My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 945: I'm an actor!

The poor two bodyguards can only bite the bullet and stop Su Jin.

The miserable situation of the colleagues, they have completely seen, but the bodyguard is a desperate job, they can't help but listen!

Both bodyguards were very cautious. Su Jin stayed there for a while, and the strong pressure made the other party silent. One of them couldn't help but raises his fist and wanted to hit Master Su!

Without the slightest routine, just go straight back and forth!

But is this useful for eggs?

Su Jin raised a kick and kicked the person's stomach. In the screams, the other party fell more than ten meters away, and no longer had the strength to get up!

Four of the five bodyguards have lost their combat effectiveness!

"One person is enough." Su Jin's mouth turned upwards, looking at the only bodyguard left in front of him.

He remembered correctly, and he kept this person on purpose. It was this person who suggested that Ye Hanyu hit him with five people. What does IQ say? Time to recharge——

The only bodyguard left was frowned upon by Su Jin's weird smile, and the expression on his face was uglier than crying!

"Let me ask you, my young master, which is the most handsome?" Su Jin asked with a smile on his face.

"My family, uh, are very handsome!" Originally, the bodyguard wanted to say that Ye Hanyu was here. After all, he was eating under his hands. But thinking of Su Jin's horror, his inner fear still prevailed, and he immediately changed his mouth.

"I think I am witty." Su Jin's figure shook, and his face flashed in front of this person with a chill, and punched him in the abdomen.

Immediately after the opponent hit the wall, Su Jin called out again and raised his hand...

"Liying" now!


The shoulder blades of this bodyguard were pierced by Li Ying, and the body was firmly nailed to the wall!

Xia Yunxi covered her small mouth and looked at Su Jin in disbelief. Is this still the brother Su who usually pretends to be handsome? She was very scared when she saw it, and at the same time, she thought in her heart that maybe Big Brother Su was too angry, so she slapped a lot!

"One more question, who is the most handsome!" Su Jin strangled the bodyguard's neck, his eyes were cold.

"You, you are the most handsome--" This bodyguard has already understood what pain is! The pain is no less than the soul being stripped out of the body, no less than any hardship and pain!

Su Jin's complexion suddenly relaxed, and he said with a chucking mouth: "If you tell this fact earlier, won't you suffer less?"

He seemed to have done a trivial thing, raised his hand to pull out Liying, ignoring the pain of the other party, and then without looking at the person, he aimed at Ye Hanyu who was trembling in the corner.

"Misunderstanding, brother, everything is a misunderstanding!" Ye Hanyu raised his hands, his legs trembled like chaff, and said first with an ugly face.

"What are you! Do you dare to **** Lao Tzu's woman? Lao Tzu thinks about it, it's better to keep a memorial for you." Su Jin fell into deep thought and slowly said.

"Don't, it's not good to fight, kill, and kill. I came to make friends. I didn't know that Xia Yunxi had a boyfriend. I was reasonable. She was yours!" Ye Hanyu was afraid that Su Jin would hurt him. He wanted to know his life. But it's much more important than a woman. If the beauty is gone, you can look for it again. If your life is gone, there is nothing!

Su Jin tilted his head and his eyes flickered, "But...I haven't completed the number of hits today."

"I'm an actor!" Ye Hanyu's eyes were bright, and he raised his hands and nodded and trot over. He smiled like a little brother, and said, "You can just tap it."


Su Jin is really speechless, this is the new generation of masters? Why do you feel amused instantly?

"Then play it lightly?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and hesitated.


"Did I go to you!" Su Jin shot directly and slapped it, but when the palm was close to Ye Hanyu's face, he paused for a while, then slapped twice, and motioned: "Go away, know What did the parents say when I met?"

"I don't deserve Miss Xia!" Ye Hanyu immediately became serious.

"But it's not very convincing--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Ms. Xia and I have inappropriate personalities!"

"It's about the same."

Su Jin was quite satisfied with this statement. Ye Hanyu was not a fool either, he knew how to advance and retreat. If he were replaced by Master Su, it would certainly not be the case.

After all, look down at courage and look up at strength!

Ye Hanyu finally relieved his heart. After a while, he endured anxiety and asked: "Brother Su Jin, have you been to the United States not long ago? You also participated in the Creighton Auto Show?"

"Yes, you were there at the time?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

"I was wrong, it was so wrong, it's the little brother who has eyes but no knowledge of Mount Tai!" Ye Hanyu arched his hands to Su Jin, with a look of self-blame, "Big brother can be regarded as the highest guest of honor by the Pinot family that belongs to the'Sicilian Mafia' ,I am ashamed."

"Uh-" Su Jin was knelt and licked by Ye Hanyu for a while, and felt very uncomfortable. After all, how could he be a young master of one of the world's top 500 companies, a little stubborn?

"Big brother, we don't know each other if we don't fight, are we free now? How about going out for a few drinks?" Ye Hanyu invited with expectant expression.

"I'll be free for a while." Su Jin squinted at Ye Hanyu, with a strange expression, Xia Yunxi smiled secretly.

"Hao Le! Little brother is waiting for you outside the door!" Ye Hanyu smiled, and then looked at Xia Yunxi who was hiding behind Su Jin. He didn't dare to think about anything anymore, and said, "Sister-in-law! Just now! How offended."


Who is my sister-in-law?

Xia Yunxi clutched his face, shy. When Ye Hanyu yelled out these two words, a very wonderful feeling came into his heart.

What a pity, if it is really good?

Ye Hanyu kicked a few bodyguards up and walked out of the "Zhiman" company.

Su Jin turned around, entered Xia Yunxi's office, turned his back to the door, and closed the door.

After looking at each other with Sister Xia, Su Jin couldn't help it anymore, acting fiercely like a wolf——


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