My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 956: Hang as a dog

Su Jin faintly watched the unstoppable Hulu Mu tie dragging the giant sword towards him, but before the body arrived, the wolf soul jumped sharply!

Roar and roar!

Su Jin's eyes are now calm as water, suddenly!

The ferocious wolf soul burst and bit, Su Jin just gently waved his right hand slowly.

Originally, this seemingly flirty palm, hitting the wolf's head at this time, it hit the wolf soul directly back into the snore wood tie!

Then the scarlet Yinyu and Yangyu were kneaded by Su Jin and gently patted out. The surrounding Yin and Yang fish's position unexpectedly expanded more than doubled again, and the snoring wood knot was trapped in it in an instant.

Su Jin is now a Tai Chi master!

He waved his hand, his figure was extremely fast, appeared beside the knotted Hulumu, and pulled it over!

Soft as catkins, steel also seems to be just as rigid!

"Pop!" Hulu Mu knotty hadn't figured out why Su Jin disappeared in front of him. When he reacted, he received a heavy blow to his face. This palm was so cruel that he almost didn't beat him into a tadpole state!

Almost in just two or three seconds, his face swelled up!

But this is not over at all!

Su Jin's heart is cruel, and his heart is in Lao Tzu's territory, you are dragging me with Lao Tzu!

I don’t care whether I’m practicing Tai Chi or not, I don’t use any fancy movements anymore. I can use my legs if I can use my legs, and those who can use my hands are also merciless in my hands.



A scream accompanied by the sound of slaps and slaps again and again, made Wei Ya and the others who were watching the game look scared. Who could have thought that the originally confident and unbeatable Hulu knot...

Was hung and beaten into a dog in a blink of an eye?

In less than ten seconds, Su Jin had already slammed nearly a hundred punches, all greeted Hulumu Zhajie! When he stopped, the yin fish and yang fish all over his body had disappeared, but he still raised his foot...

"Wait!" Wei Ya swallowed, with a begging gaze in her eyes, and said: "Can you...don't let him go?"

You know that Hulu Muzhajie is the son of the general! His own strength is also very useful for the West Jue Nation, if it is abolished, Wei Ya's trouble will not be less!

Su Jin's face rose with a smile, but the smile disappeared immediately, and he stepped on the Hulumu knotted leg indifferently! Just... I won't give you Princess Via's face!

Click ——

A sound of broken bones clearly appeared in the ears of everyone, and everyone who heard it turned pale.


It's too cruel!

"I, Su Jin...have never been afraid of anyone. It has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with you!" Su Jin said coldly, "I don't care what general's son he is. I don’t want you to get into trouble. When that happens, you just need to set yourself aside and tell his family that you have the courage to send a master to come to Qincheng to kill me!"

As soon as this statement came out, the full of domineering and leaky temperament broke out in everyone's hearts!

Wei Ya couldn't help but smile, and she didn't know what to say about Su Jin, but the blame was Hulumu **** too arrogant! Originally, he would not bring him on this trip. It was he himself who asked to come. Now he was beaten with half-stuck, who can he blame!

Dong Xiuzhu immediately stood up, looked at the female secretary next to her, motioned and said: "Make a call and get to the doctor!"


After clearing the snoring knot, Su Jin clapped his hands, Ye Hanyu trot to keep up, and went into the office room of the city government with Wei Ya.

"Boss, I'm aiming at you, I can't express my admiration for you with five-body throws!" Ye Hanyu whispered a thumbs up to Su Jin, and at the same time laughed out: "It seems strong It's the kingly way, I get it!"

"You're wrong, I'm walking the way of others." Su Jin sat down from the state of holding hands, and saw Dong Xiuzhu order someone to make tea, and said flatly to Ye Hanyu.

"Follow someone else's path?" Ye Hanyu asked in confusion.

"Only by walking the way of others, can you make others desperate. If you don't be cruel, how can you become a hero?" Su Jin glanced at him. People abuse them..."

"Yes, I can't learn your routine. In the future, I will bring as few bodyguards as possible and choose some powerful thugs to follow." Ye Hanyu smiled.

What can Su Jin say to Ye Hanyu?

The fragrant tea was quickly brewed, and Su Jin said to Dong Xiuzhu: "Sister Dong, you all go out. I want to chat with Princess Via alone——"

"Yes." Dong Xiuzhu thinks about it, it's better for them to solve their problems by themselves, and outsiders can't get in.

Ye Hanyu immediately mysteriously took out a small bottle from his jacket pocket, handed it to Su Jin's hand, and whispered: "Boss, I'm waiting for you outside. This is'Qingtian does not pour a pill', which is expensive. , The effect is super strong, I will leave it all for you."

"Fuck you!"

If Ye Hanyu hadn't jumped away, Su Jin would definitely kick him to death. A strong man like Lao Tzu needs this stuff?

Soon there were two people left in the room, Su Jin and Wei Ya, and the atmosphere became very subtle. Due to avoiding suspicion, Wei Ya chose the seat opposite to Su Jin, and now he was embarrassed by Master Su.

"Weiya, come here." Su Jin raised his hand and said to Weiya.

Wei Ya hesitated, but got up—

When he slowly approached Su Jin's body, he was suddenly caught by Su Jin!

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