My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 892: Give Principal Li the knowledge of popular science

Su Jin smiled faintly and walked up.

"The voice is so good, as your master, nutrition can't keep up..." Su Jin said deliberately.

Seeing Su Jin appeared, the'Reaper' supercar was immediately happy. From the time the owner left to the present, he did not see the owner, showing a special hesitation and insecurity. Immediately, it started from the truck, slowly and smoothly. With the paved lead belt, he opened it down.

Su Jin didn’t know if it was a geographical reason. Driving this car in the United States felt far less shocking than seeing it in Qincheng. Now the weather is so good, plus it’s the most beautiful time in the morning. Young Master Su is standing next to it. I even felt that I was no longer the brightest.

"The best handsome guy in the world, with the best sports car in the world, you can directly feel how handsome I am." Su Jin shook his head shamelessly, holding his trouser pocket.

At this time, the two staff members of the man and woman immediately looked at each other. Although Su Jin’s tone was crazy and he had a personality, none of them dared to question Su Jin’s ability. As a non-internal staff member, the "Reaper" super run. The reputation of the world's number one sports car has long been heard. The design of this sports car has reached its peak. I dare not say whether there is a car that can match it, but the number one in the world does not stop here, but it is the most The outstanding feature is that it is a smart supercar!

This is just like the difference between a wise man and a fool!

"Manager Su, so handsome!" Most of the people passing by and planning to work in the company stopped by the side, watching Su Jin and the sports car next to him in the clearing, some people were excited.

"I seem to have seen this car from a famous car magazine, and it is the first supercar that deserves it!" A male employee who loves famous car information first took a breath and sighed his insight.

"President Su is really capable, we Qin Cheng don't know if there is any man who can surpass him!"

"Yeah, I'm afraid the price of this car is not low, and its appearance is too handsome—"

"This car is a collector's item. It is said that many wealthy businessmen come to ask for it, but they can't buy it no matter how much they bid! Creighton's consortium behind the scenes is..." The male employee who just revealed the message said another explosive News.

"It's no wonder that our president is willing to be with him, so envious." A female staff member seemed to hold a heart-like gesture with her hands, said with an idiotic expression on her face.

"What's the use of envy, you didn't give birth well!"

"You have a good birth... it's not the life of a part-time job!"


Su Jin used to feel that'fame and fortune' were not too important, but at this moment he really felt the difference in identity. Sometimes, the feeling a super sports car brings to others is absolutely different, like At this time, aren't they all complimenting him for being handsome and capable.

People are alive, this is called face, Su Jin never shows people low-key, so he enjoys the praise of everyone at this time.

"Mr. Su, the task is complete, we should also go back." The male staff member who delivered the car came and said to Su Jin.

"Are you Creighton's staff?" Su Jin was curious.

"Yes, we are employees of China Qincheng Creighton Branch." The male staff member said politely.

"Well, thanks, I have time to eat together in the future." Su Jin said politely.

In any case, the speed of the car delivery is not covered, which also shows how much the other party values ​​him, and he is quite satisfied.

"Okay, okay." The male staff member suddenly felt flattered, and shook hands with Su Jin before leading the female colleague to drive the large truck and slowly disappeared in front of the door.

Su Jin looked at the people who were still onlookers, then snapped his fingers, the car door opened slightly, and he sat in.

The car disappeared before and after the eyes of the sighing staff, everyone disappeared and they were busy with their own things. Su Jin was already on his way to Qincheng Film and Television Academy at this time.

Soon after, Qincheng Film and Television Academy.

Su Jin first called Brother Hu and asked him for Zhang Xingxing’s mobile phone number. Although this guy looks bad, he is really a man who can turn You Mingjie into an eunuch. This is something other men have to pay. It's strange that you can't die with him, but fortunately, you are his backer!

I made two calls to him in a row, but Zhang Xingxing did not answer.

Later, on the third time, Zhang Xingxing connected vigilantly and asked, "Who?"

"Your boss!" Su Jin said irritably. What a great deal, I haven't seen anyone who dared to hang up without answering his phone.

"Ah? Boss..." Zhang Xingxing asked with a shame, "Where are you?"

"At the school gate, come out."

"Boss, I confess, I was in trouble... I am afraid that if the company signs me, it will affect the company's reputation, or... terminate the contract--" Zhang Xingxing said in an uncomfortable tone.

"Haha, cancel the contract?" Su Jin sneered, "Didn't you surrender yourself? How did you come out?"

"I don't know... Someone called me and asked me something, and I came out inexplicably." Zhang Xingxing was also not clear.

"That was from Lao Tzu. If you really terminate the contract with the company, you will be chopped into flesh in minutes after you come out, believe it or not?" Su Jin asked.

Zhang Xingxing choked for a while, and said, "Boss, thank you...I have caused so many things before I made any money for the company. I really have no face to see you."

"The bullshit, get out." Su Jin hung up the phone directly.

At the entrance of Qincheng Film and Television Academy, Su Jin drank a cigarette, leaning against the "Reaper" car, enjoying the enviable gaze of passers-by and some school girls, Su Jin breathed out smoke...

"Principal Su!" A surprised voice appeared.

Su Jin held his cigarette and looked sideways, hey...acquaintances!

The visitor turned out to be Li Xiaohe, and Su Jin remembered this sloppy but beautiful woman in her life.

"Principal Li, is this going to work?" Su Jin responded with a smile.

"Your car is so beautiful--" Li Xiaohe was secretly shocked. She obviously didn't understand the luxury life of high-class celebrities. Of course, she was also well-informed and had seen many sports cars. They were not as good as Su Jin's current car. .

"Is it pretty? Do you want to sit down?" Su Jin asked.

"Okay, but I don't have time now." Li Xiaohe said.

"Try it and make sure you will be very comfortable, this car is also very flexible, and will also play various science and education films." Su Jin said.

"Principal Su wants to take advantage of others again." Li Xiaohe stared blankly, and then asked, "Is there a TV in this car?"

Su Jin turned his eyes lightly and said to the car's intelligent system: "Give this sister a paragraph."


How to put it?

Li Xiaohe looked at Su Jin with a puzzled look. Immediately, a movie unsuitable for children was shown on the window of the car...

1920p super clear! And it's still ‘no holy light’!

Here is the most exciting section. The woman in it is even shouting passionately: "One library! One library! Linen falls!"

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