My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 942: This man is the devil!

Zhiman Company.

When Su Jin got out of the car, he couldn't help but looked at him coldly.

The "Sky Flag" company, one of the world's top 500 companies, is a big battle!

Dozens of brand-name supercars are lined up in two lines, lined up on both sides of the road, which is really eye-catching. In addition, there are many black-clothed bodyguards wearing sunglasses in and outside the Zhiman company.

Su Jin has never seen such a high-profile battle before, is he showing off his wealth?

As the future leader of Longya, the current young master, Su Jin has not counseled anyone! And even less accustomed to others pretending to be paralyzed in front of yourself!

Soon, Su Jin walked into the door of the ‘Zhiman’ company, his face was calm, and at this time, many black-clothed bodyguards were watching.

There is no other way, Su Jin's vigorous aura has shocked many people, and that kind of aura makes people look at it, and it can produce a very hungry feeling in the heart of Young Master Su. No matter where he is, Su Jin has always been so concerned, and has never been surpassed!

Su Jin stopped in front of the company's inner door. He knew very well that this was the site of the Xia Group, not the property of the so-called "Tianqi" company. These bodyguards did not have the right to stop him.

But Su Jin has something to ask and has something to do.

Su Jin looked at the two bodyguards in black and asked, "Just ask something, is your young master in there?"

"Who are you!" At the moment, a bodyguard stood up and watched Su Jin vigilantly.

"Who am I, I don't know." Su Jin looked up and thought for a while, and said lightly: "But today is a good day to see the red, which makes me feel a little bad."

"You, you are here to make trouble!" The black bodyguard couldn't help but put his hand on his waist and shouted: "Since you know our young master is inside, you must be malicious!"

"That's right." Su Jin said with a smile, then turned his head slightly, and saw more than twenty people slowly approaching him.

"I can't help myself! I'll give you a chance to get out of here!" The black bodyguard said again.

"Oh? It only takes three seconds to solve you." Su Jin was amused by this threat.

More than two dozen people have surrounded him in groups, but unfortunately, the crowd tactics are useless for Young Master Su. On the contrary, it will save him some time when solving it!

"It's just looking for death! Come on! Get him up for me!" The black bodyguard who was communicating with Su Jin was also very angry, let alone China Qincheng, even in other places abroad, the young master also took them with them. Having done many things, which foreign government didn't turn a blind eye to them? No matter where it is, who has heard of their young master's name, not respectful?

It can be said that they can run rampantly here, and no one is afraid!

Su Jin's upturned mouth, with a cruel taste, swayed his right shoulder on the spot——

Whoosh whoosh!

The afterimages are so fast that people can't react at all!

The bodyguards stood on the spot, with no targets, and their eyes were confused. When Su Jin reappeared in front of them, almost everyone's complexion changed.

They felt a little pain in their necks, although the pain was not very severe, but after touching them with their hands, the blood stained on their hands appeared in their vision.

Poor, more than twenty bodyguards, they all went backwards a few steps! It’s okay if it doesn’t go backwards, some people fall directly to the ground as soon as they go backwards, and among those who haven’t fallen, their pants have fallen!

"I'm so bad, and still be a bodyguard?" Su Jin still stood there, as if he hadn't moved. He didn't blush, breathlessly sneered: "Idiot, just go home and pick dung! "

No one dares to say even a word at this moment.

These bodyguards are very clear, the strength gap is too big! Just now, Su Jin shot more than twenty people in just a few seconds, and each of them cost two dollars! The injured are in the same position! You must know that if Young Master Su wanted to kill them, the strength on his neck would be greater, and there would be no one standing around!

Su Jin carried'Li Ying', glanced at the black bodyguard who had been talking to him before, smiled disdainfully, and walked into the company of'Zhiman' swaggeringly.

"Did you see clearly just now..." A bodyguard seemed to have seen a ghost, with fear in his tone, and his body was trembling.

"No, too soon!" The other bodyguard sat on the ground, already frightened to the ground.

"This person is a devil! I haven't seen any tricks he used, and my pants fell out..." There was also a bodyguard, who swallowed hard and sweated in fright.

"No! He took the knife and went to the young master!" someone exclaimed.


Su Jin squinted his eyes, and soon came to the floor where Xia Yunxi was located, but in the corridor, in front of Xia Yunxi's office, several people appeared to make his eyes narrow.

Step by step, Su Jin walked over.

In the ear, Xia Yunxi locked himself in the room and kept humming in it.

"My Big Brother Su is coming, he is very powerful, go away!"

"Who wants to marry you! Dad talked about him, let him marry, anyway I won't marry!"

"I have someone I like!"

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