises!

The door opened quietly, and the room was dark. Su Jin didn't turn on the light, but with his own eyesight, he could see clearly that a familiar body was indeed lying.

Su Jin walked to the bed and sat down gently.

The slender waist appeared. She was wearing a short white nightdress. Because of sleeping alone, the skirt was uniformly short and thin.

Su Jin swallowed, and gently brushed her hand over her ankle, then to the calf, to the knee, and to the position above the knee that can be broken by a blow.

After a short stay, Su Jin never hesitated in his eager eyes!

He...has settled attention!

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