My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 981: Cracked

"When did you find that the second was missing?" Su Jin asked immediately.

"Ten minutes ago!" Gu Shan said in a panic: "Uncle Tong heard the movement at the time. It seemed that a woman confused Miao Ke's sister with her voice. For example, words like'Three Button Parents' should be when she knocked Uncle Tong. I was taken away afterwards!"

Su Jin felt tight.

"Where are you now? Don't hang up, I'll rush over now!" Su Jin left immediately, not far from Gu Shan's home, he could be there in a while.

"Uncle Tong fainted just now. I called someone to call the police. Maybe you can find her right away. Don't worry, the boss." Gu Shan said with a throat, because there were villagers looking for people around. , A bit noisy, all his neighbors were dispatched, even his second uncle's family did not dare to neglect.

"There is a fart to call the police!" Su Jin was still converging with Gu Shan.

In less than a minute, Gu Shan exclaimed again: "Boss, just got the news, the granddaughter of the village head Liu Da's family is gone! There are also neighboring villages..."


Su Jin didn't know why, but there was an unknown feeling of dark clouds covering his head. During the meeting with Gu Shan, four girls were known to be missing. If they were not found as soon as possible, the consequences would be very serious.

At this moment, there were waves of fluctuations in the palm of the palm, and the soul of the Nine Dragon Umbrella suddenly spoke and said, "Go to the place where I was before."

"Huh?" Su Jin stopped suddenly, "Why?"

The soul of the Nine Dragon Umbrella seemed to be caught in the memory, "This seems to be related to the emperor. At the beginning, the emperor used great means to bury me there, and he said that he fished a fish in the "Chilan Sea". Daoqi’s golden dragon, let me absorb the soul of the golden dragon there."

"Then what?" Su Jin frowned tightly.

"The soul of the golden dragon is quite rare, not to mention the golden dragon in the'wangdao period' period. It is really rare in the world. I saw the golden dragon at that time and couldn't be happy by myself. I didn't even consider whether the emperor lied to me. After ingesting the Soul of the Golden Dragon, I can't remember anything. I didn't wake up from a deep sleep until recently. Presumably, this was the effect of the Great Emperor's suppression with his own Great Origin." Silent Dragon Umbrella Road.

"Speaking of the important point, I don't have time to listen to your comparisons." Su Jin felt that it was imperative, and he also secretly said in his heart, it is no wonder that there is the emergence of the'Golden Dragon's Head Up' mineral vein and the suppression of the Great Origin.

"Perhaps it was not the'Golden Dragon Raising Head' that was suppressed by the origin of the Great Emperor, nor was it me, but the suppression of the great secret below!" The Dragon Umbrella of the Nineteenth Annihilation said: "The origin of the Great has been obtained by you, which made me wake up, and now I recognize you again. Lord, taken away by you, and the secret below, I am afraid that people have already been thinking about it..."

Could it be that this interlocking means of the Great Emperor is sealing something?

Su Jin couldn't figure out what was the important thing that could be suppressed by the emperor with his own source and the treasure of "Nine-Dragon Umbrella"?

"Go!" Su Jin rushed towards the place where the umbrella was buried in the afternoon.

Shortly after.

The mountain wind blows.

Reptiles, crickets, and frogs croak in bursts.

"Open the sky!" Su Jin let out a low voice, and wiped his forehead with **** together.

What Su Jin saw in his eyes was another scene from the daytime scene. After seeing this scene, he had only one thought! There really is a problem!

Not far away, because Su Jin used the Dragon Umbrella during the day, a mountain has been leveled. At this moment, above the flat terrain, people have erected five colorful altars, which are arranged in five rows. Half a foot high, and above four of them, four expressionless girls sat!

One of them, who is not Tong Miaoke! !

"Don't act rashly. There is still one person missing from the altar. Judging from the formation pattern under the altar, it should be an evil way. Perhaps it leads to a mysterious place below, or... the person who captured several women wants to use it. Five young girls offered sacrifices and released some otherworldly evil spirits." Ji Mie Long Umbrella was communicating with Su Jin.

"Is there really another world?" Su Jin didn't believe it.

"Absolutely. At present, our world is the Great World of China. Emperor Huangquan is the lord of the Great World of China. He is known as the one emperor. He has built **** with one hand and controls all life and death! Besides, the closest thing to the Great World of China is the Holy Realm, as for the others... the memory is too long, oh... there are some microscopic small worlds, some of these small worlds are as small as a city, and there are many large ones, you just have too little knowledge." Ji Mie Long San said.

"What should I do now?" Su Jin couldn't make up his mind.


"The sacrifice you just mentioned, would they die if they didn't save them?"

"Yes, no matter whether the sacrifice is successful or not, they will die. There is still time, and the sacrifice hasn't started. If it's not very good, it is not very good for the people who control them." Long Umbrella responded.

"Then you can only wait." Su Jin now holds the two treasures of Emperor Huangquan. Although he can't perform perfectly, even if he can only display one billionth of a trillion, he has the confidence to fight the opponent.

"Come!" Su Jin was hiding in the dark, and from a distance he saw an old grandmother bending over, with a peculiar wooden stick in her hand, walking step by step, not slow.

Behind her, followed by a woman, after seeing this girl, Su Jin suddenly started to crack!

totally unexpected!


It's Xia Yuyan!

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