My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 926: Enron return

The rain is torrential.

The wind is still blowing wildly.

The thatch on the side of the concrete road was beaten by the wind and rain and fell to the side. Even the wild trees that appeared occasionally kept shaking Xiaoman's waist, shaking back and forth.

The black night, like a terrifying behemoth, exists between heaven and earth.

A black shadow was running at a fast speed, and the cool rain had already wet Su Jin’s clothes. If he wanted to, it only takes a thought, and the rain can be evaporated in an instant, but Master Su didn’t do it. The refreshment of rain is far better than the cost of losing a life!

Recalling just now, Su Jin felt as if he was dreaming. He was so happy that he was a little lucky to have escaped this catastrophe. It is also strange to say that after leaving hell, his strange powers disappeared, and his silver eyes were also white. Because the power of blessing disappears, it disperses. Except for a slight increase in his own strength, he has not reached the fifth level of the "Dao Heart Seed Demon", but Su Jin has vaguely sensed that hurdle and entered the fifth level!

"I will come back!" Su Jin thought viciously as he ran.

For the time being, it was too terrifying to provoke the dream girl. This woman seemed to have the power to destroy the world and could not provoke. Of course, the location of the ghost gate here is already known to him. If he does not die in the future and his strength is reached, with the identity of the emperor's heir, Su Jin will definitely come to conquer the dream girl, sweep the ghost kings, and even take away 'Life and death are thin', in charge of hell!

The idea is beautiful.

The reality is cruel!

Su Jin deeply felt the lack of his own strength. Now he still has two "Ghost Buddha Bodhi" in his pocket. Although I don't know how to use it, it is still his capital. It contains unpredictable power. It may be used well in the future. Two huge boosts!

While thinking about it, Su Jin couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, and the beautiful worried face of Xia Yuyan appeared in his mind. Where did his wife go through so many winds and heavy rains? What's more, he almost died this time because of himself. Go back quickly and let her feel at ease.

Speed ​​up, speed up again!


A few minutes later, he had already left the end of the road to the Temple of the Kings of Gods. Just as Su Jin was about to rush to his home, a few humming sounds echoed clearly in his ears. He stopped and was happy immediately. No way.

Not far away, the old **** stick and Master Yi were so tired, they were holding the short whip, driving behind the two'Lucky Jinbao Pigs', and the hearse was already full of ghosts, some men and women. There are young and old women.

"Stop—" The old **** club suddenly cried out strangely, and the convoy stopped.

"Are you in a hurry?" Su Jin straightened up and dissipated the rain, calmly asked.

"All said, although you know the location of the ghost gate, you can never get in." Master Yi said.

"Really, since I didn't go in, how could Miss Xia's family be safe?" Su Jin said in a slightly proud tone.

The two old guys were silent, and their faces were very ugly when they were silent.

After a while, the old **** stick asked solemnly: "Did you really break in? Have you come out safe and sound?"

"Otherwise?" Su Jin glanced at him.

"There are a lot of masters at the Yin commander level under Yeyou Yinshuai, didn't you embarrass you?" Master Yi also felt incredible.

"Yeyou? I have killed it." Su Jin sneered.

"What! Digging grooves!" Both masters opened their small eyes.

"Who told her to provoke someone is not good? She just provokes Lao Tzu. Although their conspiracy did not succeed this time, I know there must be an instigator behind it. I can't do that. They will wait for me in the future." He let out cruel words, and then he sank and said with a deep voice, "For what I asked before, thank you two masters."

"Well, it's strange to say that when Miss Xia was dying, she woke up with dead trees and spring. We can't catch this situation." Master Yi nodded.

"It's getting late, let's go away, go back to each house, and find each mother." Su Jin didn't care to say anything to the old gods and brothers. He didn't expect that he didn't feel that he had stayed long in hell. Dawn is breaking, and it is almost dawn.

After bidding farewell to the two masters, his figure disappeared as they watched.

"Oh, what do you think, Junior Brother?" the old **** stick asked.

"I'm not optimistic, this time he escaped from the dead, but after all, he can't escape the catastrophe a few days later." Master Yi said, shaking his head.

"By then, if he comes back from life, can you bear to take him?" the old **** stick asked again.

"No way! If you don't accept it, you have to accept it!" Master Yi gritted his teeth and nodded.


Su Jin didn't know the conversation between the two masters at all, and it didn't take long before his figure appeared in the house.

Familiar living room, familiar scene.

On the sofa in the living room, Xia Honghai was already asleep. He seemed to be ten years old one night, with a lot of gray hair on his head. It can be seen how much recent events have affected him.

Su Jin didn't bother, and gently pushed aside the bedroom that belonged to him and Xia Yuyan.

Walk in quietly.

Closing the door, Su Jin turned around and found his wife's state at a glance.

My wife fell asleep. I don’t know if it’s because of worrying about him or for other reasons. The clothes are still what she wears at work, but when she lies on her side, the black skirt below the waist stretches beautifully with two delicate and perfect white legs...

Not only that, Su Jin opened his eyes wide in disbelief and stared at the special fabric in the skirt——

Official Su's heart trembled at this moment!

He walked over slowly, then stretched his claws towards Xia Yuyan!

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