My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 896: Love is short

"Ah—" Cai Junya was startled, but she was nervous, and when she saw Su Jin, she was relieved and blushed and said, "Boss, you scared me to death..."

Since Su Jin's wonderful hand rejuvenated and used her skills to help her heal old scars, Cai Junya's impression of Su Jin has changed sharply. He also thought that Su Jin was very pretending and arrogant.

But who dares to deny that a man who can endure such a degree is pretending?

In Cai Junya's view, Su Jin's character is high-profile! People are not afraid of anything, the kind of madness who has the ability to not panic! Most people can't do it if they want to!

Su Jin just woke up from the refreshing fragrance. Just condescending, he still saw some wonderful scenery from the collar, but it is a pity that beautiful things are always too short. When he saw Cai Junya's appearance, he smiled decently. Asking: "Junya, what are you doing?"

"I'm making a memo, and write down the work arrangements for the evening and tomorrow." Cai Junya stabilized her mind, and he was relieved when she saw Su Jin raising her head.

The boss is like this, for her, the pressure is still very great.

"Does the section list?" Su Jin asked.

"Recorded, the first issue recorded last night." Cai Junya nodded.

"It's a pity that you didn't catch up with the scene. How did you perform?"

Su Jin still didn't expect this, Hu Liming was really...Of course, this was work, he couldn't interfere, and he was too busy with his own affairs, how could he manage it.

"It's okay--" Cai Junya was a little restrained.

In the past, although she was not considered cold, she was also a girl with a temperament. Su Jin naturally saw it, but she didn’t know how to talk to the boss of Su Da. It might be caused by the last treatment. , Which made her feel very subtle.

Su Jin sat down in a position next to her, then put his chin on, looked at Cai Junya and said, "Judging from your humble character, you should have performed very well."

"Yes? I have been humble?" Cai Junya said in surprise.

"This kid, do you have doubts when you praise you?" Su Jin still couldn't hold back, and smiled.

Cai Junya was very embarrassed to be looked at by Su Jin so directly, she lowered her head and whispered, "Boss, there are other people here, don't look at me like that..."

"You mean, I can just look at nobody's affairs." Su Jin's eyes lit up, "This is what you said."

"You said so, what else can I say." Cai Junya is not as good as a fierce old wolf in catching small loopholes. She is looked at like this again, even if nothing really happened between them, she was looked at by colleagues. Even thought that the two have that kind of relationship, people say, after all, it is awesome.

Hearing Cai Junya's words, Su Jin was very excited. This was a big breakthrough. He also obviously felt that Junya's sister was a little different to him. Could he be more happy than this? If you continue to develop in this way, you can't say it can really be a success.

Su Jin knows very well that he can't be too impatient. It is necessary to give everyone a process of adapting. You have to take a bite to eat. At present, changing your impression of a beautiful woman is the top priority. You must work harder and work harder to have a smile. correct.

"Junya, if we have time, we can go out alone for a meal. Wouldn't it not give Brother Su this face?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"It's okay to eat, but don't pick the evening." Cai Junya said with a small mouth.

"Why?" Su Jin asked pretendingly.

"Because I'm afraid I can't help but hit you." Cai Junya deliberately lowered her voice and said something like this.

"Damn—boss, do you dare to fight?" Su Jin didn't expect Cai Junya to say that.

"No way, I'm a weak woman, what if you are rough with me at night?" Cai Junya responded with a low smile.

Move-move rough!

Su Jin stayed. He didn't know if he was thinking too much, or his thinking was too dirty. He always felt that these words were not straight...a bit crooked! Moreover, this kind of remark came out of the little mouth of a very beautiful girl, that feeling... To be honest, it is really thorny!

Judging from Su Jin’s expression at the moment, Cai Junya was still a bit strange. She sorted it out and finally found this easily misunderstood sentence, and immediately the whole person felt bad!

"Old... boss, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that!" While Cai Junya said, she cursed **** in her heart. How do you say it doesn't go through your brain. If you say this to a serious person, It must be no problem.

The essential--

Is Su Jin a serious person?

Obviously not!

"Can I take it seriously?" Su Jin said.

"No!" Cai Junya was already frightened by Su Jin's words and deeds. She felt that she would be ruined by the boss.

Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, and said with a very serious face: "I also feel that I can't take it seriously. Who is the boss? A good person-I am sympathetic to the hard work of the employees, and the wages and benefits increase again and again. How can I have that kind of ignorance? The thought of'Deep Edge Short', this is an old thought, a dross, something that should be shielded and discarded!"

"..." Cai Junya was speechless.

No matter how stupid she was, she would have heard it. If it wasn't for the relationship between subordinates and subordinates, she would definitely attack Su Jin and ask him what it means to be I don’t know how deep you are or what your length means. To describe, please, everyone is not a kid anymore?

"Boss, I still have to work, you go away." Cai Junya sighed deeply and said to Su Jin with a small mouth.

"Don't, the boss wants to see if you do a good job." Su Jin said shamelessly.

"Look, look at you!" Cai Junya raised the carbon ink pen in her hand and continued to do the work at hand, but... there was a wolf beside her, and she was a little distracted.

I rub!

What is used to you

Su Jin was choked to death by Cai Junya's words, and she said smoothly, not as violent as she said!

Seeing Cai Junya meow him from time to time, Su Jin moved his chair closer, continued to support his chin, and stared blankly.

Two minutes, three minutes, ten minutes passed.

Cai Junya couldn't help it anymore, patted the pen on the table lightly, opened his eyes, got up and said to Su Jin: "Boss, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Together, I want to go there too." Su Jin said calmly.

"Whatever you want." Cai Junya stepped forward.

Su Jin's head is not working well again, just do whatever I want... pee on you——


Su Jin patted his head, what was in his mind all day, he was very impulsive, and then got up.

Cai Junya thought that Su Jin was joking, but after turning his head and taking a look, he was shocked immediately!

The boss really followed up!

Ah yeah, one more piece for the bathroom? Smelly shameless!

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