My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 916: The other shore flowers bloom

Su Jin's fighting spirit was high.

But things were not what he thought, only a deafening rumble came from the emptiness of the gray scene. At this time, a colorful flower boat appeared out of thin air, with a magnificent momentum. In front of the flower boat, there are thousands of evil ghosts with hideous faces. Each evil spirit carries a chain on its shoulder. After that, there are many ghosts holding short whips, and there are slaps and slaps from time to time, so that the flower boat can move forward. , The speed is not slow.

"In the ghost gate, the stranger stopped and left." A lazy and beautiful voice came from the flower boat, which was exhausted, as if he would never sleep well. Su Jin had been discovered at this time.

It is strange to say that after putting down these words, the flower boat did not stop, the speed did not decrease, and it drifted away.

Su Jin shook his hand, and the "Green White Rakshasa" appeared again.

"That's..." Bai Shuang looked at the distant flower boat and exclaimed, "That's the dream girl!"

"Who is Dream Girl?" Su Jin was curious.

Mrs. Qingshan looked in awe, and at this moment she also said: "Meng girl is the enshrined heavenly mansion, the 81st Dzogchen, a good person, immeasurable merit, is an immortal existence! In the mortal world, some people call her Mengpo, He lives on the bridge of the Nai River and is famous for brewing'Wang Qing Tea'."

"A good person of the 81st century!" Su Jin's eyes widened, and he took a deep breath and asked, "Isn't that no one is allowed to be a good person of the ninth century?"

He clearly remembered that in the Great Liang Mountain, Hu Chunzhi, the "eighth good man", went crazy because of this. The two old **** sticks used this to ride on the ride of **** and become ecstasy. They are now also civil servants in hell, taking the salary of the government. Imagine the existence of the eighth generation of good people, how terrible should the 81st good people be?

"Yes, since the occurrence of such a variable as the dream girl, the underworld has also clearly stipulated by law that a living person shall not cultivate into the ninth good person, because'nine' is the extreme number, after becoming the ninth good person, the underground government has no right to intervene anymore. Go down." Mrs. Qingshan said.

Really numb, it turned out to be on and off——

Su Jin was shocked.

"Such a smashing character, why has it been selling tea at Naihe Bridge for generations?" Su Jin was very curious.

"There are many people who have this doubt. The most credible rumor is that she has been waiting for someone." Bai Shuang said.

"Who?" Su Jin took a step forward and started to walk, he thought he heard it well.

"Emperor Huangquan." Mrs. Qingshan apparently also knew about this.

Su Jin frowned, "Talk about it."

Mrs. Qingshan continued, "We don’t know the situation of the Great Emperor and the Dream Girl. It is limited to rumors. But you see, Master, the road ahead is Huangquan Road, and the famous'Naihe' is on the side of the road. There are monsters on both sides of Huangquan Road. A flower that is red like fire and dazzling crimson, that is the other bank flower. The so-called, the other bank flower blooms, the flower blooms the other bank, the flower blooms without leaves, and the leaves grow without flowers. I think about each other but can't meet each other. I heard about this flower, It was created when the emperor refused the confession of the dream girl. At that time, the dream girl already understood everything. Under all thoughts, she wanted to leave hell, but then the emperor fell, and the stubborn dream girl felt that the emperor had wronged people and was stubborn. Shouzai Naihe Bridge sells'forgetfulness tea', imagining that after ten thousand generations, the emperor will be reborn and be able to return."

"The one who sells forgotten love water, but he can't forget the love." Su Jin shook his head slowly.

He doesn't know if Meng Girl's persistence is worth it or not.

Bai Shuang also whispered: "Yes, I heard that Miss Meng drank love tea every day. I have been drinking it for many years, but she still can't forget the emperor. It shows the depth of love."

"Master, later on Huangquan Road, there must be a very powerful master to stop you, saying that there must be a'Ghost King' level existence. If the master feels weak at that time, he can raise his arms and say, "The Great Emperor 'This identity is emerging. Those evil spirits who have been tortured in **** by the millions, and the servants who believe in the Great Emperor, will definitely help their masters!" Mrs. Qingshan said, her tone was very excited.

"If you can't say Mengmeng will help you too." Baishuang trembled all over, and in terms of excitement, she was not much better than Mrs. Qingshan.

Su Jin had his own plan, but did not say anything at the moment, but accelerated his pace.

Not much time.

Huangquan Road!

With the dense appearance of gorgeous red, Su Jin saw the other shore flower for the first time. Although it was strange and beautiful, the flower was unknown. Of course, this also proves the performance of Huangquan Road. You can still leave freely in the Guimen Pass, so there is a saying of "half one foot into the Guimen Pass", but when it comes to Huangquan Road, retreat has become impossible!

Su Jin's expression was indifferent, and in front of them, a group of powerful men with a huge formation suddenly appeared, as many as dozens of people. !

"Su Jin! I didn't expect you to come here alone!" Yeyou said.

"Su Jin! Hand over the treasure! I can wait for you to make a living!" said another.

"Su Jin! The courage is commendable! But you can't be our opponent!"

"Su Jin!..."

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