My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 908: ask a question

"If you do this again, Lao Tzu will kill you, a young girl!" Su Jin said fiercely, and at the same time, he unceremoniously squeezed his hand from the peak in front of her.

Then let go-

Being able to start in public is already very valuable, and Su Jin does not expect anything.

Qian Xiaowan panted nervously with a shy expression on her face. When Su Jin made the most critical action, she also instinctively withdrew her hand. At this time, she was lowering her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Perhaps this is Su Jin's maximum action on her!

"Let's go, it's not early, go to eat." Su Jin also had a numb scalp when she encountered Qian Xiaowan. This kind of annoying sister paper, when she met and wanted to get rid of her and do other things, she could only think about it. .

Su Jin and Qian Xiaowan returned to the original reception room and found that many people were already in their positions, and various red wines and delicacies were being put on the table by some maids.

For the first time, Su Jin saw the location of Nangong's younger brother. At this moment, he was pushing a wheelchair for Liu Ye with a dark face.

"Master Su!" Yao Jiuye raised his hand to indicate.

Su Jin walked over. Since ancient times, the upper side has been big. Yao Jiuye has reserved such a position for him. From this point of view, it is enough to see how much he values ​​Su Jin.

Regarding this, Su Jin sat down too, and after a few greetings, the wedding banquet had already begun.


It took more than an hour to eat. During this period, Qian Donglai and the unhappy Nangong Jun both came to have two drinks with Su Jin. The atmosphere of the wedding banquet was naturally very good, but after eating, Su Jin and everyone The distinguished guest said goodbye, indicating that there was still urgent matter to be dealt with, and if he had time in the future, he could talk about it, and then left'Luoxia Town'.

Soon after, Su Jin slowly stopped the car at the door of his house, got out of the car and walked into the house——

"Hey...Brother-in-law, you are back." Xia Yunxi carried a brown leather bag on his arm, opened the door and almost ran into Su Jin, looking at Su Jin and said.

"Are you going to work?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

"Yes indeed."

"Your sister hasn't left yet, right?"

"Go, the office you went to ten minutes ago, if you want to find her, you have to go there to find her..." Xia Yunxi said with a grin.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you for a while. Since you are going to work, you should go quickly and be careful on the way." Su Jinduo glanced at her.

For a long time, Xia Yunxi’s temper, Su Jin, liked him very much, obedient, well-behaved, and admired him very much, but time is running out, and there may be no time to want to see her more in the future. Thinking of this, Su Jin felt relieved. Get up, let the sister-in-law leave freely.

"You seem to... have something in your heart?" Xia Yunxi found that Su Jin seemed to have changed a little.

If it were before, he would definitely be stuck in front of the door, and would not leave without bullying her a few times. Now it is so easy to let her leave safely, which is very wrong.

"You think about it, go ahead." Su Jin shook his head and refused to say more.

Seeing Su Jin like this, Xia Yunxi didn't think much, smiled and raised her little white hand, and said, "Goodbye, Brother Su."

"Goodbye." Su Jin held his trouser pocket.

"By the way, Brother Su, is my sister scared by the crash? I feel that her mental state is not very good, and she seems to be uncomfortable. You have to accompany her more when you have time. Go home early in the evening." Xia Yunxi With a serious expression on his face, he solemnly reminded Su Jin.

Wife is unwell?

Su Jin thought to himself, maybe the work pressure was too great. A few days after jumping off the plane, he didn't realize Xia Yuyan was unwell.

"Don't worry, I will be with you in these few days." Su Jin said.

"Hmm..." Xia Yunxi knew what Su Jin meant, his cheeks were slightly flushed, and then he walked out of the room with a bag, and drove to work under Su Jin's gaze.

Su Jin smiled and walked out the door with a fusion of eyes in his eyes. He knew his wife's temper, no matter what was important, no work was important, and he didn't notify him if he wasn't feeling well, but this was where he was negligent. He thought as he walked. He quickly walked to the Xia Group Building and walked into it, ready to see what's wrong with Xia Yuyan's body. It really can't work. As the most conscientious husband, it is also right to buy some medicine for her.

In front of the president's office.

"Boom boom boom——" Su Jin knocked on the door.

"Come in." Xia Yuyan's familiar voice appeared in her ears.

Su Jin gently pushed the door open a gap, looked through the gap in the door, and really found that Xia Yuyan was writing something upright with a charcoal pen, but today's wife seems to be very different...

Of course, this is about temperament!

Xia Yuyan wears a black orthodox professional dress, and her snow-white shirt is quite normal. The key is something that highlights her temperament, but Su Jin has rarely seen her wear it...

She wore a pair of black frame glasses. As a result, her professional president's temperament was more obvious than usual, and she didn't know how much it improved!

"Su Jin!" Xia Yuyan noticed something was wrong, and after taking a glance in the direction of the door, he suddenly called out his name in a dumbfounded manner, and said angrily: "It feels better to look secretly, right?"

"It's more exciting." Su Jin opened the door, walked in carelessly, and kicked and closed the door.

"Why are you looking for me—" Xia Yuyan knew that Su Jin couldn't talk about it, so she simply asked him why he came.

"I heard Yunxi say that you are not feeling well, can you tell me what is uncomfortable?" Su Jin's face became serious, and as soon as he entered the door, although Xia Yuyan seemed to be about the same as usual, you can feel carefully that between the willow eyebrows There is still a little exhaustion, is it really a lot of work after returning?

"After that, can you solve the problem?" Xia Yuyan asked back.

Su Jin pulled a chair and rode on it, leaning his arms against the back of the chair, and said with a smile: "I don't dare to say the solution, at least it will make you comfortable..."

"Bah, you're starting to be a gangster again, haven't you?" Xia Yuyan had an expression that I know you well.

"Wife, you are wronging me--" Su Jin sadly covered his heart, and then said: "I think even if my husband treats his wife too much, he can't reach the height of the word'bully', can it be you Don’t you think I’ve always been a good person?"

"You are not a good person, thank you." Xia Yu smiled at the corner of his cigarette.


"Very sure, and definitely." Xia Yuyan nodded.

"Well, I didn't expect me to be such a person in your heart." Su Jin's complexion returned to normal, and he looked straight at Xia Yuyan without a smile, and said: "Wife, can I ask you a question? "

"You ask." Xia Yuyan tilted her head, squinted and smiled: "My husband, I can choose not to answer you."

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