My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 935: Not only beat you, but also scolded you

Su Jin:...

Cai Junya and everyone:...

This place is very talented, so shameless words can be said?

It is really compelling.

Even Cai Junya, who is a host major and lives by a small mouth, did not react for a while. She didn't even know how to respond to what he said. She was really brazen to the extreme!

"You go away..." Cai Junya was a lazy person, and a stalwart figure appeared in her heart at this time...

That stinky man who made her almost wait until dark last night, and there was no news about the pigeons!

"Sister, your voice is a bit against the sky." The young man's face was full of intoxicated expressions, "The person is beautiful, the voice is nice, and the key is that it is a little bit pungent, I really like it! I has it again Pursue it!"

"Can't you go away?" Cai Junya said in disgust. At the same time as she said, her eyes began to scan the things placed in front of the dressing table. It seemed that there was no good thing to throw away.

"Don't be angry, so-called fair ladies, gentlemen are so funny. Beauties, let's make an appointment at night?" the young man said with a smile.

The voice was not lowered, and everyone else heard it. Although this kind of thing is not so unusual, it is so bold that most people in the dressing room have seen it for the first time.

As if he had noticed that he was too direct, the young man hurriedly said before Cai Junya scolded: "First introduce myself. My name is Ma Lianpeng. I am 23 years old this year. The director here is my uncle. I see you work. A serious attitude and a nice person. I will tell my uncle the next day, how about giving you a salary increase?"

His words just fell.

A faint voice appeared from the door.

"Can you tell Hu Liming that he can freely process salary for employees?"

Su Jin is on the stage with a pocket in his pocket!

In fact, people have seen Su Jin's existence long ago. Several guest hosts from outside stations have not seen him, but judging from the slight self-confidence on his face, and his aura of grandeur, most of them feel that he is not a simple character. .

Ma Lianpeng saw that his soaking sister was disturbed. He raised his head and followed the voice and looked over. He happened to see a young man who was about his age, and he was the one who was talking. He immediately said arrogantly and disdainfully: "Who are you? My uncle It’s the director of the station, the biggest here. Isn’t it a matter of a sentence whether to increase or not?

Su Jin smiled.

He had this attitude of the other party before, and he was still a bit too immature, relying on his own relationship, and dare to say so directly in the workplace.

"Then, did your uncle tell you that he is also a part-time worker?" Su Jin's expression remained unchanged, and he did not look at Ma Lianpeng, but instead looked at Cai Junya.

At the first contact with Cai Junya, this girl had a hint of joy in her eyes, but it was only a momentary matter, and then she turned her head and did not look at Su Jin again.

Su Jin was speechless.

Really angry this girl.

Ma Lianpeng feels that Su Jin's tone is a bit loud now, the director of the TV station does not even have the right to process capital? Isn't this nonsense, and even if the director is also a part-time job, what's the matter with the president of the other person who also works part-time, but can you say that there is no right to process capital?

"You are a little bit arrogant, I remind you again, my uncle is at the highest level here, who are you special? The staff? Looks like it, no matter how much you talk, just roll your bed and **** off!" Ma Lianpeng is already angry. .

Su Jin clicked his mouth and strode up.

Ma Lianpeng felt a bit fierce, and immediately blushed and said, "What do you want to do!"

"Lao Tzu said: At the beginning of man, x is good! When he grows up, he must do it!" Su Jin was expressionless, raised his hand and slapped his hand so fast that Ma Lianpeng didn't even react, and was taken by Su Da The young master slapped the slap on the wall.

Full, two or three meters away! Moreover, the movement was very loud, including Cai Junya who was shocked and looked at Su Jin blankly.

", dare you hit me!" Ma Lianpeng felt his bones all scattered, and he grinned in pain, but he still roared and angered Su Jin.

Su Jin said calmly: "Not only will I beat you, I will scold you. I'm not convinced? Your mother...your mother was born in the graveyard, right? The day you were born, let the coffin lid give your brain Is it right? And your father is dim-eyed, he poured you together with the bath water when bathing you, and left your diapers to grow up. As a result, your head is filled with water right now, right? ?"


Someone could not help laughing.

Cai Junya couldn't help but sketched a smile, she didn't even know how she knew someone like Su Jin! Ma Lianpeng is already very cheap, she thinks... Su Jin is even more...

Ma Lianpeng was originally beaten up, and his whole body hurts to death. After Su Jin's continuous cursing, not to say silly, it is almost the same, only pointing his finger at Su Jin, and his whole body is shaking. ,"you you……"

Su Jin rolled up his sleeves and was about to scold him to death again. Outside the door, Hu Liming wiped his cold sweat and walked in.

Before Hu Liming could speak.

Ma Lianpeng burst into tears immediately, and climbed up to Hu Liming with a flop, and said tragically, "Uncle! You, the employee who committed the crime, not only scolded me, but also beat me. You are about to beat me to death. Such a nephew, I want to call the shots for me... Open him! Fire him!"

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