My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 978: Are you afraid of spicy chicken

In front of the bathroom.

Xia Yuyan showed a satisfied expression.

She wore a blue-purple village girl's shirt on the upper body, and a pair of old gray loose trousers on the lower body, with the trouser legs to the heels. I also wore a pair of the most common embroidered shoes on my little feet. The embroideries on the shoes were of the colorful kind, which was quite fitting.

Talking about wisdom with Su Jin, Xia Yuyan did not give too much choice. After putting on this dress, she braided her slender black hair into two two-finger-wide braids and placed them on the blue-purple cloth bulge in front of her. , Coupled with the snow-like skin and the stunning face that appeared everywhere in her——


Although he really became a village girl through and through! But it is the most dazzling existence among the village girls!

"This girl, how old are you?" Su Jin secretly called out, his face reacted, and asked solemnly.

"Fifteen, does it look like?" Xia Yuyan's big eyes were smiling, and the fingers of her right hand picked up the braid under the right button and gently rounded her fingers.

"It's only one year older than jail, girl, are you suggesting something to me?" Su Jin narrowed his eyes and said in a bad tone: "Are you going to make an appointment?"

Xia Yuyan hurriedly raised her hands, opened her big pure eyes, and waved her hands again and again and said: "No appointment! Uncle, I won't make an appointment!"


Su Jin already smiled.

He found that in this situation, it was really difficult for his wife to give her a problem. How could he think that it cost less than 100 yuan to go up and down, a piece of clothes plus the inner and clothes of shoes, and she could still Out of such a beautiful and pure temperament.

Think about it too, beautiful people, look good in everything!

"Hey." Xia Yuyan walked over, her face no longer meant to joke with him, she sat beside Su Jin, crossed her thin waist, and asked: "How much is my shirt? "

"25 yuan."

"Where are the pants?"

"Pants are cheaper, 20 yuan."

"What about shoes—"

"Shoes are nine dollars and five..."


After torturing Su Jin, Xia Yuyan really couldn’t say anything good about Su Jin. Even if she bought an ordinary black dress, it looked better than these pants, so she couldn’t go out to meet people. , There are such shoes, she also really wears them.

"You bad guy." Xia Yuyan sighed deeply, glaringly round and round.

"Stigmatize me." Su Jin leaned on the sofa, looked intently, and then said softly: "I only know that I used to aspire to be a fun person."

Xia Yuyan wanted to say a few more words about him, but at this time there was a loud noise downstairs.

"Is there a fight now?" Xia Yuyan was slightly moved, and then said: "Don't go!"

Su Jin stood up, opened the floor-to-ceiling curtain, and glanced at the door downstairs.

I saw a luxury car parked at the door, and the figure that appeared in front of the car door was an acquaintance... and he hadn't seen him today... Boss Hua Qinghua.

It seems that the flower boss at this time is very angry, shouldn't the old man just stop at the door?

"I didn't fight, I'm an acquaintance. I'll bring some red wine over, don't go out." Su Jin held his pocket, exhorted Xia Yuyan, and turned and walked out of the room.

In this case, what can Miss Xia do if he knows that Su Jin can't be helped? Alas, distress—

Su Jin went downstairs unhurriedly.

As soon as she walked down the last step, she heard Hua Qing's angry yelling, "Garbage! Men are garbage! I am mad at me!"

"Sister Hua, I don't agree with that..."

Su Jin's complexion was indifferent, Gu Jing Wubo in his eyes, turned to face Hua Qing and said.

Seeing that it is Su Jin, Hua Qing's face is a little better, "Brother Su, why are you here today? Are my waiters considerate?"

"You drink a little too much." Su Jin smelled a strong scent of alcohol far away. He couldn't help but frown, and asked: "Who dares to offend you?"

"A man in a hat relies on such a little power." Hua Qing blinked dimly, "Want to bully me, my old lady has a pig knife in her left hand and a pig knife in her right hand! Kill him!"

"The official?" Su Jin subconsciously said.

"Yeah, it's a stinky man!" Hua Qing squatted her lips, watching Su Jin aggressively, and then said: "My old lady dare to poke herself. Are you scared?"

I even dared to poke myself——

"I'm so scared...Looking at ancient and modern times, it's better for you to hang around." Su Jin covered his eyes with one hand. After saying this, he glanced at some other waitresses who couldn't help but laugh.

To be honest, when Su Jin heard this sentence, although Su Jin was not the person Hua Qing, he also felt...very embarrassing, how much did Hua Qing drank after riding a horse.

"Brother Su." Hua Qingzui smiled and got up, staggered to Su Jin's side, leaning on Young Master Su, and didn't care about the eyes of other waiters, using the very peaked World Cup in front of her. 'Constantly rubbing against Su Jin, muttering in his mouth: "I want to do something happy with you tonight, okay..."

Su Jin:...

"It's not easy to be drunk." Su Jin said, welcoming the beautiful eyes full of lustre.

"You don't think Sister is clean--" Hua Qing burst into trouble, tears streaming down her eyes, and began to sob, "Really, Sister doesn't have a man..."

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