My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 930: Have to give me applause and scream

Su Jin's complexion remained unchanged.

I have long been used to -

Withdrawing gazes from the nervous staff and nodding their heads in response to the greetings that many people greeted him, Su Jin keenly saw that a girl did not put him in her eyes, but was carrying a bag. Walk into the building.

Girls are acquaintances.

So she dared to despise herself all the time, and Su Jin even teased her not long ago.

Su Jin's pace quickened, and when the elevator closed to the last gap, he stretched out his fingers and walked in casually.

There were about seven or eight people in the elevator, and Su Jin walked to Chen Zhiyu's side while responding to the greetings of several people.

"Why didn't you look at me just now?" Su Jin asked in a low voice.

"How dare you, you are President Su." Chen Zhiyu still didn't look at Su Jin, and her voice was deliberately lowered.

This is a public place. When someone sees the two whispering to each other, those who know will say that they are subordinates, and those who don't know think that there is something to do with the two, Chen Zhihui doesn't want others to chew their ears.

Su Jin frowned slightly, "Still angry..."

I drop a good boy——

Su Jin has been around for so long, and a woman has seen a lot of things. This woman's heart is still unpredictable. Didn't she just go to her house? As for, I have to let myself be uncontrollable and knock her to be satisfied at once?

Chen Zhiyu didn't know if he was afraid of being heard by others, or because of other reasons he couldn't tell, he was silent and did not speak. I didn't notice a detail.

Because it is relatively close to Su Jin and very concealed, this **** guy needs no trace of movement to pull down her little hand, and she has a panic expression on her face, weak mosquitoes: "What are you doing!"

Su Jin didn't make any big moves either, he just pulled it and let go. After seeing Chen Zhiyu's expression of ‘good, a touch of pride appeared on his face.

Small sample.

People who didn't dare to do without Daguan Su.

The elevator stopped for a few times, and some employees left one after another. In the end, only two people were left in the elevator. Su Jin was so proud that he broke the elevator down button, took two short steps, and returned to his expressionless face. By Chen Zhiyu.

Two seconds passed.


Su Jin's eyes turned quickly, and suddenly turned to kiss Chen Zhiyu's cheek!

Time happened too fast!

Before Chen Zhiyu could get angry, the elevator door had already opened.

"You're looking for death!" Chen Zhiyu's face flushed, looking at Su Jin's back bitterly, and cursed in a low voice.

Su Jin smiled on his face and turned around and opened his hands naturally, "I think you just ignored me because you are jealous of those female friends who worship me."

"I adore you? Am I jealous?" Chen Zhiyu immediately showed an unreasonable expression.

"No way, it's already so handsome, it's my fault." Su Jin clicked his lips, pretending to be annoyed, said: "When I emphasize myself, I must be low-key and let them not want it, but they have to give it to me. Applause and scream, blame me, and be handsome..."

Oh! Oh my God……

Chen Zhiyu touched her forehead, then looked up at Su Jin, raising her tone of voice: "Big Brother! Please, don't stop the medicine!"

After finishing talking, she stomped her feet and walked into an office without looking back. Su Jin was ridiculed by laughter. This old girl is the one who shares her life and death. If she is replaced by someone else, It's strange to see him pretending to be paralyzed and not having to slap him over.

Su Jin retracted his thoughts, walked to the door of his wife's office, and knocked three times.

At the same time that he was allowed to enter, Su Jin unscrewed the door handle and walked in swaggeringly.

At this time, Xia Yuyan was holding half-hot coffee in one hand, placing the other hand on his elbow, and facing Su Jin, silently staring out the window and looking at the scenery.

"Sorry, I went to the wrong room." Su Jin turned around with his pants pocket in his pocket.

"Stop." Xia Yuyan turned her head, Shi Shiran put the coffee cup on the desk, and said: "Don't pretend, you didn't go wrong at all."

In her opinion, Su Jin was obviously deliberate.

Su Jin just turned around, and put the blue-ray glasses on the bridge of his nose in disbelief, lowered his head to reveal two round eyes, looked directly at Xia Yuyan and said blankly: "Wife, you are... very different today— —"

Where is it different?

Su Jin seemed to feel that the dress of his wife today is the most suitable for her!

In the past, he tried every means to make Xia Yuyan wear more clothes. But the temperament of the person determines everything. A woman with a temperament like a wife is definitely not going to make waves.

Only the woman who is surging, wears more clothes, has the most flavor.

And today?

Xia Yuyan was obviously well-dressed. The beige knitted sweater is very fine. When worn on her body, it is matched with the snow-white complexion, and it can even make people clearly see every detail on the sweater. Fluff.

In addition, it doesn’t stop there. The brown skirt on the waist also gives people a very intuitive and neat feeling. If the previous sister Xia Yuyan is compared to the little girl next door, then the wife is definitely a master of wisdom. The goddess of the royal sister!

"It's nothing different--" Xia Yuyan saw Su Jin saying so, and there were two tinges of red on her cheeks, and then she said in a gentle voice that she had never seen before: "Don't look, come here."

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