My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 983: Is it the only way to do this

Su Jin's feeling this time is different from before.

With just a little strength yesterday, Su Jin easily razed the mountain to the ground. Now, under his full urging, his body rises from the soles of his feet with an indestructible force, and if there is an outsider, you can see a black dragon from He faintly rose from inside to outside.

"This is... the power of the Dragon Umbrella of Nirvana!" The old woman spoke of fear without concealment, "How could you use it so quickly!"

"Suffer to death!" Su Jin roared wildly, his whole body was already extremely cheerful, and he even had a sense of arrogance to calm the world now.


The black dragon is not the right way, but in the end it is also a dragon. Dark clouds billowed from within a radius of a radius. Thunder and lightning flashed across the horizon. Every time it was lit, it flashed white in this ordinary town.

Unwilling to respond to the violent storm and rain, he kept slapping the bean-like rain on the ground, Su Jin's index finger was varicose, ten small black umbrellas shot out, and he directly slapped'run soil','soft gold', and'heavy water'. The three chubby evildoers turned into a sieve.

Instantly explode!

"Suffer..." The old woman's face changed suddenly, and then she stretched out her hand, pointed at Su Jincang and said, "Xiu base, Jiu Zhong Shui!"

Immediately, a white wall of water appeared, separating the two.

Water is soft!

Su Jin repeatedly bombarded with the tried-and-tested little black umbrella, but to no avail, every time he hits it, it is like throwing a stone into it, and it disappears after ripples.

Not only that, the dead crow cuts with feather blades, and it can't break at all. Even the white bear, who is several feet tall, slams with his fist and collides with his body!

Just as Su Jin was anxious, a situation that immediately appeared made him even more angry.

I saw a transparent blister, enveloping Xia Yuyan not far away. Before Su Jin could come and make a move, he watched his wife float into the wall of water and placed it on the glazed altar that belongs to water. on!

"What about the descendants of the Great Emperor? It's not the Great Emperor." The old woman hummed a weird smile, pointed to the dazed Xia Yuyan at the altar mountain, and said to Su Jin: "This woman, is it your wife?" "

"Yes! Let go of her!" Su Jin said coldly with a cold light in his eyes.

If the eyes can kill, I am afraid that this old woman has already died thousands of times!

"It's so beautiful, even I can't match it." The old woman took a deep breath, and then said to herself: "Xiu base, Mu Fengchun."

After talking about "Mu Fengchun", the old woman turned white hair into black, and her skinny figure began to be full of elasticity. A burst of snow-white skin appeared, and it turned into a twenty in a short period of time. Couple of beautiful women.

Seeing the terrifying towering peak in front of her, Su Jin was stunned.

The difference between this look and the previous one is too big!

"The emperor was killed by his beloved, you, as a descendant of the emperor, a useless person, will immediately see your beautiful and flowery wife, eaten by Lord Tianyao, think about it... it's really interesting." Beauty, with a playful expression.


Just eat it?

"You... are looking for death!" Su Jin clenched his fists, his black hair instantly turned white! His head raised proudly, opened his eyes, and his silver pupils let out two ray of light!

Su Jin dropped his voice, raised his hand, and gently placed his palm on the water wall of ‘Ninefold Water’.


From the inside out, the water wall collapsed!

"Interesting." The enchanting and plump beauty said again: "It broke my'Ninefold Water'."

Seeing Su Jin walking step by step, he said nothing.

The plump beauty raised her hand and said softly: "Five elements!"

On the five glazed altars, there were several mysterious waves, and then a transparent big round cover covered the five altars, including the plump beauty transformed by the old woman.

"Little devil, you try again..." The plump beauty provoked Su Jin with a proud tone.

Su Jin hadn't heard of it, and the horrible fluctuations made him only Xia Yuyan in his eyes. When he was close to the Five Elements prohibition, he shot out again.

It's useless!

Su Jin tried his best to shake the five glazed altars!

"There..." The enchanting beauty suddenly raised her head, staring directly at the direction of the town with big eyes, and found a strong wave.


A bull cry changed the plump and beautiful face.

In the blink of an eye, a cyan cow shadow the size of a mountain appeared, with two sharp horns pointing downwards, which happened to be on top of the cover made by the five elements prohibition!

Great earthquake trembled!

"Impossible!" The enchanting beauty exclaimed, but seeing the place where the two horns were immersed, the entire transparent cover was undergoing strange changes.

A faintly traceable sound of fragmentation appeared in the ears of the enchanting lady. She immediately refused to delay any more. She fell to her knees and sang loudly in her small mouth: "Ancient Master Tianyao, please accept your servant as the most Pious dedication, come back from the tragic "Hell of Disaster" and bring eternal light back to the world—"

Su Jin stayed.

There was a trace of struggle, a wave of weakness, and a wave of anger in my heart!

Two lines of tears came out of the corner of my eyes!

The sacrifice has begun!

Could it be that this can only be done.

that's it.

Watching helplessly.

Watching his wife die! ! !

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