My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 928: The baby feels bitter

"Sleep to sleep! Still sleeping!" Xia Yunxi gritted his teeth secretly.

Walking to the bed, Xia Yunxi looked at Su Jin and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to push him, and shouted, "Wake up, get up!"

Where will Su Jin care about her?

In other words, he didn't even know who called himself.

I just instinctively touched the place next to where there is still warmth, huh? Where is my wife?

Without finding a familiar body, Su Jin continued to fall asleep——

It was too tired. Su Jin, who had completed the task of saving his wife, hadn't found how tired he was when he came. This was the first time he had a comfortable feeling of sleeping until he woke up naturally, so everything else affected Not him.

Xia Yunxi continued to bother Su Jin, but she found that today's Big Brother Su became lazy and couldn't wake up!

At the same time, Xia Yunxi was a little anxious. Just now, her sister told her that Su Jin must be woken up. In fact, she also knew that her sister wanted Su Jin to sleep a little longer, but she had to go to work. It was impossible to do it for this guy. Are you late?

"You asked for this!"

Xia Yunxi was already angry. My sister was so sick. He didn’t even go home and didn’t even make a phone call. She didn’t have a problem with her father and sister last night. Now she still has herself in the house. With Su Jin, who can stop her from being self-willed, and Su Jin?

So, under the evil intentions, Xia Yunxi took off the sandals on his feet and suddenly opened the thin quilt on Su Jin.

Still not awake?

Xia Yunxi bit her lower lip with an unreasonable expression on her face. Soon she stepped on the bed with her foot and stood up.

After playing horse riding a few hours later, Xia Yunxi thought that this was the most likely way to wake Su Jin, so she didn’t hesitate to face Su Jin and snorted, “Don’t wake up, big lazy bug, I’ll just sit dead if I don’t wake up. you--"

Immediately, she used a three-point effort, not too big or too small, and sat directly on Su Jin's belly.

Su Jin was so annoyed that he opened a gap, and in a daze, he didn't know whether it was Xia Yunxi or his wife.

Official Su murmured, closed his eyes again, and said softly, "My wife, don't make trouble... Your posture is very dangerous. If you do it again, I must be afraid of stunning you."

Xia Yunxi opened his eyes wide.

Who is my wife?


Xia Yunxi's face was pink and looked down. Her posture was indeed a bit unsightly. She was about to retreat. When she was about to think about other ways, a big hand stretched out and she grabbed her tightly. before……

"Ah..." Under Xia Yunxi's shyness, the whole person was pulled into the bed by a majestic force, and she didn't dare to move at all.

Fortunately, Su Jin did not do any other actions.

After a few minutes, Xia Yunxi tried his best to truly withdraw.

In the room, Xia Yunxi put her hands on her waist, thinking about the awkward feeling just now. Although it was not such an embarrassing situation once, her heart was still beating at high speed.

"I'm so angry! I'm so angry!" Xia Yunxi took a deep breath, looked directly at Su Jin's face with closed eyes, and said with a small mouth, "You forced me."

A very simple turn, she turned to the kitchen, and in a short while, she took a small basin of water from the tap.

Let me serve you with water!

Xia Yunxi thought in her heart, with a nasty smell at the corner of her mouth, she walked to the bed very insidiously. She didn't plan to pour all the water on the bed, but only needed to pour some on Su Jin. This guy would definitely wake up. , Although this method is more clichéd, it is definitely a time-tested!

Just do it.

Xia Yunxi was holding the basin, and the light of not doing good in her eyes was flickering. In her heart, Su Jin had always been a tough guy, and no one was convinced, but this time—

I must suffer from the hands of the little girl.

Her movements are very light, and the water basin tilts slowly, then tilt...

Just when her trick was about to succeed, she accidentally appeared!

Su Jin supported a lazy waist, his fist hit the inclined basin.


"Ah!" Xia Yunxi's entire body was wet from the sudden situation!

At this moment, Beauty Xia suddenly wanted to cry, so she wouldn't be so bullying.

The kind of water that was shared by the heart soaked her clothes soaked, and now it was Qin Cheng's morning, she couldn't help it at all, so she shuddered and stood on the spot for a moment.

"Intentional, absolutely deliberate." Tears flickered in Xia Yunxi's eyes, already full of grievances.

Su Jin did deliberately.

The point is not that no one believes deliberately. Where is such a coincidence? Although he was still sleepy just now, how familiar is his wife's body? He put his arms in his arms, held her in front of her, and found out that it was not his wife's number!

Since then, he narrowed his eyes when Xia Yunxi hadn't noticed, and wanted to see what was going on. Who knew he saw Yun Xi rushing out the door angrily.

I wanted to stop her, but I wanted to talk to her, and immediately saw her come in with a basin of cold water——

In this way, uncle can bear it, but brother can't bear it either.

Su Jin opened his eyes and looked at Xia Yunxi in a daze, and asked pretendingly: "Oh! What's wrong with Yunxi?"

Xia Yunxi sobbed, her little mouth pouted, and it took a long time for her to be angry without looking at Su Jin, and sobbed in grievance: "The baby is bitter, but the baby doesn't say it!"

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